California And Open Eyes (5 Minute Freewrite)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Prompt: California

I've never been to California. What do I say? I have no experience on which to base this freewrite about.

I am British, so I'm thinking what if the prompt was London instead. That place is overrated.

Not everyone is warm and friendly and not everyone is living in a Victorian era apartment. Anyone can see the postcard version of London, but what is the truth behind that picture.

Maybe I could research California, and I'll see the nice version, like the TV advert with Arnold.

”Here's the nice parts,” they are thinking whilst they tell you that this is "paradise on earth."

But I bet there are places that are not so nice, the places where realism strikes, the places that are not in the brochure.

I've never been to California, so I will not make a judgement until I've been there. Does this make me old, wise or just cynical?

The world is a place presented to us in a version that we want to see. A far different world from the one that exists.

The struggles of some, the poverty and even the slavery. It can be all dressed up to present itself as the cornerstone of the Earth.

Maybe it is, but until I've been there, I'll make no judgement.

Copyright free image from Pixabay

I hope you enjoyed my freewrite. If you expecting a continuation of “It Is Time For The Freewrite To End,” I have decided to continue that separately.

You can read it here.

When I wrote today's freewrite, it was obvious to me that I have made the right decision.

That means more writing and more stories.


Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner. The link doesn't work, but there's no need to worry.

Task set by @mariannewest



California is pretty cool - you can find all kinds of things and people here. but I am biased since I live here.

I would like to go to California. And I would like to go to England. But the next flight is already planned in Budapest) Thank you!

I hear that Budapest is a nice place. My wife is from Philippines and I live in the UAE, so we tend to travel between those and England.

Thanks for sharing your version and weaving in snippets of London.

Thank you for reading, London popped into my head, then I remembered a post I read about a famous"glamour" city (I won't mention it). It was photographs of all the poor areas.

Hollywood is actually very not glamorous.

I don’t recommend driving there in your youth and trying to rent a hotel 😂😂😂

Anaheim is another city people assume is nice because Disneyland is there - it’s not so nice.

But the LA area in general can be very glamorous, just not in actual Hollywood.

Yep @metzli Hollywood boulevard is not what you would expect at all - it's dirty and run down, and was a huge disappointment when I went to see it.. But everywhere else in California exceeded our expectations... We were young and free! A bunch of young Irish late teens and early twenties... Fun times :)

Nice post. Never wanted to visit California, I do not know why, but London, now that's on my bucket list :)
Thank you for sharing your lovely freewrite.

You either love or hate London. I'd rather go to my home area of Torbay on the south coast of Devon. :-) Thank you for reading.

I loved your post @mr-neil! .. I see popping out your tendency of twisting the prompt word and I like it a lot ;-)

The world is a place presented to us in a version that we want to see. A far different world from the one that exists.

This sentence is abundant food for thoughts. Presented by who? But by ourselves for ourselves. Self-referential illusion.

Thank you, the best thing about freewrite is that you never know what is coming next and that is certainly true on this one. :-)

I think you should go there and visit.I think people of this country are awesome.I also have not visited so i can give any judgment

I hope to one day. I've never been to the US, so I would love to go.

Lol a write about this place I live you have never been. Haha my last name is Arnold too lol. Its all good here, we struggle with fires and mudslides and droughts but its a great place to live over all, keep the faith and califronia dream on right.. Be well @mr-neil

Thank you. "I'll be back." Maybe I should change it to Arnie.

Thank you so much for reading. I'm glad you liked it.

I find free-writing really hard to do. I did one attempt a few days ago but it was so hard as I learned the method using pen and paper. There's something about putting things down on paper that makes it different, a kind of flow of ideas tends to become interrupted with a keyboard.

I have never been to California but I have heard in a song that it never rains there.. is this true? I wonder ;-) Enjoyed your free-write !!

The main thing about freewrite is to have fun. I will go back and give it an edit (like most people do) but it great when a plot to a story changes halfway though the write. I did try doing a series, that is really difficult. I decided to carry on the series outside of the freewrite prompt and do the daily prompt as well. :-)

Fabulous write, I have visited California few times Mostly LA but have seen a bit of other areas as well and have enjoyed my times there

Thank you. I've had loads of replies telling me that I should make a plan to go. :-)

Well with LA being a big hun for incoming international flights if you ever travel to the US then its a good option to visit

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