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RE: What is your buy-in price for Steem? At what point will you flock to buy Steem and Power Up? - The Daily Steem Poll [Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

Today is the best time to invest in the currency. today the cost of the unit is u $ s 0.45 Recall that the criptomonedas to come to cost u $ s1.30 on this day to again fall into a 6.01%. My perception is that there will continue to fall and will be improved slightly. The currency does not have a roof, meaning that this could amentar its value considerably sooner said than responding to your question is not my case because I do not have saving power, but have you would get un30% of my capital in this criptomonedas. Thank you for your query.

Hoy es el mejor momento para invertir en la moneda. el costo hoy de la unidad es de u$s 0.45 Recordemos que la criptomonedas a llegado a costar u$ s1.30 en el dia de hoy a vuelto a caer en un 6.01%. Mi percepcion es que no va a seguir cayendo y levemente ira mejorando. La moneda no tiene un techo, vale decir que esta podria amentar su valor considerablemente Dicho y respondiendo a su pregunta no es mi caso ya que no dispongo de poder de ahorro, pero de disponer obtendria un30% de mi capital en esta criptomonedas. Muchas Gracias por la consulta.

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