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in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Each One - Teach One!


I shared this on my Fascistbook and twitter today, I have RARELY if ever hardly shared content like this I did not make, but this got some traction and hit a nerve with a lot of Liberty based people today and so- wanted to share this with you and encourage you too.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


What happens if you get arrested in Canada? Do they put you on the back of the horse in handcuffs?

IDK about everyone else that is targeted for speaking truth but as you can see I regularly question the police state. The gutless mayor and his staff did not like my one man protest outside the PUBLIC building a few mins earlier with my bullhorn naming names, since they ignored my emails on policy work that week, so you can see part 2 of that nite here:

Search my YT channel for "1 man protest" earlier that nite. It is funny.

When the hot cop chick is super polite and Canadian. But she still a cop so fuck that.

and make no mistake, all cops are a lot more polite when they are dealing with a camera recording them, and also all know about someone's activism.

Some of the dumbest cops were apparently told to not deal with me anymore IMHO because I make them look stupid on film and make them a star.


Fuck the police comin straight from the underground.

I remember when that was released for real.

My old school rap game is strong.

Several of my friends dropped albums and I studied the culture and lived it during high school.

There ya go LOL

I stopped allowing comments on the video years ago, most of them say basically that.

She is very pretty, it was hard for me to stay focused speaking to them because of that and I am fairly experienced dealing with statists greased by the corrupt system and they all know it.

Maybe I should invite her to the #SteemitCampfire LOL

This is a really cool meme! 😎
Thanks for continuing to bring creative content to our community!

Just upvoted it!

TY for the support again my friend!!!

My pleasure!

Have a great day, my friend! :D

very good and good work

Thanks again, Joel.

Have a good nite my man!

Hahaha! Good job, Barry.

It had to be done.

How long a car ride are you on today anyways?


5 hours total. We are home now. The next time I'm passing by your area, I'll try and pm you again and maybe we can get together.

Haha! I haven't seen much movie but I've seen that one which the meme comes from. I kind of enjoyed it. Nice meme! That was funny!

Thanks my man!

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