Not so Delicate

in #freewritepoetry6 years ago

Before age, I was delicate
oddly fragile to the harshness
of this unconventional
vast of humans.

Before feeling self-love
I bashed my sad reflection
continuously with
unsolicited opinions
from a broken society.

Before realizing that
some men's forever last
up to their ejaculation
I waited next to my phone
for his aroused tone.

Before knowing that family
doesn't necessarily translate
to the blood cruising
through my veins,
I met and lost my family.

Before I calculated my worth
abusive hands had tried
to subtract it
with the help of a loose
cursed tongue.

Before I made peace
with being within my black skin
I counted the set of eyes
that dwelled longer on the
imperfection I was.

Mine :)

*This piece was inspired by the ever amazing @mariannewest through the daily prompt.

Thank you for coming.



Humans tend to be vast, also in evils that they grow within. Harsh poem, but enjoyable in this harshness.

If you found it harsh, you missed my point. Thank you for the read though.

Once published, poem is bond to have various interpretations, right? Welcome.

Before realizing that

some men's forever last
up to their ejaculation
I waited next to my phone
for his aroused tone.

I say no more

Strong words for a strong poem (and a strong poet, I guess...). When I try to write poetry, with less ability than that, I like to use strong words too. :)

Here’s the most recent freewrite prompt, so you can keep on writing in this amazing community

Enjoy, and have a good day!

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Y'all are just amazing <3

I met and lost my family

That is so very sad...and yet so true, how often we make all the mistakes you mention in your poem...Beautiful writing, by the way!

I sure hope you don't quit your freewriting journey just now, so I brought along this newest prompt.

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

Ops! You have trespassed in "my zone"... lol!

(incidents between Encouragers :P)

I havee? :O Oops, must've miscalculated :D still, better two encouragements than none!
Hope there's no punishment for trespassing :D

Lol! No punishment, I was joking...
I found out that we had left out @kaerpediem... and I dropped to her the encouragment! I don't know why we ended up posting two times to a freewriter and none to another, maybe we only set the order of the comments under the prompt in different ways ;)

Sorry for infesting your comment section, @tezmel! :D

Hmm maybe the Gods of Freewrite conspire against us...we shall never know, but I have the distinct feeling something dubious is afloat. :D Indeed, sorry @tezmel! :)

Thank you for the love. It's appreciated :)

I forgot: tip!

(I'm low on voting power, so I'm tipping around instead :P)

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