What to buy in April ... when you live in Nairobi/Kenya ~ for FruitsAndVeggiesMonday

Some of you may have noticed that I post one article a month for #fruitsandveggiesmonday (initiated by @lenasveganliving) dedicated to a sustainable way of buying foods. I try to introduce fruits and vegetables that are in season and regional in the middle of Germany. Usually I do this in the beginning of every month but in the beginning of April I was on a special vacation. A very close friend of mine - actually he is like my little brother - a kenian with indian roots married the love of his life in Nairobi and we were invited to celebrate this wonderful event with them. 

That's why I was in Kenya in the end of march and the beginning of April and wasn't able to check on the fresh stuff on my local green market. But - I spent some time in a really pretty greengrocer's downtown Nairobi shopping fruits and veggies with the camera of my IPhone 6s. I didn't want to use my other camera because I wanted to keep it inconspicuous - I guess that didn't work out well. I stood out by just being there anyway ... 😆

I have no idea if all these things were locally grown and in season in East Africa at this time of the year but it was very interesting to watch. Some of the vegetables or fruits looked simply the way like those I would buy just around the corner of my house - like the carrots, beetroots, potatoes, cabbage... Some things looked different but familiar - like these very sweet and delicious mini bananas or these supercute tiny eggplants - and some things I have never seen before in my life. Even by reading the names of the vegetables I didn't know what they are nor what to cook from them. Maybe some of you know a few of the for me unknown vegetables and fruits so you can tell me how to use them ... But now enjoy my fruits and veggies safari ... 

What an inviting presentation of all the goods: the customers seemed to like it there.

Karela - a pimply cucumber? 😜

Mini eggplants and okras

Aren't they adorable?

Lemons, tree tomatoes (😃???) and passion fruits

The pineapples on the daily breakfast buffet were so sweet and juicy every day 

I have nowhere had better mangos like in Kenya

Papayas and Cherimoyas - I am jealous right now!


My favorite bananas, sweet and small:

This looks like vegetable shelves just like ours:

Where coconuts are as usual as onions! 😃

Very green but familiar:

It's getting hot in here ... 🌶🌶



Bell peppers

A kind of melon?

This reminds me of a sort of cucumber I had for breakfast in my omani mixed pickles last year during our arabic road trip ... Is it a cucumber?

Turiya - never heard of ...

Turnips and beetroots

Rhubarb right next to lemongrass ... but when I think about it - could be a delicious combination, worth a try! This visit was very inspiring!

More hot stuff ...

Chori - a sort of green bean? I don't know!

A mix of familiar and (for me) exotic vegetables...


The End

Wasn't this interesting?! I am eagerly waiting to hear your experiences with some of these beautiful ingredients. 

Everyone who would love to join in this wonderful contest should read @lenasveganliving's post with the rules. Have fun! ☀️


I am so happy to see you my Dear. It feels like ages ago since I saw your what to buy entree. But I understand why and now I am really enjoying looking trough this amazing African store. Believe or not, we actually have Karela the pimply cucumber here too, but I never tried it. Apparently it tastes slightly bitter.

Anyway, I hope you had a great time in Africa, I bet it must of been quite an experience. I hope you are going to share some travel photos with us 🍒 🍌🍑🍍🍓🍇
1 Collage.jpg

I definitely will! 😊


Thank you so much! It was fun collecting all these photos!

Oh I love that you took your customary post on a "road trip" if you will. ;) I so enjoy seeing some of the neat produce that you can get in other countries! Those eggplant are so cute, and I love cherimoya. Thanks for taking us along for the journey!

I had so much fun discovering all these colorful and sometimes exotic fruits and vegetables. I really adored these eggplants. Would have loved to bring some home with me but ...
I promise there will be more photos from the journey. I just say Safari and Indian Wedding...

I'm working to add more fruits and vegetables to my routine as well as sardines. That must be one amazing farmers market.

It was indeed!

Fantastic photos! And I am so glad you are back! I'll bet you have lots more marvelous photos and stories to tell! I'll bet you wished you could brung home a suitcase full of unusual produce!

That's so true! I wish I could buy these mangos over here! Thank you for your warm welcome! 😊😘

Hi, everything looks so fresh and delicious! Happy Monday!

For you too! 😋

Great photos of an awesome market. Some of those fruits and veggies I am not familiar with but I would love to try them!

Same here! I wanted to buy and try everything!

wow i actually got goose pumps and shivers looking at all these photos, this is plant based heaven! u must of been in your element!

can you tell me what sort of price range these vegtables and fruit were, did it feel cheaper there? this store looks high end maybe pricey? i know africa is quite cheap in general but kenya is like the san tropez of africa, just curious because i would love to go there myself!

Wow what an abundance of nature's fruits and colours - very inspiring! Thank you for sharing @pusteblume:-))

And I hank you for your support!

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