What is your vision for Steemit in 5 years time? - The Daily Steem Poll [Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

Thanks to @positivesteem for another great Daily Steem Poll question! @positivesteem will be receiving 20% of the SBD author payout from this post.

What is the Daily Steem Poll?

The "Daily Steem Poll" is an initiative to collect input from the community on various topics. Details about the project can be found in the introductory post here.

How to participate in the Daily Steem Poll:

Participating in the Daily Steem Poll is easy! Just share your thoughts on today's question in the comments below. Everyone who contributes to the discussion will be part of the reward pool for the post, as described in the payout section below!

Do you have a good idea for a Daily Steem Poll topic?

You can also suggest potential topics/questions to be used for future posts. For any topics that are selected, 20% of the SBD payout from that post will to the person who suggested the idea! Please add suggestions for new topics in the comments below!

The SBD author payout from this post will be split as follows:

  • 20% will be paid to the person who thought of the idea for the post (@positivesteem)
  • 30% will be used to boost/promote future Daily Steem Poll posts
  • 50% will be divided equally among every user that contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way
    (Any comment that contributes to the discussion will be counted as participation.)

Daily Steem Poll Archive:

The archive of Daily Steem Poll topics can be found here!

The Steem Poll Question of the day is:

What is your vision for Steemit in 5 years time?

[image reference]


I expect that Steemit will be a full blown social media site, with all the bells and whistles that social media users expect.

I predict that many professional bloggers will move their operations over to Steemit, and the site will contain many celebrities.

Big name news agencies will likely use Steemit as one of their main platforms, as Steemit will be the place users go to find and consume the best content.

The price of Steem will be in the thousands, which will be needed in order to pay the millions of users for the quality content that they produce and curate.

Steemit will find a way to make SP more attractive, even if a user just wants to power up a fraction of a Steem coin.

Users big and small will have tons of ways to interact and share content and be rewarded for the value of their contributions.

A reminder - The Daily Steem Poll is looking for new questions/topics to use for future posts. If you have any great ideas for topics to have the community discuss, please add your suggestions here.

Some ideas: Where did you learn about Steemit? What is your favorite aspect of Steemit? Which ONE post has stood out to you the most over time/made the biggest impact?

Question: What is your buy-in price for Steem?
Can be rephrased. The meaning is to understand Steemians point where they will flock to buy Steem and Power Up. is it 0.30SBD/Steem? Is it .15, .10 ,.05?

Great question, thanks!

Niiiice! Thank you so much!

Hi guys, just to let you all know that Steemit has introduced a new feature which is the Steemit Reblog Button (soon to be renamed as the Resteem Button). With this new feature, you can reblog anybody's blog which you find helpful and interesting. In this way new or emerging writers that post quality posts can be discovered much earlier. At the same time, your curation efforts will be more rewarding because if more people upvote after you, you will earn more.
I am starting with this fun daily poll by @timcliff
Disclaimer: Today's topic was actually suggested by me, so I will be getting 20% of the SBD author's payout.

  • I think it will change as new apps are created and more celebrity names start using the platform.
  • I believe that the SD will go up and more vendors will start excepting steem.
  • I anticipate Steemit apps that will mimic currently successful sites like YouTube, Twiiter, Kickstarter, PayPal
  • I believe I will reach my goals on Steemit

Yes agree as @steevc says 5 years is a life time in the world of the internet but as Steemit continues to grow over that time we could have 100 or even 500 million authors But wouldn't it be better to have 10-50 million real contributors?
I see Steemit as a social blogging platform rather than a blockchain based superficial social network. It's a place of sharing knowledge and making connections . Yes I'd like to STEEM powering ecommerce and driving devices too.

I agree with @steevc as well, very long time. I hope that it will rise in popularity and new, genuine articles that add worth to the community will become the norm so that people posting get rich quick schemes will eventually fade.

STEEMIT is set to shake up Social Media and Dan & Ned have opened Pandora's Box on Global Media..!! Happy to upvote. I recently posted a couple of articles about STEEMIT, Dan & Ned and the future of BLOCKCHAIN and CryptoCurrencies. You may find them interesting to read. STEEMIT hasn't even scratched the surface. Happy to follow and read more of your posts. You can also catch us on Twitter Twitter✔. Cheers. stephen

@timcliff, thank you again for featuring my question. I think that in 5 years time Steemit will be the social media of choice and Steem will be better than cash

Out of the $ 0.10 SBD payout:

  • 0.02 was paid to the author of the question (@positivesteem).
  • 0.01 was set aside to boost future Daily Steem Poll posts.
  • 0.07 was divided equally among everyone who participated. (Rounded up to the nearest .01)


Thanks for your contributions!

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