Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]

in #gaming7 years ago

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online

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Hallo Steemians gamers dimanapun berada. Di hampir akhir minggu ini saya akan berbagi informasi mengenai updgrade job dari job dasar warrior untuk bangsa accretia di dalam game Rising Force Online. Updgrade job di semua bangsa dapat dilakukan saat berada di level 30 dan 40 jadi kamu dapat mengupgrade job sebanyak 2 kali.

Di bangsa accretia sendiri terdapat 2 job updgrade yang dapat diambil pada level 30 dan 3 job upgrade pada saat level 40. Pastinya di setiap updgrade akan terdapat skill yang mendukung kemampuan, Sehingga membuat dirimu akan jauh lebih kuat dan jauh lebih hebat dibanding level sebelumnya.

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Oke tidak usah berlama-lama steemians gamers. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai kemampuan special dari ketiga bangsa di jagat Novus berikut penjelasannya, untuk yang pertama untuk upgrade job level 30 untuk warrior:

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yang pertama yaitu job destroyer, job destroyer merupakan job updgrade pertama dari job warrior. Job ini merupakan job wariror type menyerang, jadi lebih menitik beratkan pada burst damage. walaupun pertahanannya kurang begitu kuat tetapi dengan damagae yang di miliki serta skill yang dimiliki pastinya membuat destroyer juga diperhitungkan di medan peperangan.

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Yang kedua yaitu job Gladius, berbeda dengan destroyer job gladius merupakan job dengan pertahan kuat dari bangsa accretaria. Job gladius biasanya digunakan sebagai pagar atau benteng pertama saat terjadinya war, selain itu job gladius banyak dicari saat melakukan hunting atau farming sebagai tanker, karena HP (Hit Point) yang di miliki lebih banyak di banding job lain.

Untuk updgrade level level 40 ada 3 job yang dapat di pilih baik dari job sebelumnya Gladius maupun Destroyer berikut penjelasannya.


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Punisher merupakan job dari upgrade dari job destroyer yang memiliki hampir sama dengan destroyer yaitu job warrior yang memiliki damage besar walaupun pertahananya kurang begitu bagus, tapi tetap saja namanya warrior HP (Hit Point) nya cukup besar. Job ini bisanya lebih digunakan untuk warrior yang ingin PVP atau menyerang bangsa lain untuk mendapatkan point.

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Yang kedua adalah job assaulter, job assaulter dapat diambil dari job kedua job sebelumnya, hanya saja bila job sebelumnya destroyer maka akan memiliki damage yang besar tetapi memiliki pertahanan yang cukup kuat. Namun apabila job sebelumnya kamu Gladius maka akan memiliki pertahanan yang kuat tapi juga memiliki damage serangan yang lumayan kuat.
3. Mercenary

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Yang terakhir dan menjadi andalan pertahanan acc yaitu job mercenary, job mercenary sendiri diakui sebagai tanker terkuat dibandingkan tanker yang lain. Karena mercanary memiliki defense yang tinggi serta HP (Hit Point) yang besar pula. Job mercenary dapat diambil bila job sebelumnya gladius, job mercen memiliki pertahanan paling kuat akan tetapi memiliki damage serangan terlemah di banding warrior lainnya.

Dari semua bangsa yang biasanya saya gunakan yaitu assaulter dari gladius dan merchenary. Karena bila memainkan punisher kamu harus memiliki partner untuk melakukan clash dengan bangsa lain, selain itu senjata yang kamu miliki harus cukup mematikan dengan 1 - 3 pukulan. Apabila tidak bisa dipastikan musuhmu akan lari untuk menghindar.

Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.

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Salam Gamer's dan Terimakasih untuk @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

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  5. Games Addict : Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online

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Hallo Steemians gamers wherever they are. At the end of this week I will share information on updgrade jobs from basic warrior jobs for the accretia nation in the Rising Force Online game. Updates job in all nations can be done while at level 30 and 40 so you can upgrade the job as much as 2 times.

In the race itself there are two job Accretia updgrade that can be taken at the level of 30 and three jobs were upgraded on level 40. Each updgrade Surely there will be a skill that supports the ability, so make yourself will be much stronger and much more powerful than the previous level.

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Okay no lingering steemians gamers. For more details about the special abilities of the three nations in the Novus universe as well as the explanation, for the first to upgrade the level 30 jobs for warriors:

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the first is job destroyer, job destroyer is the first updgrade job from job warrior. This job is a job wariror type attack, so more emphasis on burst damage. although the defense is not so strong but with the damagae in possession and the skill that must have made the destroyer is also taken into account in the battlefield.

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The second is the Gladius job, in contrast to the job gladius destroyer is a job with strong defense from the nation accretaria. Job gladius is usually used as a fence or the first fort during the war, in addition to gladius job is much sought when hunting or farming as a tanker, because HP (Hit Point) which is owned more in the appeal of other jobs.

For upgrade level level 40 there are 3 jobs that can be selected either from the previous job Gladius or Destroyer and explanation.


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Punisher is a job of upgrading from a job destroyer that has almost the same as a destroyer that is a job warrior that has great damage even though the defense is not so good, but still the name of the HP Warrior (Hit Point) is quite large. This job is usually more used for warriors who want to PVP or attack other nations to get the point.

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The second is the job assaulter, job assaulter can be taken from the second job of the previous job, only when the previous job destroyer it will have a large damage but has a strong enough defense. But if your previous job Gladius then it will have a strong defense but also has a fairly strong attack damage.
3. Mercenary

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The last and become the mainstay of acc defense is the mercenary job, the mercenary job itself is recognized as the strongest tanker than the other tankers. Because mercanary has a high defense and HP (Hit Point) is great as well. A mercenary job can be retrieved if the previous job is gladius, the mercen job has the strongest defense but has the worst attack damage on the warrior's appeal.

Of all the nations I usually use are assaulter from gladius and merchenary. Because when playing punisher you must have a partner to clash with other nations, other than that the weapon you have must be quite lethal with 1-3 strokes. If your enemy will not run away to avoid it.

Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D.

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Greeting Gamer's And Special Thanks To @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

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  3. Games Addict : Bellato Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  4. Games Addict : Accretia Basic Job In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]
  5. Games Addict : Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]


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