Children #WeekendSinglePrompt

in #freewrite6 years ago


Taken from the balcony of the theatre :)

I rarely go out being that I can't leave my young alone in the house but Friday evening, I made exception. There was a profound play at the Kenya National Theatre and being as obsessed as I am with history, I made my way there. Dubbed #TooEarlyForBirds, the show started at 7:30pm and ran for more than three hours.

Around 11pm, I stepped out of the theatre satisfied. It was beyond what I expected and I couldn't help feeling proud for coming out to support upcoming artists. We (me and my bestie Monica) made our way to the heart of Nairobi to get some cocktails before going home.

The city was live considering it was a weekend. Young folks dressed in colourful african attires scattered in the less populated streets. Laughter and music floated in the air as lights of all sorts lit the city. Nothing is more beautiful if you ask me.

But as we made our way to a certain joint for the cocktails, I noticed a different group. Dressed in dirty rags with bottles of some substance dangling from their mouths. Some begged for coins from the hyper small crowds passing them. Others danced in the middle of the almost vacated streets.

Some were sleeping under streets lights. I later came to find out (from security guards) they do so to avoid sexual harassment from the older lot among them. Most of them (the ones on the streets) looked less than 15 years. The older ones preferred dark alleys it would seem.

We got to the joint as I fought back tears and I requested a spot in the balcony three floors up. From this view, there were more than I could see from the ground. I sat there in silence as I watched them for half an hour. Young children who needed protection and shelter out in the middle of the night.


I thought of my own and how protective I am. I wondered if mine can survive such a life and broke down in tears. Street families are on the rise in Kenya and weirdly, they consist of mainly children. Why I don't know yet but considering things like how many children have been orphaned due to things like HIV and Aids, I have an idea of what happened.

I am still looking to see how or what I can do to help the ones I can but that night was a reminder of how irresponsible we are as a country for such to be happening. Children need and deserve better if we are to leave a race behind. If we don't protect them from such harshness then I wonder what they will turn into later in life.

Life on the streets demands one to be hardcore to survive. Innocence has no place there yet we know children are most innocent. I am reflecting on what is the future of those hardened by our streets; protected by street lights from sexual abuse. What life is there for those dealing with such demons currently? Shame on all of US.

This freewrite prompt is one I am grateful @mariannewest included in the weekend single prompt option, here.

Join the movement, #freewrite or here.



If we don't protect them from such harshness then I wonder what they will turn into later in life.

This spoke volumes to me. Most of the problems we face didn't start today, the hardened criminals and social vices perpetrators as we know them now, were once kids. In the book by Angie Thomas (The hate U give), shows how the societal treatment of this kids has a massive role to play in whatever they churn into. These children have no one, and they end up doing whatever they can to survive- the idea of wrong and right makes no sense to them, their only instinct is survival.

I agree with your thoughts. Something needs to be done at their age to change their future.

Thank you for your read 💚

It's a thought provoking freewrite. I believe even if we can't save all of them, helping the few we can reach would go a long way. If we leave them to the Government, nothing would be done.

Thanks for sharing.

Being that I work with as a volunteer with prisons especially juveniles, I know governments care less about such kids. I will just do my part and work with what i have or i'll get! :)

There are charities that promise to help these children but so many are either underfunded and understaffed. One person, probably not even one group, can not care for and protect them alone. It will take a concentrated and coordinated effort by those who want to save them. A formation strong enough to hold back the monsters and stable enough to support and guide those families and children struggling to survive. I know of the Children Of Hope group but, are there others that are worthy of trust that aid can be sent to?
My heart goes out to those kids who are scared and are suffering while I am safe in my home.

I know it will be a task but I still feel like I am supposed to do something. I work with juveniles and prisons and most of them end up there. I feel like I can change that for at least one child.

Apologies but I don't get what you mean by this!

I know of the Children Of Hope group but, are there others that are worthy of trust that aid can be sent to?

Thank you for the read and your thoughts too 💚

Sorry, sometimes there are groups that say that they are gathering aid for charitable purposes, but the funds and resources are mismanaged. Is there a specific group that you know of personally that is doing the most with what they have?

Oh. Now I get you. I am a volunteer with a local NGO that works with prisons and I usually work with juveniles. I am thinking if I can stop only two if not more of these children from going to prison. I can't tell you of a trustworthy group that deals with street children because the thought of doing something came to me on Friday night. This was probably ignited by the fact that I am aware of where they end up... Prisons or Juveniles. Our correctional facilities are worse than you would imagine. This is what I want to avoid :)

Today I am hopping through the town of Freewrite on my brand new pogo-stick! It's super-powered by my desire read your awesome stories and deliver the prompt of the Goddess Marianne!

Seen and appreciated, thank you! :)

When Steemusa first got started - a discord group to support steemians - i wrote about how i can see steem and this platform making a difference for kids without hope, for homeless and so forth.
I wonder if there is already a Kenya group or maybe, one could get started that will and can do something about this. I don't know what the cost of living is in your country - but i would think less than in the US adn steemit earnings could go a long way.

I know that @tojukaka is very active in Nigeria helping people to earn on this platform. he might have ideas.

I appreciate your thoughts. As I have explained to @brisby I don't know any trustworthy groups that deal with street children as I have never worked with one. The thought of doing some thing about street children came to me on Friday night. This maybe because I know where they end up... Juveniles and Prisons. I volunteer as a peer counsellor with a local NGO that works with Prisons :)

I was talking about a steemit group :) But that would be something to bring up to the NGO - to expand their work into prevention...
I am thinking if the kids can get impowered to provide for themselves with crypto earnings - they have a future.

Oh understood. But. We have to start at food before we get to them earning. We have to make sure they go back to school to even understand how #Steemit works. Shelter also is key. Thanks for additional thoughts though :)

Well, maybe the volunteers in for example, your organization, can get on Steemit and use the money they earn to buy food and provide shelter :)
I always am thinking about crowd based solutions....

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