What is your buy-in price for Steem? At what point will you flock to buy Steem and Power Up? - The Daily Steem Poll [Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @anduweb for another great Daily Steem Poll question! @anduweb will be receiving 20% of the SBD author payout from this post.

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The "Daily Steem Poll" is an initiative to collect input from the community on various topics. Details about the project can be found in the introductory post here.

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The SBD author payout from this post will be split as follows:

  • 20% will be paid to the person who thought of the idea for the post (@anduweb)
  • 30% will be used to boost/promote future Daily Steem Poll posts
  • 50% will be divided equally among every user that contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way
    (Any comment that contributes to the discussion will be counted as participation.)

Daily Steem Poll Archive:

The archive of Daily Steem Poll topics can be found here!

The Steem Poll Question of the day is:

What is your buy-in price for Steem? At what point will you flock to buy Steem and Power Up?

[image reference]


In terms of actually taking cash out o f my wallet to buy, and buying steem and powering up, id say 10cents is where i start thinking about it.

Right now, when i buy accounts i only pay 6 cents per SP.

Seems that many are looking for 0.1 USD for STEEM or something like that. That would put market cap to 15m USD. Based on what do you expect Steem to fall that low. BTW I'd like to see who is selling Steem for 6 cents. That must be quite desperate soul selling that low.

Out of the $ 0.03 SBD payout:

  • 0.01 was paid to the author of the question (@anduweb).
  • 0.08 was divided equally among everyone who participated. (Rounded up to the nearest .01)


Thanks for your contributions!

I actually don't have a lot to invest, so I am mainly trying to accumulate more through posting and commenting. I had about $250 to invest, which I did right when I started. This was pretty much right at the top, when Steem was about $3.50, hehe. I knew at the time that I was buying in at a peak, but I didn't care because I thought Steem/Steemit was so awesome and I wanted to get in on it. I'm still happy today that I did buy in when I did, and am not too worried about it eventually going back up.

If the price ever got really really low, like around $.01, and it wasn't because the site/community went to hell, then I would probably buy lots, but I don't see that happening. Tons of people would jump in on the opportunity to become super whales way before then.

I am new so this still confuses me. Where do we track the price of steem in order to figure out the best time to buy-in? I just bought some yesterday I believe but I went in blind!

Good call, thanks! Forgot it would use a different link from my phone :)

figuring out when to buy is very subjective. There isn't a certified time to buy. Just like any other crypto, you make a decision yourself. What is seen as a need currently is the power redistribution from the top 1% owning >95% of steem and the need to lure in new investors. Both have high chances of happening when Steem value is low. How low? Nobody knows but definitely lower than it is now.

Track the graphs on Poloniex, coinmarketcap etc. There are also many financial analyses posted around so Search for those too.

A reminder - The Daily Steem Poll is looking for new questions/topics to use for future posts. If you have any great ideas for topics to have the community discuss, please add your suggestions here.

My personal strategy has so far been to buy little bits all the way down. At the equiv of USD 0.40 I'm buying bigger little bits (tenths of BTCs rather than hundredths) whenever the price nears a largish buy wall on polo. At USD 0.20 I will probably start buying even bigger little bits. If it goes as low as USD 0.10 (and nothing major has shown up to scare me off) I will probably start buying as heavy as I am comfortably able to.

Of course, I treat all of this like gambling and never play with anything I am not willing to lose. Also, I am not very smart. So please do not take my words as a recommendation to do or not do anything.

@timcliff, thank you considering my question!

Personally, I'm aiming for a 0.10 SBD/Steem to step in.

Today is the best time to invest in the currency. today the cost of the unit is u $ s 0.45 Recall that the criptomonedas to come to cost u $ s1.30 on this day to again fall into a 6.01%. My perception is that there will continue to fall and will be improved slightly. The currency does not have a roof, meaning that this could amentar its value considerably sooner said than responding to your question is not my case because I do not have saving power, but have you would get un30% of my capital in this criptomonedas. Thank you for your query.

Hoy es el mejor momento para invertir en la moneda. el costo hoy de la unidad es de u$s 0.45 Recordemos que la criptomonedas a llegado a costar u$ s1.30 en el dia de hoy a vuelto a caer en un 6.01%. Mi percepcion es que no va a seguir cayendo y levemente ira mejorando. La moneda no tiene un techo, vale decir que esta podria amentar su valor considerablemente Dicho y respondiendo a su pregunta no es mi caso ya que no dispongo de poder de ahorro, pero de disponer obtendria un30% de mi capital en esta criptomonedas. Muchas Gracias por la consulta.

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