5 Minute Freewrite Wednesday (prompt-vandals)

in #freewrite6 years ago


..continued dialog.

I think something is wrong with me. I have been feeling weird
past couple days."

"Oh that is not good, Charlotte. What are your symptoms?"

"My tummy is making awful sounds and it hurts on the inside."

"Are you still eating that yogurt?"


"Charlotte, your body is probably just filling up with too much
gas. You need to fart it out."

"Eww gross!"

"Gross or not do it, and head back before you get caught. I will
see you in the morning."

The next day Nate came up to Charlotte and told her Mr. Banson
wants to talk to her. She got scared and Nate just gave her a big
smirk. She was afraid he told on her.

"Charlotte, next time you want to see what is going on with your body,
ask us and we will help, otherwise we will consider you a
vandal and have you locked up except for meal times. You understand?"

"Yes sir Mr. Banson."

"Get to your seat and get ready for your tests."

Charlotte sighed in relief and Nate chuckled at her.

Now that was close and I want to smack Nate for her. What a pain he is getting to be.
If you have not read any of my Chozzy story, here is a link to the last few. Hope you all enjoy them.


OMG, your TAGS cracked me UP!!! I mean, I was already smiling at the story and then I saw the tags and almost spit out my coffee!!!

Lol. Great freewrite!

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Lol, as long as the spitting was not over something that could get ruined or stained, lol. I may be doing goofy tags like that with all my writings now. Speaking of which, time to jump in today's. :-)

HaHa! Give Nate a punch for me too! I love that you feel for your characters and I also love your tags! LOL! : )

Thank you thank you. :-) Yeah it helps me "feel" the story, if I put myself in it. I hope she does punch him, right in the ummm, neck. Hehe

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