
Next time, I shall freewrite a video into existence. But, it would be a video without images. I've been thinking of whether I should include sound as well. We'll cross the bridge when we get there.

Sounds magnificent. For my part, my next endeavor is to freewrite the scent of New Orleans jazz.

Oooohhhhh freewriting scents! Ballsy! I had thought you would freewrite the smooth jazz, but I'm sure it doesn't prove enough challenge for you.

Jazz is already how I live, cat Daddio.

I figured. Jazz is a way of life. snaps fingers

Groovy. Now let's

Man, I could hum that in my sleep. Miles Davis is almost a daily listen for me.

Really? Sweet! I remember, in high school, I had a girl over, and we closed our eyes to listen to the colors of Miles Davis. I was very cool, man.

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