What would you do with 10,000 SBD? - The Daily Steem Poll [Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @etcmike for today's Daily Steem Poll question! @etcmike will be receiving 20% of the SBD author payout from this post.

The "Daily Steem Poll" is an initiative to collect input from the community on various topics. Details about the project can be found in the introductory post here.

You can contribute by responding to the question in the comments below. Everyone who contributes will be part of the reward pool for the post, as described below!

You can also suggest potential topics/questions to be used for future posts in the comments below. For any topics that are selected, 20% of the SBD payout from that post will to the person who suggested the idea!

The SBD author payout from this post will be split as follows:

  • 20% will be paid to the person who thought of the idea for the post (@etcmike)
  • 20% will be used to boost the next day's Daily Steem Poll post
  • 50% will be divided equally among every user that contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way
    (Any comment that contributes to the discussion will be counted as participation.)
  • 10% will be kept as author payout

The Steem Poll Question of the day is:

What would you do with 10,000 SBD?


I would (am) using it to build tools that will be open for all to use to make their steemit front end experience more customizable and even potentially capable of adding reward and management structures for "guilds" of artists, bloggers, creators and curators of all kinds can have their own tokens and incentive systems built directly on top of steem.

I do not quite have 10k, but I have been blessed to be an early miniwhale who runs the hangouts for which @dantheman himself said steem was born. So if I am any indicator of what others are doing with far more than me...then I suspect we are on for a wild ride.

Now with that said, if I had 20k steem...i'd have it all built much more quickly :)

Honestly I would keep the entire amount in SBD... I would wait for the price of steem to stop going down, and when it shows signs of slowing down or even starting to turn up I would power up... maximizing the amount of SP I could get with that amount of capital and thus increasing my weight on the site.

That is really well thought out!

Steem on,

I would take 33% and buy up seeds for harvesting crops and organic products. With all those seeds I would package and label them as "steem seeds" . I would take 60% and redistribute it back into the steemit community and posts like these so we can all attribute to the next move. With the remainder I would donate it to crypto education.

That sounds like a good strategy.

Steem on,

Interesting 😀

I would sponsor about 90 Steemians' tickets to SteemFest :)

What's SteemFest?

That looks awesome! I wish I could attend 😀 I amended my answer of what I would do if I had 10k SBD. My spouse and I would totally be going to SteemFest, lol. Thanks for sharing!

Haha. Nice. My pleasure!

I usually have more than 10K SD in my position.
Follow my transaction [for example on steemd.com] to see what I do with them.[sorry I do not know of any way I can let you know what I do with my funds on exchanges]

I think this was a good timing to power up more :)

Actually pretty terrible timing to power up according to my JS Index

First, I would feel like I just won the lottery.

After a bit of time, I would figure out what to do with 10,000 SBD. If I got it for a post, then it would be a great encouragement to continue steeming on.

Not sure exactly what percentages I would use for this breakout but here it goes:

  • Keep some in SBD; they are transferable at any time and earn interest. Maybe, 20%.
  • Use some to buy more STEEM Power. Maybe up to 50%. This would earn compounding interest too.
  • If I earned it for a post, I would go through the list of those who upvoted me, find those at the newbie and user levels, and thank each of them with a portion. Just my way of giving back to the SteemIt community. Maybe allocate about 20% for this purpose.
  • Transfer a portion to BTC or cash out. I haven't done this yet. This would be an opportunity to learn how to do it. Maybe about 1,000 SBD.
  • If there is any left over, donate some to my favorite lessor known authors on SteemIt.

With my new STEEM Power, I would join #steemsquad and do a lot more curating.

And finally, I would not sit back and relax (well maybe a little :-) but I would try to spend more time developing quality content for the SteemIt community.

Steem on,

I'd exchange it all for Steem, power it all up and let the power down I have going continue. The idea behind this would be that it A) buys up a bunch of liquid Steem, B) stops me from tanking the value by trying to sell it all off, C) boosts my interest earnings and D) boosts the amount I get every week in my power down payments. So far all my power down payments have been used for necessities (car repairs and bills) so having that much more each week towards loans would be awesome.

Pretty easy for me... haha
I would add it to my Factory steemit project :)
The #motocross season is over here now for this year but thats cool. Gives me enough time to get everything in place to hit the 2017 season hard! Shirts are being printed, bike gfx are done ready for the bikes on race day. Just need to get a few more things in check and we are go to go :)
£10k would help alot lol, good luck with the post.

I'd powerup! Well, 90% of it anyway... I need a new camera, so I'd cash out 1k for that, and power up the rest. I'd be really stoked too, that's for sure!

and you would post nice pictures to steemit to make more ;)

Phew, might not be the most interesting answer but the honest one? Cash out and pay off part of my student loans! Right now it looks like I'll be paid off in 2035! Yikes!
Also, an idea for another question that sort of goes along with this... what is your steemit short term and long term goals? It's a good way to allow people to brainstorm ideas!

Right on.

Good suggestion! I'll add it to the list for future topics.

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