5 Minute Freewrite: After Midnight

in #freewrite7 years ago

Find the prompt here! https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-9-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-after-midnight

After midnight is when all the little spiders come out to play. Marnie is one such spider. She lives on the windowsill of a window in an old apartment, in the bedroom facing the west. It gets very hot in the windowsill in the late afternoons, and Marnie drowses in and out of sleep until the sun goes down. When it's dark, she awakens and begins to get excited about midnight. She spends those hours thinking about what she will do with her little spider friends who live on the other windowsills and in the corners and the closet of the room. At midnight, they all gather at the foot of the bed and spend some time circling around one another, greeting each other, seeing who's missing and lamenting the loss of a fallen little spider, whether it be to the dustrag or the vacuum cleaner, a human's foot or a dog's, or just old age (they don't live very long, these little spiders). But there are always new faces, too, for the little spiders reproduce quickly and enjoy their lives to the fullest extent that they may in their short time on the earth. After the greetings and sorrowings have taken place, the dance begins. Some of the little spiders are very skilled at making music by rubbing their legs together, as if they themselves were violins. The music makers take turns so no one doesn't get a chance to dance, for the dance is the funnest part of the evening. Some of the little spiders like to pair off and dance exclusively with one another, and this is allowed and accepted.


I would watch this as an animated short.

Too cute! I will now think of every spider I see as a violin!

You make spiders sound so adorable!


Oh, those little spiders!! They are known to dance in my bed and bite me! I prefer for them to play the violin!

Thank you! I need to get on the ball and do this every day!!

We all would love that!!! But do what you can :)

I enjoyed this immensely. I have a spider who lives in my kitchen corner. It blesses me by devouring the tiny gnats and no see ems that sneak in.

Spiders do so much good!

That was a nice story. It made me smile!

And today's prompt

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