How to Convert the Pain of Losing Money on a Cryptocurrency Exchange Into Digital Art and then Hopefully Make Up for Your Losses

in #funny7 years ago

This is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to screw up.
Then a demonstration on why it's important to stick to what you're good at.


Hi there. My name is @nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist/Amateur Crypto-trader Himself and that name just keeps getting longer and longer.

Today I'll give you the steps on how to screw up royally when making attempts to trade cryptocurrency on an exchange. Let's get right into it, shall we?

The Steps

Step 1: Transfer your hard work in the form of SBD over to an exchange like It's really easy. So easy even an asshole like me can do it.

Step 2: Take a quick glance at what they call the Trollbox. If you see some random person mention a certain coin being on the rise, buy a shit-ton worth.

Step 3: Watch the value drop to half of what you paid the instant the purchase order goes through.

Step 4: Stare at the screen for about one half of an hour. Try to use your mind vibrations to make the value increase.

Step 5: Snap out of it.

Step 6: Come back to Check rewards and transfer last weeks hard earned SBD over to an exchange again because you're a glutton for punishment.

Step 7: Write an article on Make sure it's interesting enough to make the readers happy. Avoid shit posts about bananas and where they grow.

Step 8: Slip in your latest digital art production(the good one that took way too long to produce) somewhere in the mix.

Day at the Beeyotch - Copy.jpeg
A Day at the Beeyotch

Step 9: Hope, pray, wish, use mind vibration things, and do whatever else it takes to make your article a success. It exists now because you want to feel like less of a loser and more like a winner.

Step 10: Hit the post button after checking for typos. Don't worry about the art, you already know it's good and at least one person should like it.

Step 11: Constantly refresh browser and wonder if anyone is actually on or if they've all muted you. Panic because it doesn't seem like anyone is voting or viewing.

Step 12: Attempt to make another trade to make up for article going nowhere.

Step 14: Avoid bad luck omens.

Step 15: It looks like peanut butter for supper tonight, again.


Just shoot me.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"'I love my life!' what I should be saying right now!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


OMG this is literally a step by step guide of how my life is going. Reading those steps I was like, "ahh yes I am on step 7" ! Great piece hope you follow me back I am also an artist would love your opinion on my art work. Also I created my Icon I would create you if you wanted me too. Im really looking to collaborate and network with other artists, and want to use steemit as my platform.

Welcome to Steemit. This is a great place for artists, provided you can find a way to stand out and get noticed. Especially at first!

The first thing you'll want to do is write up and introduction post. Use the 'introduceyourself' tag as the first one, then use up the other four tags wisely. If art is your thing, make sure the art tag is there and make sure to include some of your work. Common sense!

I'll gladly follow. I try to support the arts here as much as possible, but my main role is to produce content. I don't curate as much as I'd like to these days.

A lot of people work together on things and I'd suggest keeping your eye out for little contests and promotions. It's a good way to get noticed and you can win some form of Steem as well to help pad your wallet.

Feel free to browse my blog. Many agree it's a good template for others, but being yourself is the most important. I'm a nutcase most days, so I get away with what I do. I'm sure at first people thought I was weird and decided to look away. That happens. Don't expect everyone to like your stuff. Just work hard, find your style and your followers will come.

Thanks so much! Was writing my first post as you commented! A.k.a step 11 lol !
I will definitely take a deeper look into your blog . Loving Steemit already! Great vibes all around first post interaction with you so like that must mean something haha.

If anyone has managed to lose $ on crypto in the past week they deserve a free banana!

That'll go good with the peanut butter. Does the monkey come with it? I always have problems opening the wrapper on those damn things.

There is a free monkey included with every banana

omg I think everyone lost money on Poloniex in the last 24 hours

Well it might be worth getting out those 10 foot poles for Poloniex, but otherwise it's been a very rewarding 24 hours

I hope this isn't your story, or "your friend's"! lol
if it is, I'll replace my 😄 with a 😯

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a friend of his brother that looks like me. Yeah. That's who this is about!

Thanks for the advice. where artists and financial types actually mingle and help each other out.

I like to consider myself a "financial artiste"! lol

You could come hang out in Steemspeak channel and listen to all the crypto trading talk in there. You'll pick up some tips for the future.

One of these days I'll head over there and reveal this deep voice and fucked up Canadian accent to the world. I've been having issues finding time for things lately. Soon I'll be outside listening to an idle on a motorcycle. Still have to finish a few artworks as well. I work too. Just shoot me.

Peanut butter on top of bread? Or just plain peanut butter and a spoon?

Straight out of the jar. I just pretend it's ice cream...

Delicious! My parents used to catch me doing this all too often! My godfather puts peanut butter on his pizza! Not sure if I could do that!

When I was in my mid-twenties, there were a few weeks where I survived by eating only peanut butter. Didn't have much choice! On a pizza though? I'm not so sure about that....

I don't blame you there! Yeah I couldn't muster up enough to try that! I have tried it with plain pasta. Not too bad!

Jaiks, no fun there. May this one compensate in Fruit Of Work for you.
Like the Dolpin!

Sure is a nice dolphin, isn't it! I certainly hope people still enjoy my comedy/art combo articles. Seems to be all I'm good at!

Keep doing what you are good at, that seems to be the most sound advice.

By the way, if you just want to convert to BTC or something like that, to exchange for Canadian Dollar later, you might want to consider the easy as pie conversion sites.

Like Blocktrades, Shapeshift(only Steem) or Changelly. Saves you a lot of stress and distractions, they have not troll boxes for instance. :-)

Scorpio is cool too by the way.

Have a good one, I'm closing the hatches...

I'm just messing around for the most part. Learning the ropes. I didn't lose half a mil, don't worry!

Messing around is always fun when there are no millions are involved. :-)
Happy trading!

You can't fail with the peanut butter!!

You'll never be in a jam when you have peanut butter!

Cor, that works!!

Try singing this song with that sandwich. Might cheer you up after those losses.

Absolutely! Singing after taking a hit sounds like a sane thing to do!
Cool song though. I don't think I've heard this.

The art is awesome ;) Scorpion, monster, dolphin, prehistoric alligator, and a red arabian horse, what more can we ask for?
You had to cut yourself off from Instant Lottery tickets, didn't you?

"I would say, in my opinion it's right up there with Jiff and Skippy"

Well thanks for appreciating that bit of art up there. I think I see your horse now. The red is supposed to be water. No, I'm not color blind. Just odd.

My little mistake is slowly recovering, so I'll just leave it there. It wasn't much money, but I still hate losing. Man... do I ever hate losing!

As for the peanut butter... it's always best to pretend it's your first time, every time. I could do in an entire jar if I wanted to. At this rate I better keep rationing though!

We have an Amish store not far from here that makes fresh peanut butter right in front of you, honey peanut butter, cashew butter, almond good.

"This video is not available," said the unavailable video.

That might be for the best, it was a song called Blood in the Water, and really the title of it was the only reason I chose it, lol.

Holy batman, have you seen the rewards on your Rags to riches story? Wow that's more like it! Can you draw cigars? Big cuban things? Congratulations!

Thanks @therealpaul. I'm glad so many liked that one. I don't often show that side or travel that road. I needed people to know(without saying too much) what all of this really is to me. There were some really dark days in that city. All I was really trying to do was get my foot in the door somewhere. This place, the door has always been left open and sign says come in.

Now I hope I can just stay focused and not piss it all away on alt coins!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 61026.32
ETH 3397.00
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.56