Quit - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 271steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)



I often thought "I quit"

but, what do you want to do?

I don't think I'll change.

I don't want to have children

and it's far better this way,

the sun awaits me drunk

of my crooked dreams,

white dirty spot

on the glass of conformity.

Crying, banging fists,

child become old man

of malice and tricks.

I feel the night explode,

castles of matches

already lit and smoking,

the power of the dream is always in me.

Projects never finished,

diesel for engines

of mechanical butterflies

with wings of rags

sewn with screams

that I cry against the wind.

I feel lonely

even if I'm with you,

you can't do anything,

I like it this way.


I quit everything,

I leave everything to you,

I press the button

and I'm down again.

It costs me to proceed

in a straight line,

I am diagonal,

I was born this way.

And the last thing I have to say,

even if you don't want to hear it,

is that I already know all the answers

that you will argue

I say already "you're right"

and we don't think about it anymore.

freewrite mio.jpg

This post is part of the 5 Minute Freewrite Contest.

This is also done with The Most Dangerous Writing App and only a little editing for typos.

All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

The House of all the Freewriters!

Follow the Bananafish, follow its trail!


Sad and beautiful all at once. I envy your ability sir @marcoriccardi

Oh, there are many better writers than me out there, don't envy me ;)
Why do you think it's sad?

I am sure there are, but it is you who caught my attention. I don't envy you in a bad way my friend. As for what is sad. Some of the poem I can relate, but that is the way poems are. They have bits and pieces, that the reader(s) can relate to.

Como la caperucita roja le dijo al lobo: qué lengua más grande tienes!!! Jajajajaja. Un poema de autoafirmación. Sin tapujos, ni remordimiento, con una certeza clara de lo que se es. Es mi país diríamos: Esto es lo que hay! Saludos, @marcoriccardi.

Gracias Nancy por tu "revisiòn critica" a mi poema improvisado! La historia de la caperucita roja y del lobo era una de las favoritas entre mi ex novia y yo...pero no puedo decir come terminaba ajajaj! ;)

This is so good. It gives the 'feels' i don't usually get.

Thank you! It was improvised, words in freedom... I'm a bit surprised by the reactions :D

Diagonal is good. Those straight lines aren’t all they’re cracked up to be!

It’s the Wednesday prompt delivery team here with today’s challenge:https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-272-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-blues

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

Wow, you're brave, to put that all out there. Wish I had that courage--always hold back, deflect. This had power, and some great lines--Wings of rags...Where did that come from. Good job, let it flow...

It's a freewrite, so I don't really know where they came from. I learned to let the thoughts flow! Thank you!

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