NOSTOS... Through the endless path of introspection...

in #ftlob6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, for this episode of #ftlob I am going to write about a band that it isn’t yet in Steemit but is in the process of becoming part of the community, so probably this post would act as an introductory post as well, so without further ado I present you : NOSTOS

As for the ones who do not control Ancient Greek as myself our ever helpful wikipedia give us an insight to the meaning of the band in question... 'is a theme used in Greek literature which includes an epic hero returning home by sea. It is a high level of heroism or greatness. This journey is usually very extensive and includes being shipwrecked in an unknown location and going through certain trials that test the hero'. Exciting isnt'it? Well wait until you hear their music in order to fully understand the meaning of it all....
Nostos is a band from Madrid Spain, that has recently released his first EP, ‘Luces del Norte’ (‘Northern Lights’) a beautifully crafted album filled with ethereal landscapes and mystical melodies created by the superb spanish guitar of Sergio García, the electric touch by Gonzalo Saez's telecaster and the mastery of texture and atmos by the synths and production of Nacho Hernandez.

From left to right Gonzalo Saez, Sergio García and Nacho Hernandez

Nostos is formed by in order of appearance in the picture above by Gonzalo Saez, electric guitar, who I had the pleasure to have formed with, our first project in our teenage years called Espiral, a Rock and Roll project influenced by bands such as Heroes del Silencio, Led Zeppelin or Pearl Jam that didn’t have much success and was… as many first projects just a ‘for fun to see what happens kind of experience….’ but was a project that started a shared passion for music that continued in our separate careers.
Gonzalo Saez had also an acoustic project with Pepe Rubio Larrauri before joining, a previous project to Nostos shared with Nacho and Sergio called ‘La Dolorosa’ a darker project in the total opposite spectrum of Nostos, Death metal, Gothic and Stoner with some Ethnic touches.

Sergio García, Spanish Guitar, has devoted himself to the study of guitar classic and flamenco among others, and this can clearly be seen in the beautifuly crafted melodies of ‘Luces del Norte’ that make the center of the sound of this promising project. He has worked in many other projects before forming ‘La Dolorosa’ alongside Nacho Hernandez.

Nacho Hernandez on the Keyboards,synths and production is well known in the Death and Ethnic metal world as ‘Vihmana’ his solo project that it would deserve an article of his own... in Nostos he creates the background and subtle landscapes that forms the canvas for the main themes created by the ethereal guitars. The production of the album is just fantastic, showing how a seasoned veteran in the arts of sound creation he is.

Sergio García and Nacho Hernandez live in ‘La Dolorosa’

Nostos has recently started his journey together but in such a short period of time have already taken part in several festivals and opening for other well established bands.


As an example here is the full show as the opening act for the festival The Rincon Pio Sound at Don Benito, Spain in a very peculiar stage….. the back of an old bus, The music speaks for itself, great performance for a great setting :

Nostos has also appeared recently at the Mareira Festival at A Coruña delivering a powerful and mystical performance sharing Cartel with fantastic underground names here are some nice pictures from the event:

Here is another example of a live performance this time at Mala Strana in Oviedo that clearly shows the mood for this suberb act, that fill the atmospehere with trance, melancholy and instropective moods, please sit back and delight yourselves with a well deserved meditation fuelled with Nostos sound…

And here are some of the links if you would like to follow Nostos and help them out to release their next album:

Thank you so much to #ftlob for creating this contest and allowing new upcoming talent to be heard, hope you enjoyed it and if this post wins the earnings will go towards the production of Nostos first LP.

Please follow this link to know more about this great contest:

Peace and Rock On…..


Hello davenavarro!

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Great write up and glad they are making their way to Steemit!

The layering of the guitars is fantastic.I was waiting for the heavy metal to kick in but that's so cliche that it's refreshing that it didn't :P

Looking forward to welcoming them to the community!

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Thank you so much John, and sorry to disappoint you with those metal sounds you can find some of their previous members works here that is pure metal sounds for you :D :
I will help them manage their page in Steemit as they are green yet and once is up so will add them to curation and fanbase to musicvoter. Thanks so much \m/

Awesome!!! \m/ O.O \m/

good review mate, really like their style :)

Thank you so much for stopping by Turtle they will really appreciate it :D virtual hugs \m/

Awesome music and a fine looking band.
Congratulations for finding the ones!!!

Thanks a lot for the comment Jeff... they are certainly fine ones ;D

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank you so much for the upvote you rock ;D

Great review @davenavarro and what a way to welcome soon-to-be Steemians Nostos to Steemit :-) Thanks a lot for participating and remember, vote post will be live tomorrow!

Thanks again for the review and happy to take part again in a new ftlob contest ;D kudos

Great research​ and review! A very well written post. I like it a lot!

Thank you so much Ylich i have really enjoyed yours too very much may the best win :D you got such a talented sister as well as yourself ;D

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