Day 154: 5 Minute Freewrite - Eternity

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Freewriting All Day Errrry Day!!!

Wait, you don't know what a freewrite is?! Lucky for you I have the tools to get you moving in the right direction. It's as simple as CLICKING HERE and all of your answers will be found.

Still have a questions or two? Luckily one of the amazing freewrite community members @snook wrote a how to article that you can find HERE

If you would like to find today's freewrite prompt page then CLICK ME

There is a new movement taking place right now brought to you by a small group in the #freewrite community. What may this be you ask? It is called the TheFreewriteHouse and they have their own steemit page @freewritehouse. Go and give their page a look over! They are doing some incredible things for the community of freewriters and have even started a contents for steemians to win a membership for Steem Basic Income. How cool is that?!

Let your creativity flow my friends! Freewrite On!!! (19).jpg
Photo by Rahul Singh from Pexels

Prompt: Nothing

Wait, what..... where am I? there is nothing around, nothing to see, nothing to perceive, Blankness is the only emotion funneling through my sensory in the moment. Why am I here and why can I not feel a thing. There is only darkness in every inch of my being and I feel the void taking control. I am being suck into a dark endless hole and these walls are far to tall to climb out of. I can not even find a foot hold or place to grip onto with my prying hands. This is an endless place, and I am here, for eternity.

I have not found myself in this place before but how am I to be found when there is nothing to have lost? I do not know where the beginning was and certainly can not see an end. For if there is no perspective to see the relativity of this experience then how can balance be reattained. I am empty and devoid of anything that was human. I look into the distances but find there is nothing to see, only emptiness, only darkness. How have I arrived to such a somber state? Was i always like this? Why can I not remember a thing before this. I have only recollections of this confused state I am currently in. This is madness!! This is terrifying. Will I ever be able to find the exit? Will I even have the eyes to see the handle of which i need to turn to escape this endless torment? I can not see an end to all of this, I can not see my way out.

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On a mission to fill the world with daily quality content

Thanks for the wonderful shout out to the freewriting community and encouraging others to jump in and enjoy! Also, your video about the freewrite and Freewrite House was awesome and I was cracking up with you wearing the different animal heads! It was creative and fun and that's one of the greatest things about our group! tip!

What a dizzying thought! You're right, without a perspective, one is adrift in nothing. To be truly trapped within nothing without any memory, only questions and the desperation to find a way out is indeed scary.

Friday's prompt is brought to you by one of our resident Trolls, Bridgewaterer. He's traveling the town of Freewrite, doing community service as reparations for skimming profits at the Troll Scouts Bake Sale.

Freewrite Day 155 - whiteboard

Thank you @brisby! I am glad that you enjoyed it :) I had way to much fun in K-mart with those animal heads hahaha

Thanks for the delivery of the Prompt. I tried the speak write yesterday but really didn't find what I said to have any value so decided to leave it where it lay. Cheers!

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