Day 766: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: disoriented

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Monday prompt disoriented hosted by @mariannewest

When I got home today I told my husband I should leave my rods at home and just go find the fish for him to catch. I felt so disoriented all day. I went to Cat Island and saw nothing. On Miner's island, I saw the fisherman who I call The Hustler. He saw me headed for Long Point. I told my husband I wish I would have videoed him, he opened his boat up, wide ass open, I think he was going so fast that there had to be nothing but air between the bottom of his boat and the river. He beat me to long Point and I saw pompano shower behind his boat but he was going so fast he went 600 yards before he could get stopped and had to go back to where the fish skipped. I wandered around and finally skipped three, I anchored and caught two real fast. I text my husband and he comes up there and anchors east of me and he starts pulling fish one after another. I had to stop watching him because I was getting mad that I was not catching. I caught one more after about 30 minutes. My husband is still catching, I moved 5 times and could not get a bite.

They finally quit biting for my husband and he went to the Inlet, he text me that he caught 2, so off I go. I get to the Inlet and watch him catching fish. He texts me and tells me to move more to the east where I can throw in the sleuth. I did this and ended up catching 8 there. For the day in my disoriented state, I caught 11 my husband in his undisoriented state, caught 37. Together we had 78 pounds for the day. A good days pay.

I watched the skydivers come down as I was on my way to the boat ramp.



I'm glad you ended up so successful despite dealing with disorientation!

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@wondernrose thank you, there are good days and bad ones. I just take it in stride.

I am glad that you had a good day between the two of you!! Next time, you are reeling them in :)

@mariannewest thank you, I had my day today. I feel better.

What shall I say? Let the man do the job and stay home and take some rest. 😘💕

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@wakeupkitty hahaha, some times I wish I could do that but I do enjoy catching, I do not enjoy watching someone else catching and me not. I did well today, it started out bad but I did not give up and ended up catching 42 pounds.

@myjob Good you did well. It is annoying indeed if you try and hardly catch while the hubby shows up later and catch one after the next. ❤️

@wakeupkitty It goes both ways, I have done it to him. He tells me pompano fishing is not a spectators sport. If one of us is not going to catch I would rather it be me. He handles it a lot worse than I do.

@myjob 🙂😅😂 You can't mean that. Well, he can bake a pie at home..😁

@wakeupkitty oh yes I do mean it, especially right now. He has quit smoking and was wearing the patches that gave him nicotine and he has been cutting back to less and less nicotine. Now he is at zero and crumpy. I know he will not be like this for long BUT, BOY OH BOY he has been a real bear.

@myjob I wish you luck with that and him with a life without nicotine. Is there a reason he stopped smoking? The tar will not be out of his body for the next 5-7 years (they say that is the time all cells are new...I doubt that is true).❤️

@wakeupkitty He decided to quit when he found out he has AFIB. I am so happy he quit.

Yoohoo! What was the name of the thingy you told me for the hot flashes of menopause? My sister started menopause and need something for the hot thingies :P

@blacklux, hello there. She should take flaxseed oil, black cohosh, and primrose oil, they are all pill form in the vitamin dept. of a store, tell her it will take about a month for it to start working so give them plenty of time. Tell her I feel for her, the darn thing heats you up from the inside. Another damn thing women have to go through. I wish men could have half the things women have.

Yeah! Worst part is that Puerto Rico is always hot as hell so you can imagine how she feels! Thanks! I will tell her to buy that!

@blacklux Tell her to take them like it says on the bottles, I think it was 3 times a day. Happy Thanksgiving

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