Look at How Fast the Time Flies on Steemit- A Freewrite Look Back

in #freewrite6 years ago

Hello. This week I have been nominated to showcase my favorite freewrites I have written for the freewrite project. The freewrite project was started and is hosted by @mariannewest. Each day of the week there is a new prompt, and she adds a weekend freewrite on the weekends. The idea of the freewrite is to begin writing freely without pause, thought, or hesitation.


We do 5- minute freewrites and set our timer for 5 minutes. There are no rules to the freewrite. The purpose of the freewrite is to free your mind of any limitations or expectations, to broaden your writing, and to practice writing; making writing an every day activity until it becomes a habit.

You, as the writer have the choice to keep the freewrite as is, showing all your mistakes, or you are free to go back, edit, or write more of the story to make a great ending. Freewrites do not have to be fiction. They can be poetry, lyrics, ramblings, or random thoughts. Whatever comes to your mind when given the prompt will be your freewrite.
The most important part of the freewrite is that you have fun!

Day 9: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: After Midnight


This post was my very first freewrite and is still my favorite. I did not know what to write about in the freewrite, and I’m not sure why I wrote this story, but this is what came out of the prompt after midnight. I was super concerned that I would not be able to write for 5 minutes and worried I wouldn’t have enough time.

I soon found out it depends on the story. Sometimes I have lots to say and give the alarm a dirty look, and other times I’m looking at the timer to see how much longer I need to write. I did not edit this post. At the end of the post I remarked that it went against all my writer instincts not to edit or fix my typos as I was writing.

Weekend Freewrite #6 Single Prompt Option


This post was a cute little story about a pig who was loose in the streets. I like being able to write cute stories, and the freewrite gives you lots of different prompts to do this. I love to read the other freewriters posts about the same prompt. Everyone has a different thought process when they hear the prompt, and the 5-minute freewrites are short and sweet, I can read them in a few minutes.

When we first started doing the freewrites, there were only a handful of us writing them since it was new. I could go down through the comments and read each of the stories. As time went on, and the freewrite became more popular, it became harder to read them all. I still try and read as many freewrites I can, although I miss so many, and that makes me sad.

The Weekend Freewrite 1/6/2018 The Turtles


This post is one of the freewrites I wrote for the weekend freewrite. The weekend freewrite prompt consists of the first sentence, the interference, and the dramatic twist. Each of these prompts are given on three separate posts, and we write for 5-minutes each prompt.

In the end we have a complete story, that took 15-minutes to write. This weekend prompt- the turtles- brought out a lot of sad freewrites, and mine was no exception. Sometimes the interference or the dramatic twist throw your story off the course you had planned to take in your writing. I don’t look at the prompts before I write, so the prompts are always a surprise to me.

Day 99: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: Sunset


This post is another cute little freewrite. I have always written novels, so writing short stories is something that I never practiced. I didn’t think I would be able to write so many short stories, let alone in 5-minutes, but somehow, I have been able to manage making the story make some sense in this short time.

I have seen lots of memes on the internet that say that one flower doesn’t compare itself to another flower, it just blooms. I thought that was cute, and I wanted to tell the story from the point of view of a flower. I decided to have a daisy ask how the rose gets so beautiful. It ended up being a freewrite with a message to just be yourself.
This is true in freewrite too. Don’t get too bogged down in comparing your work to others.

Day 122: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: Spa


One day I decided to try and see if I could write song lyrics in a 5-minute freewrite. I have seen other freewriters write in a poem form, so I gave it a try. I haven’t gotten a hit song yet, but I will if I keep trying. I plan to do this type of songwriting when the muse strikes!

This freewrite prompt was spa, so I wrote a little song about having a spa day. I don’t think that I will ever use this song, but there were a few good lines that came from it. The purpose is to write every day, which is something I don’t do. I tend to write when I am sad, which makes very depressing songs.


Going back through the freewrites reminds me of how many different prompts I have attempted since the beginning of the freewrite. Many of them were cute, or touching stories, some prompts brought back memories, and other brought out the dark side in me.

It is nice to be able to write different genres and give the writing diverse tones and points of views, as well as writing poems and song lyrics. The best part of the freewrite is that it doesn’t matter what you write, if you write!

I invite anyone who reads this post to try the freewrite. You don’t have to be a writer to write a freewrite. You could write your grocery shopping list, and we would cheer you on! The freewrite community is filled with lots of encouraging freewriters, so don’t be shy!

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I am so glad to have the chance to read your freewrites and songs that I have missed. You are so talented and they are all great; the one about the daisy and rose was so cute. I will be looking forward to many more of your wonderful writings as we all continue this amazing journey. Tip!

Thank you! I always love reading your stories!!! I am honored to be in the over 20 club! :D

I am in debt of your support to my freewrite...reading through your post is again another inspiration to just keep on writing :) you're right I can't stop to write in every post I made hehehehe

Thank you! We all need to keep practicing! I love to write. Thanks for the encouragement!

Huzzaaahh to the Horde! Huzzaaahh to Simgirl!! 😄 You're too cool and it's a great pleasure to be in the freewriting adventure with you!

Yay! I am excited to see what will happen!!! I am limiting my involvement with the 3 groups I am in, because they are all growing!!!!! Very fast!!! Can't take on any more Steemit responsibility. :D

How lovely your journey of freewrite. I just started and guess what I dont intend to stop. Although I may not be able to do it daily, but I will not give up. I am inspired by you just reading this one. Thank you for your effort to compile this for us. ☺

Thanks for reading. It becomes very addictive. I have not written as many as I would like. I always think I won't know what to write :) I do love the weekend freewrites and the we-freewrites.

Yay for you!!!

Thank you!

I'm glad you like to "write cute little stories" because I like reading them. And I disagree that you haven't written a hit song yet. It's fun to look back on these, isn't it? 😊

Thank you!!! I like reading your stories too! it is lots of fun to see all the different stories that come from the freewrites!

Your stories are always cuter than mine. At least yours don't scare people. :-)
Never thought of trying to do a song with a prompt. Freewriters unite :-)

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

another lovely writing i see here its beautifull thank you for shareing...

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