My Goals On Steemit. Where do you see yourself on Steemit in a month, six months, a year, five years?

in #life8 years ago

Study after study confirms that most successes in life can be attributed to the habit of setting goals. It's a lifelong habit of mine and I can personally vouch for how effective goal setting is.


You see, the difference between a dreamer and a winner is often as simple as writing down your dreams, breaking it down into simple steps to achieve and referring to it often throughout the day, weeks, month and years.

Dreamers can hold on to their dreams for a day or two, some can hold on for a week or two or even months, but a winner holds on to their dreams until the dream comes true.

Writing down goals and keeping your goals constantly in front of you to remind yourself of the things you're trying to accomplish is often the thing that keeps us on track to reaching them.


How To Reach A Goal

  • Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. ...
  • Write it down. Carefully.
  • Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick at them.
  • Break your goal down. Daily tasks, weekly, monthly, etc.
  • Plan your first step. What are you going to do today, the next day, the day after that. etc.
  • Keep going. Steem on!
  • Celebrate. Reward yourself when achieving a set goal

My Goals For Steemit

Short term

  1. Write at least one post per day
  2. Curate for at least an hour per day
  3. Write one very well researched post with extra value per week
  4. Reach 100 followers my first month
  5. Reach 200 followers by my second month
  6. Reach 500 followers in six months
  7. Organize a Steemit Meetup within six months for my area(Seattle)
  8. Get 1000SP in one month by posting and curating
  9. Learn something new about Steemit every day
  10. Find and follow and up vote one new, good author per day
  11. Find ways to use Steemit to help my local community

Long term

  1. Earn 1000SP per month within six months
  2. Earn 2000SP per month consecutively within one year
  3. Become a Dolphin
  4. Help other Steemians achieve their goals
  5. Attend a large Steemit Meetup
  6. Create a Steemit tutorial for beginners
  7. Replace my income with Steem earings
  8. Quit my job
  9. Become a full time Steem blogger
  10. Travel the world funded by Steemit
  11. Show others how to succeed on Steemit

Hold me accountable

The purpose of posting this list of goals is to hold myself accountable to reaching them and I invite all Steemians to hold me accountable as well.

Thanks for reading my post and Steem on!

What are your goals on Steemit?

Where do you see yourself in a month, six months, a year, five years?




Those are some awesome goals. I wish all the luck to you in the steemit world! I personally would like to create the biggest fishing blog Steemit will ever see. I currently am building a pretty good buzz. At this point I have to post different content to build steem power but as more people join I hope to focus mostly on my fishing reports!

Great idea. I fished everyday when I was a kid. I wish you all the success on your steemit ideas. Thanks for up voting and reading my post.

I also just wanted to tell you that your posts are extremely visually appealing. I think you will have extreme success on here and can't wait to see your tutorial.

Thanks, very kind of you to say. Im going to learn more before making a tutorial. There's some really good one here now and on YouTube. Ive been soaking it up.
I just followed you.

You seem like a good fellow, @luzcypher - love your name too!

I'm also a resident of the great Pacific North West and I love the Seattle area. Perhaps I'll join in on that meetup of yours if I'm not too busy at the time - it's still a good 9 to 12 hour drive for me to reach Seattle, depending on the traffic situation.

In any case, you have my upvote and a new follower :)

Thanks! I liked your post about the user growth and best time to post. Following you too!
We'll see how many Steemians are interested in a meet up around here and I'll keep you posted.

Cool. Thanks.

Excellent point of view, I fully share with you to achieve the goals you have to divide them short, medianoylargo time so the carrot will always be the alcace of the mouth and will not be discouraged by this, I have no doubt you will fulfill my goals Cards

It's so important to write goals down. So far I'm on track. Thanks for the comment and Steem on.

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