How stoked are you for the Final Fantasy 7 remake?

in #games5 years ago

If you are like me Final Fantasy holds a special place in your heart. I remember the very first FF game that I played. In America it was called Final Fantasy 2 and we acquired it at a now non-existant store called Montgomery Ward. My friend was actually the one buying the game (I was I think 15 years old and had no money) and talked him into buying it. He was apprehensive and told me that I would be forced to give him the money back if the game sucked - it ended up being the best game ever.

Anyway, here we are 13 installments and 30 years later and rather than make another game, Square-Enix is remaking what in my mind is one of the best titles they ever released.


The Final Fantasy games, for the most part, have been really good. There were a few duds in there and their initial foray into MMO territory was an unmitigated disaster, but by most people's standards the Final Fantasy games are the creme de la creme of RPG gaming. In many people's opinions, FF7 was the most groundbreaking and had the best story.


The game follows primarily a character named "Cloud" and as usual him and his group of ragtag adventurers are combating an evil corporation/government. He meets various other people to join his crew as the game progresses and as you might expect, more and more equipment is found, spells are learned, and more powerful partners enter the game.


The combat was turn-based and various strategies need to be implemented in order to boost your own "turn recharge" and also to counteract spells that the enemy uses to slow your recharge down. Characters frequently die during combat but certain members and items (the infamous Phoenix Down potion) to bring them back into the fray. While turn-based combat rarely exists in games these days, it was all the rage back in the day.

What made Final Fantasy so epic was the engaging story and also a truly wonderful bad guy named Sephiroth that is one of the most loved characters the franchise has ever produced.


Sephiroth wasn't always a baddie and at times during the story you actually fight alongside him, he just "goes to the dark side" so to speak and at times is even at ends with his own evil intentions. His overall objective is rooted in what he believes to be a just direction for the universe. He doesn't believe that what he is doing is the wrong thing much like Thanos in Avengers.

So this is getting remade with the same story (some tweaking) an updated combat system that will be mostly devoid of the annoying random-encounter battle system, and of course far superior graphics and sound.

of course in the remake Cloud's hair remains in just the right places at all time

This game was made due to constant pressure from the fans, which I think is just magnificent that Square-Enix listened to those requests and they seem to be taking their sweet-ass time finally getting around to it because there is still no official release date although they have promised that more footage will be released at E3 in 2019.

I don't know if anyone who was too young to enjoy the original in 1997 will be anywhere near as excited as I am to see this development but you really should be because the original pretty much consumed every videogame nerd's life for several months in that time. For me, this is something that I think I am looking forward to more than any other game release ever.


Uhhhhh FF7 is my favorit and was the first game of the series that I played on my old playstation.
I love the story and I think the magic mechanics are a lot better than in FF8 (I hate the drawing system ...). I finished the game after a bit more than 100 hours because I had to fight all of the big weapons.
It will take forever to finish this game again xD

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a tough call but I think FFIII slightly edges out FFVII for all time greatest. You are completely right though, the series usually strikes gold with each new reiteration, albeit there were a few duds in the mix, but not many. I am definitely going to get the remake.. they are re-releasing most of the FF games on the switch actually, which is cool because.. handheld FF games! but there haven't been any major revamps to the graphics or game play. So I'll skip the re-release in favor of the remake.. it's already been delayed a few times, but i take that as a sign that they are dedicated to making it awesome! great post @gooddream!

I spent so much time playing that game on my computer. All of the chocobo races to get the golden chocobo so I could get the knights of the round summon. I still think Shiva was probably one of my favorite summons. Either that or Anima. It will be interesting to see how they update the summon scenes. I don't really mind the random encounters. There is something about the grind that I enjoy.

Well that later games (and i don't remember which did it first, it might have been 10) where arrows would get drawn to your character's head if an enemy was in pursuit of you. At that point you had to take evasive action or face off against it - it did not go to a different screen for the battle- which meant if you decided to run and attracted the attention of a bunch of other baddies, you were going to be seriously overwhelmed at the end of a hallway or something. I found that to be way more interesting and you could still grind if you wanted to.... you just weren't forced into it.

