Five minute free write - wasps

in #freewrite6 years ago

burning blade a new foe.jpg

Ugh, Vegas and hangovers seem to go together like bacon and eggs...

But not in the 'oh my that was a great brunch' kind of way. Luckily it's not as bad as yesterday, but I can feel the mental affects compounding. A good chunk of my day will be spent in a car heading back to LA, so at least I'll be able to get some rest.

This mornings Five minute free write hosted and held together by the lovely @mariannewest gave me pause. WASP, where could I go with that? Kicking at about 40% of my normal energy made it a bit hard, but eventually my mind stumbled into something.

Hope you enjoy!

The sound of another twig crunching not so far off snapped his head around the other way.

Like an alarm in the silence his eyes worked to focus on whatever may be coming out of the inky black. Moving towards the edge of the pool where his sword lay, his muscles began to tense in anticipation of what may come.

Gently the snow fell around him. Alone in this pool far from any known road he could only think of one thing that wuld be out there. Well, many, but none good.

His hand reached out slowly towards the sheath

And his safety, but jerked back as something alighted on his exposed skin. Small, almost minuscule he recognized it at once. A minion of his enemy, come to exact punishment, brutal and unforgiving.

More and more came buzzing out of the darkness. Wasps. At first one, then two, then three, the swarm grew.

With a single movement he was up and out of the pool. Sword in hand, clothed only in the steam coming off his still wet body. The swarm of wasps now thick and heavy. Not yet attacking. Waiting for their master to appear.

His eyes fell upon a twinkle. Black orbs set deep inside boney sockets reflecting the small bits of a dull moon. Eye locked together, the hatred became real.

So, going to have to figure out where this is going. What's going to happen has been brewing for the last couple weeks since I last wrote about him. Hopefully this mornings free write will now spur me to actually get started on this chapter. I'll have a bunch of hours in a car so maybe I'll write it then.

What will happen to our intrepid hero! Who is this new foe! What's the deal with the wasps? Stay tuned friends!

Thanks for dropping by and reading my fictional meanderings.

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Quite gripping scene. Hope you get time to work on this!

Hehe, just need to sit down and focus on it. But I promise it's coming :)

Ahhhhh!!!!! I didnt expect that!!! I can't wait for more! Keep it up my friend! As always, fantastic!

Muahahaha. Got the next chapter written. Incorporated the last couple Burning Blade free writes too :) But, up front, you're really gonna hate me for the way the chapter ends, lol. Like old school Adam West Batman :)

Noooooo lol thats okay. I dont think I could ever hate you. Your writing is just too good for that!! Seriously cant wait!! Ahh!!!!!

Awww, thanks! :) Had a blast writing it. Whole new concepts and ideas kept popping up. A laundry list of things that he will do, have done to him, that will happen, twists and turns. The man who walks the path of vengeance must pay it's toll. Muwhahahaha

Sounds like you have a book in the works my friend!! Cant wait!!

Waiting is no longer necessary ;)
Burning Blade ...a new foe :)
burning blade a new foe.jpg

An intense moment for sure, something important is yet to be revealed :-)

Next chapter got writ yesterday. Probably gonna post it tonight :)

I look forward to it :-)

You can write in a car? I get immediately motion sick when I look down even for a minute...

It depends. Sometimes I'm a wreck if I look at electronics, others, doesn't bother me at all. Luckily, didn't bother me then. Got another chapter of my Burning Blade saga written, hehe.

good for you!! Hope you are getting the votes coming in and can start living off your craft!

Been a weird slowdown over the last couple weeks. Got a Curie vote on some of my hiking content, but no other big votes. Figuring out how to tailer my approach so that I can continue to write what I want, but actually get the business of it running properly. Hard to get many consistent people coming through with everyone trying to be awesome to everybody, hehe. Looking into SP delegation, curation trails, starting either a writing or photography contest to get more motion.

It is difficult - I certainly haven't cracked the big bucks secret. A lot of it is to stick with it. Have you checked out the Sandbox? I am not a member but see that many get some pretty good support through them...

No, not yet. But I'll check them out. I think there is a method to making money off of here. A balance between community, creation, and proper use of bots and trails. After all, the point is build up the Steem Power to get a stronger vote. For yourself and your friends.

And since most of the big voters are either renting/loaning/giving/ their SP out, getting one of them to regularly vote on your content is too much of a crap shoot. Also, there doesn't seem to be a big correlation between # of followers and big votes, so trying to make money by getting people to be there doesn't seem to be effective.

Things like your daily free write get interaction, and so do photo contests, especially if you make it a rule to upvote and resteem. But that's not going to get any real votes from the big players, because they'll vote, but turn the % way down. So you get bunches of little up's, but that's it. Some get huge votes, but that's usually a self or bought vote.

Philanthropy gets a lot of interaction, but then again most of that money goes back into the project.

We dream of a perfect community, but figuring out how to make it actually work...that's a different story. Capitalism, as much as we hate the form it has become, still does rule here. Though there are a lot of people fighting against it.

Wow, I'm curious where this goes, too! This was interesting, I felt as if I was there with him.
Good job!

You can find out here, Burning Blade ...a new foe :)

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