The Little Voice - The List Goes On and On

in #freewrite6 years ago



This will be my seventh 5 minute #freewrite here in the Steemiverse. Today's writing prompt is List and you can find out more here. So now, without further ado...

starting pistol.png


Where's my list? I put it down somewhere. I know I did. You know, I probably need another list to list down all the places I put down my rotten, stupid lists. You know? How would I cope without my lists.

They are everywhere. I keep making new ones because I lose the ones I'm on. There are lists for shopping, for house chores, for what I need to get done for the kids, for work. The list goes on and on.

I don't actually like lists that much. They seem to never end. They highlight that I'm always busy. They show me how much I have to do, and they never seem to be complete. How is it, even with a list, I have activities to do that aren't on the list?

Oh damn! Now I need to add another entry. Will this list ever be complete? Maybe I should add a new entry to my list. "Sit down and have a cuppa!" That should definitely go on my list. I might actually get round to doing it then.

Tick. Done. Completed.

That sure feels good. But now I need to sit down and compile a new list for the next hour. I bet you thought I was going to say day. Hehehehe.

Still, sometimes lists can be quite handy. I use them when I'm going on holiday, just to make sure I don't forget anything.

Damn! Now where did I put that list, again?


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I make lists when I feel particularly... Mmm what is the word. When I pretend that I will actually go and read it, the one use I have found for them is add someones job to a list and when not done you show them all the jobs before theirs. It works quite well but you also realise how much you have to do so best to get rid of the list soon after.

Hehehe. Evidential listing for customers. I think that might be quite a handy tool. I think I might pinch it.

good one!
these 5 minute Freewrites are great exercises. Hope lots more are doing them, too.

They are fun and definitely get your creativity switched on.

hehehehe list for the hour! LOL

i actually do really well with lists and i keep combining them so they're neat and clear and precise.

(and don't laugh)

someone asks me to write a list.

something switches in my brain and i think. I'M NOT WRITING A LIST. YOU write the list!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHA and then i'm stubborn and i can't remember where the pencils are. and we must have run out of paper too. and my phone is dead.. sooooo... sorry ;)

LOLOLOL what a brat :)

You are.
Such a brat!
Not even close to being one.
Thanks for taking time to stop by Dreemie.
I know you have mega lists right now.
So I am grateful I was on one. x

hehehehehe you have been in my heart and on my mind

so i moved you to the top of the list tonight <3

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If you want to go pro, you start here.
Do have a nice weekend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, @botefarm. That is most helpful of you. 😊

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