Why You Should WATCH MORE TV!

in #funny7 years ago


Television! The best hobby a person can have! Why wouldn't you want to spend hours watching tv? THere is an endless number of shows, Which teach you the truth about life. I mean, Those sitcoms are so accurate, right? And Family guy? They know YOUR life! And how you should be living it!
Your baby is creepily plotting against you!
Your best friends with a girl, Who has dated all your friends!
That's your life right? Dead on!


The News!

In school, they probably taught you the importance of watching the news right? All that negativity is an important thing to add to your day! Who doesn't need a little extra negativity?

Compare You To Others

Watching excessive amounts of Tv will encourage you to compare yourself to others obsessively. You'll see these falsified lifestyles play out before you, That isn't accurate at all. And you'll feel more like a failure in your own life. What can't afford a brand new car? Well, screw you!
Even reality TV shows will have the same effect. I mean we all know those shows have a degree of scriptedness to them. WHat person can come up with a witty comment on demand like that?
Haven't you argued with someone before? Then you later wish you said this, Or that.

The Tv will teach you that your jokes suck, And you aren't very good at coming up with original things to say.

It's a good use of time!

Who have chores these days? You can hire a maid, or pay someone to go to work for you!
You don't have better things to do. TV Is so good for you on many levels. It's pure entertainment. Besides who is going to buy all that stuff in the commercials? That's your job!

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This is very convincing!! Haha

I recently decided to quit all social media, which was, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. All people do on there is try to show off to each other about there life and obsess over people "liking" pictures of themselves. it's a complete waste of time and I see Steemit more valuable because i get to talk about my crypto investments and trades and make money doing it!

i posted this because i find television as the same fashion as social media

RIGHT!? I wish I had the guts that you have! I can't seem to quit most of those. I completely agree though. It gets old. And it's not healthy for your self esteem.

Now that I have done that I don't spend near as much time on my phone, more time to steem!

Word to that!

I would die watching more TV with the fake news and infomercials every 20 minutes.

I envision a world with something like the BAT token that you get rewarded for attention and get paid to watch TV by not skipping the adds and if you do choose to skip the adds you do not earn the token.

This would allow true freedom and voluntarism for people to choose and act for themselves as free agents.


RIght? I love that method! I wish it worked like that for real haha.

I am training my self to work for crypto only.. a guy just messaged me on Facebook today say "I have seen you post about crypo currency but not sure wear to buy it"that was an open door. I am going to take him to lunch and show him how the new SHIFT debit card I got works to buy lunch with crypto.

We should host a steemit conference/meetup in SLC

I don't own cable! Lol just Netflix's for fun. :)

Right? I don't either. They are pros at marketing it though. I always get sucked in when other people watch it, I then have to remind myself to go away Hahha!

I never watched it much and get rid of tv entirely about 20 years ago. I'm so glad it's out of my life. My mission is to avoid all"mainstream" anything as I find lie after lie when I do look at it.

They have tv in the subway cars here in Bangkok and I end up watching it even though I can't understand it. It's a big suck on the psyche in any language :)

I Love this! It's true. A lot of the mainstream stuff is really harmful. We need to decide if it is actually good for us.

It was the Labor Day Weekend Princess Di-athon that got me out for good. I had promised my little son that we would do something fun since all I did was work and I finally had a whole weekend off. Then instead we watched her die all weekend - with mom tears for added misery!

Finally on Monday morning he said, "Princess Di, Princess Di! What's she the princess of anyway. I'm glad she's dead."

So I got rid of it right then out to the curb and cancelled the cable in a long series of calls throughout the month of September. Best thing that any princess ever did for me :)

We missed all of 911 when it happened and I only had to deal with his Monday afternoon questions for the rest of that year. All of his little friends were watching the buildings fall day after day and then the teachers had to settle them down every Monday. Mind control is more powerful than we can possibly imagine.

Lol!! Yeah, going outside is sooooo overrated. And, why cook when you can watch some one cook for you on tv..Stay indoors and veg out. 😂


The TV is good and bad at the same time, that's why I have time without watching TV. I'd rather read a good book or play some video game to hang out with.
Thanks for sharing.

Right I agree with you, Even games are better than tv.

You are getting really really good at your sarcasm LOL. The last 50 years has been the worst case of mass hypnosis in history. People just cant seem to get enough.

Thank you ehhe :)
True! It's getting scary. I've also been learning more about the marketing tactics that work in your subconscious to get you to buy the product.

Oh yeah, that goes really deep. I think marketing is worth billions of dollars. Like if you don't buy that brand of mac and cheese, you're mistreating your kids lol. An exaggeration, but maybe not that much of a stretch LOL

This post is gold !

Thank you so much ehhehe

Not sure if this is not a sarcasm.

IT is sarcasm :)

I was afraid it wasn't. Good :)

@tzs You'll come to know and understand @kaylinart's personality soon enough. Motivation through sarcasm! Occasionally she'll leave out the sarcasm and write other interesting motivational posts. She'll also post some of her art, which I'm waiting to see more of.

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