That doesn't sound familiar with X but it has been a long time since I played it. I remember spending a lot of time playing Blitzball with X.

Turns out it is Final Fantasy 12 i am thinking of. It was the first title to eliminate random encounters. They were able to force certain battle on platforms of sorts by making the killing of the mobs necessary to advance. According to what I have read (because you made me go hmmmmm) FF 15 has a completely revamped combat system so now I am crossing my fingers even more that it will turn up in the mail today :)

I am a huge Final Fantasy fan! My username comes from Final Fantasy VIII! I have played almost every game on the series except for FFXV due to my pc not having enough hardware to support it, maybe in the future!

I was too young to enjoy playing Final Fantasy VII on release but even though its not my favorite entry on the series (it is on my top 3!) I'm really excited for the remake!

But I'm not only excited but also hopefully that VIII & IX follow as well for remakes! They need to remake the whole PS1 Golden Era of FF games! Hopefully their remakes have the same success that Capcom's recent remake of Resident Evil II had... We might be entering an era of good game remakes!

I think remakes are horrible for hollywood but are an excellent idea for gaming. There are so many great games from the 90's and our tech is so much better now (of course). I still haven't played RE2 remake but watching it on twitch it seems like it is pretty damn epic!

BTW, I ordered FF15 yesterday and now am eagerly standing by my front door waiting for the delivery truck :)

I've heard FFXV is pretty good :-D enjoy it a lot!

Well done game remakes are amazing! RE2 Remake is amazing and I would 100% recommend a full play through to both sides of the story :-D

I'm tentatively excited. I have this odd relationship with the Final Fantasy series. I think of all the games I've played other than the MMOs fondly, but of all of them I only finished Crisis Core, and that mostly because I had it on a portable and it didn't have too much competition.

There were a couple that I didn't love such as the X-2 game. The first mmo was a disaster. Even though they patched it several times only the really hardcore ppl stuck around. It was a serious grind-fest and certain items were only dropped by one person (not a type of enemy, one specific enemy) so if you were wandering around a all of a sudden a crap-load of players were standing somewhere... you knew why.

The latest MMO was decent, but the proliferation of fetch and return quests, sometimes through unnecessarily long hallways and towers was seriously stupid. I couldn't stick around for that.

I haven't played all that many of the Final Fantasy games, being predominantly a PC gamer and not always having access to recent consoles. XII was one of my favorites, though; it took me years to get around to finally playing it, and I really was surprised by how well it had held up when I finally got to it, though I was also emulating it and I could skip forward in time to make the grind a little less awful.

I bounced off of XIV hard. A lot of people had hyped it up for me, but it just wasn't my sort of game.

I was one of the people super stoked for ff14. It is actually quite expensive a game for an MMO. The game is beautiful but combat is actually pretty dumb. The thing that killed 14 for me was the endless fetch-quests that had you senselessly running all over the damn place and almost always forced you to run back to where you got the quest from which would be ages from where the instance was.

That game sucks and just goes to show that graphics are not everything... you need a much better user experience... kinda like Steemit needs a better user experience :P

By the time I played it it had already been out a couple years, and everyone seemed way ahead of me. I remember a lot of walking and a few moments of hitting numbers on my keyboard. I generally don't care for most MMORPGs, but FF14 just couldn't hold my interest for more than a few hours. I'm glad I played during a free trial, because while it wasn't the worst game I've ever played it wasn't one I'd care to stick around with too long.

Are you on Steempeak? I've switched to using it for both desktop and mobile use, and I find it fantastic.

Never heard of steempeak until just now. I gotta take le doge for a walk but will dig into it when i return. does it have a decent chat interface? That is something I think most of these things are missing including partiko

No chat, sadly, but everything else is heads and shoulders above.

I remember when I played the game in play 2 or 1 I do not remember well and it was pure to give the button jajajaja pure to talk about actually selling you a story ... hahahaha

I loved the Final Fantasy Series they were great RPG games. The last one I played was 7 or 8 I think so I'm a bit out of the loop though lol.. I remember 7 being particularly good so I hope the remake does it justice.

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