Only In North Idaho

in #funny7 years ago

When One Really Needs Wifi-Creative Conveyance Edition

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Today was the kickoff of our library's summer reading program, and I will cover that extravaganza in more thorough detail with tomorrow's post, but tonight I thought I would present you all with what I spied in our parking lot as I wandered past the window to shut down the circulation computers for the evening.

I've seen a lot of things out of the office window, but two people astride a garden tractor utilizing the wifi was definitely a first. I quickly grabbed my phone and began snapping pictures in impressed glee, for the driver of the tractor was smoking a cigarette, and the lady astride the mighty diesel sipping steed was perched all poised and parade like with grace and Snapchat tapping ease.

My co-workers gathered around my giggling form and soon joined into the awed mirth-filled fray. Suddenly, one of my cohorts gasped, "Is that a baby?"


"Naw," I replied drolly,"That would be a diaper box."

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My mind, when it got oxygen again, did tons of thought loops. Was it a common thing in our town to carry around diapers on a garden tractor? Did one need to pull over whilst plowing snow or the garden and change little Timmy? Upon closer inspection there were a lot of boxes on the red agricultural chariot. What did this mean? Was this piece of farm equipment also their main means of transportation? What did it all mean?

Well, at that point the driver of the wifi-seeking mobile decided he was ready to leave. His passenger must have had a few MB's left to download because the man with the glorious last century hair emitted a volley of curse words that probably had no place in our parking lot. I was sort of impressed with his projection, for I heard every obscenity clearly inside the library over the sound of the tractor engine. He revved the tractor's engine in protest, and as he finally left I began giggling again, for his wifi seeking companion never once looked up from her screen.

At least the cardboard baby was still smiling.

So, now I have seen people on horses, snowmobiles, UTV's, ATV's, and tractors in our parking lot using the wifi. I am a little hesitant to wonder what mode of transport we'll see next.....

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's green with red tractor envy iPhone.

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And here I thought we only had folks like that in the South. Lol! That is hilarious.

I wonder if they had to leave because the lawn needed mowing....

There was more than a little bit of incredulous guffawing, ha ha!😭 😭

Wifi break before mowing the back eight!

South.... what state? I have taken a tractor to the convenient store and one time i rode my horse on a beer run.

My wife and I live in Kentucky. There are some interesting folk here.

Riding your horse for a beer run - that sounds fun actually, haha.

I learned' not from personal experience that you can still get a dwi... isnt that something?

I was curious about that. :)

That is something. Lol.

Oh, Idaho... you always deliver.

Well, we are "The Gem State." LOL!!!

Ain't no party like an Idahoan gets wifi party

For sure! lol!

Heeeey, I know this place! Is this in Hayden behind the movie theater??

Part of the same group of libraries, just to the north in Spirit Lake!

Ah, very cool! I used to live in Spirit Lake!

You escaped!!! Ah, but you also totally understand!

Hahaha I do understand.
I'll be back next month, but I'll be in Sandpoint. I love North Idaho!

LOL, I love it too!

Nice time of year to make a trip to Sandpoint, hope you enjoy!

That it is! North Idaho is a gem, but sssshhhh. Don't tell anyone.

There is a lot going on there. Seems to me they do indeed use that as a means of transportation. Seems like the sheriff might have a problem with it too. In Michigan its click it or ticket lol.

Hey! My forty-two horse John Deere has a seat belt! I am so driving it to town, lol! And I agree, there was a lot going on in that scene! Everything is drove around on the streets of our town, so I guess the cops don't mind.

That's a classic...a bit of afternoon shopping and wifi pirating on the lawnmobile. Can't say I've ever seen anything quite like it. Wonder if they drive around town like that. You really should cruise around and see if you can find them in other parts of your burg, bombing around on the tractor. I know years back a guy drove his to Washington DC. Some sort of protest I think.

You know what else cracked me up? They still had snow chains on that tractor, lol! When he took a big drag off a cigg and cussed at his phone neck fused passenger, I thought I was going to pass out. Do you think they drive it to the local grocery store or the mini-mart? I think I am going to have to spend more time up in town!

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