WATCH NOW! --Paul is Dead-- A Beatles Film (Starring Me!! ;p) 13minssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Ladies and Gentlemen! Steemies of the multiverse! Rock up and Roll up to see this crazy new Rock and Roll fiction based on the famous conspiracy that Paul McCartney DIED while the Beatles were at the height of their fame. It was my honour to be able to play George Harrison in this mad little comedy short and Im really impressed with the quality of the production (especially given that this was a student team doing their final degree show!).

First of all , heres the trailer: (if you dont want any spoilers, just skip to the full film below)

Arent the costumes great? It was SO fun dressing up as the Beatles.....
Anyway, heres the full film.....its about 13 minutes long. ENJOY!:

So there you go, we just rewrote Rock and Roll History!! haha. It was a crazy ride making this film and its so great to have it released out in to the public domain now. We filmed it in February in the lake district around the time that The BEAST from The EAST swept through the UK (a horrendous Siberian snow storm). Fortunately we managed to film all of the outdoor scenes just in the nick of time, but I can tell you, wearing skin tight leggings up a mountain in that sort of weather for 10 hours a day is NOT easy going.... I can probably never have children now! And to make matters a little more death defying we were then snowed in for DAYS ON END in a guest house, up a mountain, where the nearest supplies were a treacherous hour-and-a-half hike away! Not to mention that the landlord of our guest house was very traditional and frankly blamed the Beatles for destroying music forever.... He wanted us OUT and we had to flatly refuse on the basis that the roads were like black ski-slopes. 13 film students and the Beatles all stuck up a mountain in a treacherous blizzard with a landlord who hates was the perfect premise for a comedy-horror film and we were definitely discussing the very real possibility that we could all die up there........and who were we going to eat first?!

So it was quite an eventful film shoot, which frankly, it always is when Im roped in to acting for my dear friend George Moore, who is the director. We've worked together on many projects throughout his development and Im proud to say he is turning in to a truly awesome film maker. DEFINITELY watch this space! Check out his website where you can see some of his other projects:

And have a peruse of the Paul is Dead Website for more cool stuff relating to the film:

Thanks for checking it out everybody! I really hope you've enjoyed it, and I hope to bring plenty more of this sort of entertainment to the Steemisphere in future years!

MegaMassivePowerLove to all you beautiful Steemies keeping the SteemDreemin' Alive

p.s. sorry to any genuine Beatles superfans who might have been rightfully apalled at my horribly inconsistent George Harrison impression.....I told the director, if we ever do a feature version I want a bloody accent coach written in to my contract!!!! haha

p.p.s. for all you genuine scousers out there, we have a public showing in Liverpool THIS MONTH so come along! I cant be there sadly, but heres a link to the facebook event:
Its set to be a really cool evening :)


I loved this @basilmarples, and your explanation of the "real" life surrounding the filming is hilarious! Awesome film :) Thank you so very much for sharing it here!!

it is my pleasure Lynn! Thankyou for watching and reading all the small print....Its always nice to have hard work appreciated! ;p

You're welcome @basilmarples :) You can always tell the ones who view the photos and comment nonsense, faking orgasmic delight :)

Blown away, man! What an awesome project to be working on! You pulled off a stellar job, mate. Well "bloody" done... :)

haha! thanks ezzy :) Cheers for watching it dude! Im really glad you enjoyed it, especially being a film enthusiast as you are!

tbh, I don't think George himself was ever really consistent in his accent!

Great werk lads! And namaste, Basil dearest.

ahhh, that is reassuring feedback, thankyou lloyd :) much love to you, and thanks for watching! x

Hi Basil, that is most excellent.

Would you be interested in coming on my radio show on Thursday evenings to talk about it?

ooh, that sounds fun! What sort of time do you operate? I work on thursday evenings so its not usually such a good time for me..... I get home at about 10:30

Hi Basil, the show is 8pm -11pm UTC, which is currently 9pm - midnight UK time.

When the clocks change in the UK on 28 October I believe it goes to 8pm-11pm UK, so that would be a bit more tricky for you.

So on Thursday 18 or 25 October you could join in the second half? Would you be up for either of those dates?

Are you on Discord? I am Pennsif#9921 there.

Ok Cool! That can work.....Ive pencilled myself in for thursday 18th Oct at about 10:30 Discord: Basil#1118 (Im a bit phobic of discord - I seem to be in a perpetual state of confusion whenever I open it, so apologies in advance if Im a complete liability!)

Hi Basil, I've sent you a message on Discord.

I'm trying to get the optimal date for everyone between 18th and 25th.

Would you be available on Thursday 25 October?

This is so cool!
Even though you got punched:(

I know! I argued that this would never have happened, but apparently john and George did have a bit of a scuffle at some point.....later on, like during the let it be album maybe

This is ACE. Thanks for sharing!

thankyou sir! I appreciate the feedback :)

we weren't filming too far from your neck of the woods!

What sort of area? Thought some parts looked like some Yorkshire moors!

well....lake district really, so not QUITE local to you, but its all North isnt it ;p Ullswater to be precise!

Haha jeeez, that's close enough I guess.

What a splendid student film! It is excellent and you all did a really great job! It is very entertaining.

thankyou very much melinda! Im glad you enjoyed it :D

It is a wonderful film! I was telling a friend about it this morning.

This is an excellent short film! Well done all round, from actors, to production.

thankyou! Cheers for checking it out, Im glad you enjoyed it!!! :D

OMG! I am sure you had a tough time up there at times, but also a lot of laughter. I can only imagine. Seeing you doing that yoga pose on that hill made my day! Funny story: I recently brought two of our kittens to be re-homed to a man and his partner. He was in his late 70's and in the 70's he was one of the drivers on the magic bus, driving the hippie trail! He mentioned the Beatles :) I have to go back to him and hope to get an interview. He would have such cool things to tell. I very much enjoyed this film :) Very well done. And even though I think I would have had a blast seeing you guys work on this, I can also understand that the landlord was glad to see you go! LOL. Great to see you post your work.

oh wow, yeah I bet he has some stories to tell! Maybe you should show him this film, it might give him a chuckle... :)

Absolute gold. I'm feeling rather emotional now after watching that. I can't even imagine how much work goes into a thing like this, but boy have you pulled it off! Thank you so much for posting this up. I heard about it from @pennsif on the MSP Waves UK talk show last night. Thank you to him for bringing this wonderful film to my attention.

thankyou so much for this lovely comment, Im getting a lot of joy from hearing people appreciate this film! I'll make sure to pass all this love on to the film makers x x

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