A Real Paul Tinfoil Crown Comic Strip- Liberating the Kingdom of Earth One Laugh at a Time

in #funny6 years ago

As a subject in this royal garden that we laughingly call "our planet", I feel that it is my duty to help to reveal the mass mind-control that whole populations on Earth are still subject to, using cartoons and funny pages as needed.

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The whole gag here in the above comic strip is based on a recent story about Ringo Starr allegedly claiming that Paul McCartney was a replacement Beatle, reviving an age-old conspiracy theory which claims simply that "Paul is dead".

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The topic is well researched elsewhere on the internet, and now there is even a book, I think it's called 'Memoirs of Billy Shepherd', allegedly written by the current "Paul" telling his side of the story. It's all show biz, so it's not really surprising that it could happen, nor is it surprising that they more or less got away with it in front of the public's careless eye.

Since I'm @therealpaul it would seem like I would know if Paul is dead, but I really don't. I just use that name because I like the conspiracy implications, while at the same time therealpaul means that even when I joke around as the jester, I am offering what I consider to be real and true, and my name happens to be Paul.

I would say with certainty that the original lad named Paul McCartney was replaced at least once sometime in the 1960's, but whether that original Beatle actually died, I dunno.

So then what do you think?

  • Was the original Paul replaced by a look-alike?

  • Will Ringo shut up about the real Paul?

  • Was the whole 'Paul is dead' thing part of the cover?

  • Does Ringo expect for us to call him 'Sir Richard' now?

Either way; if Paul McCartney is a replacement or is the original Beatle, the whole controversy shows how easily the mind of a society can be manipulated by using celebrity figures to change and mold the direction of a population. What else might be fake, switched before our eyes, and where does the show business end, and mass mind-control begin? Are they the same thing?

Let me know in the comments below, what you think about the 'Paul is dead' thing. I'm working on a song right now, but later I'll be upvoting all relevant comments, and some irrelevant ones too probably, for fun.

Acting as a court jester of olde while wearing a modern tinfoil crown, I dare to laugh at the golden prison surrounding me here in the wild western part of the globe. Since I'm the real Paul for all practical purposes, I hereby offer this comic meme funny page, and I do sincerely thank you for pausing to have a look.

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click @therealpaul for more


I think you're the real Paul because your name says so and I believe everything I read(especially if it's on the internet).

That's how we do it in the industry. We start with 'he wouldn't call himself the real Paul if he was the real Paul.' With that established, I'm now free to call myself the 'real' one, and now that all of those noisy kids are grown up, I can get some peace and quiet around here.

Makes perfect sense to me. That's how I'd do it. Unfortunately, I didn't have any names to use. I'm still real though. A real nobody, I guess.

Sounds like it could be a hit song; He's a real, nobody,... something, something. I'll work on it.

Nobody, something something. Working on nothing, something something.
Something something nothing, nobody something.

This song writes itself!

If it's on the internet it must be true.


I agreed 100% because #nonameslefttouse wrote so.
You must be the Real Paul, end of discussion - 2 people said so, which is the majority.

That settles it then. I was sure before but now I'm really sure.

😂😂😂 You got humor, @nonameslefttouse , I must study your every move! 😉

What I think is that you're actually Paul McCartney pretending to be some other guy named Paul on the internet. Can I have your autograph?

Now see, my publicists told me that nobody would ever figure it out. Especially frustrating since I wanted to pretend to be Elvis instead of playing myself. So yeah I can do an autograph, but it's gonna be my Elvis sig that I worked on, if that's ok.

A fake Elvis signature from the real Paul McCartney? Hell yes that is ok.

Please sign on the dotted line:


I saw Ringo the other day and he looks like a tiny little puppet. It was really sad. Maybe he is still crying out for attention. Btw, I saw Paul a few years back in a pool hall. He looks like the real Paul to me

I guess I haven't seen a picture of Ringo recently, I suppose he is getting up there in age. Oh hey, I was in a pool hall a few years back...

I likewise indulge in a good mind-bender now and then, but I propose the question: Does it matter? It garnered engagement, and you know what they say about publicity!

"Verily doth Eye state that attention be the sole currency." - a philosophist

I did enjoy reading this post though, illuminating, to say the least, to now have found @therealpaul . 😉


Yes, it was entertainment from the industry, show biz all the way. When I saw that Billy Shepherd had a book out, I got excited for a second, but then thought, wait, I don't think I care about the topic enough to read it. it matters not at all.

Who's Billy Shepherd? runs off to google

What you however DO pay attention to must matter (materialization through a collapse of field-possibilities into matter-probabilities), or else why'd we do it at all? 😉

London session musician, plays 'Paul' starting on the Sgt. Pepper's record, according to the legend.

I suppose it does go beyond entertainment, it matter-ed enough to become my username here, and to have a laugh or two with it along the way. It's all fun and games until the real real Paul shows up here. Hopefully he'll be a good sport.

oh this..this has the every taste that need to be in a story..you take us to enlighten through the entertainment :)

Good stuff! At the very least, I think there are multiple "pauls" around. Whether the original died in 1966 in a car crash, or was critically injured, or had a twin brother who took his place now and then is up for debate. There are too many problems with changing ear lobes, hairlines, heights, eye colors, etc etc. And let's face it : how did the guy who wrote "Yesterday," "Eleanor Rigby," and "Michelle" somehow evolve into "Wonderful Christmas Time" and "Temporary Secretary" ? Good stuff - thanks for the post

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