Too Early

in #freewrite7 years ago


I am being filmed right now. No, it's not some paranoid fantasy. I'm actually writing this while we're filming our prenup video. Now, I'm being asked to look outside, smile a little and pretend that I'm thinking. But, the thing is, I am actually thinking, so why am I pretending? Is this how actors spend their day? Playing make believe, acting out scenes written by someone else?

Actors. Pft!

Oh wait, I'm the actor this time. Well, this is awkward. The role I'm playing is that of a writer though, that's why I'm writing. On my laptop. On top of a mountain. Well, the hotel where the room I'm in is on top of a moutain. Very meta, right?

Man, what a view! The view outside, that is. The room's not really a looker, but my fiancee surely is. Would you believe it's been an hour since she sat on that make-up chair? All the while, I prefer her without make-up. Make-up. Just like what we're doing. We're making things up as we go along. The emotions are real though. As real as the rain outside, where I'm now forced to write on my laptop. And now it's getting stronger. Will my laptop survive? Only time will tell.

Speaking of time, the sun had just risen and I haven't had my coffee. It's way too early for this s...

In my attempt to warm up for my return to freewriting, I decided to write a little something while I was acting out a scene. Now that I think about it, I guess I wasn't playing a writer and instead was being a writer. Should that instead be considered a documentary? We shot a prenup video last Wednesday at Rizal, which was a good 3 hour drive away from my house. It rained 80% of the time, but we soldiered through it and finished filming that day. As to how we look in it, we can only have faith that the production crew did us justice.

I know that the latest freewrite topic is "sunset", but excuse me for easing my way back in. You could forgive me this once, right @improv and @mariannewest?

Photo credits: (never did get that coffee)

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Join me in my Year of Resilience!


Just easing your way in, hey? Like you needed to! Nicely done. Real life into made up/make up actor-type stuff - if it leads to words on paper/screen and generates ideas then bingo, you're a winner. In more ways than one, by the sounds of it. All the best, and enjoy that coffee.

I couldn't even bring myself to finish a mini-series I had been plotting in my head for quite some time. It seems I have left my creativity here while I was in South Korea, and when I returned, I was surprised to see that I had left the window open and my creativity was nowhere in sight. Damn, I should've left if enough food.

I did break my "no coffee" law mainly because I needed it. I do hope that the whole activity was not for naught. Talking about the whole shoot.

I have my creativity droughts. And the cycle flows round to creativity overflow. You've ridden the naquoya wave through several of those cycles. This moment of creativity feels good though, a bit more structured. But I try to remain a realist. Take one day at a time.

Hopefully your creativity faucet will start gushing soon. Until then, make the most of whatever is happening (and then turn that into a story...)

Oh yeah, I'm well aware of those waves, and I'm all in whether it's surf or turf!

I hope you two at least enjoy it despite the rain. It's a pity you let them direct you two. Maybe you should have written a scenario and have fun acting in your own movie. I once acted in amovie - it was a friend's graduation work, but the advice how to do it I got decaded later: you are the guy you act and the rest of the world doesn't exist at the very moment. Forget yourself or the audience. Act the loving, respectful, dedicated and caring groom. That's for the camera (which adds 6 kilos), behind the scenes you two are just you two.

Oh definitely! It was a fun experience, all things considered. We did pay them to direct us. I kept holding myself back from voicing my own opinions, so that I won't get in the way of their vision. I've experienced being constantly hounded and having my own vision compromised, so I didn't want to risk jeopardizing their production. Everyone was surprised how natural I was, so I guess that's a good sign.

All the while, I prefer her without make-up.

"Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on, that's when you're the prettiest I hope that you don't take it wrong."--Drake

Big day coming up pare! Best of luck to both you & your fiancée :) I know you'll both do great & make everyone so damn proud!!!

PS - I call the doubledown on your fistbump & TRIPLE fistbump you!

Bang bang bang! Third time's always the charm!

I really do hope we live up to the hype :D We're riding on a lot of hope, and we would be lucky if we're able to make it rain this 2018! With regard to that awesome Drake line, I don't know but for some reason it almost always is taken the wrong way hahaha!

Thanks for the continued support, kapatid!

So glad you decided to join us!! And of course, you can stretch the topic. That is What we are all about.
Prenup video - that is very interesting.
Hope you will join us often.

Woohoo!! When I wrote this last Wednesday, I had the purpose of just posting it as a warm up. But, when I checked your profile, I was so surprised that the topic was "sunset." I laughed so hard when I realized that mine operated more under "sunrise." It was just too good to pass up!

The prenup video was part of the Photo and Video package that we got. If they'll allow it, I'll post it here when it's done.

I might not be able to post one daily, but I'll try to write in whenever I can. Thanks for having me! :D

Nothing to forgive! Freewriting is whatever you need/want it to be.

Next time, I shall freewrite a video into existence. But, it would be a video without images. I've been thinking of whether I should include sound as well. We'll cross the bridge when we get there.

Sounds magnificent. For my part, my next endeavor is to freewrite the scent of New Orleans jazz.

Oooohhhhh freewriting scents! Ballsy! I had thought you would freewrite the smooth jazz, but I'm sure it doesn't prove enough challenge for you.

Jazz is already how I live, cat Daddio.

I figured. Jazz is a way of life. snaps fingers

Groovy. Now let's

Man, I could hum that in my sleep. Miles Davis is almost a daily listen for me.

Nice write up bro. I'll upload mine soon.

Awesome! Checking it out after going through all the replies here.

Great acting and writing, it's a good skill, that's wonderful

Thank you! The jury's still out about my acting, but I'm glad the writing has been received well :D

very sweet and appropriate words to accompany the reading. Nice post!

Thank you for the kind compliments! I appreciate it :D Also, thanks for stopping by!

Stretch as much as you'd like, we're a very flexible group!

Thanks! I've actually written a freewrite series several months ago, so this was a means to shake off the rust. I hope it translated well!

Ha ha, I upvoted this yesterday and forgot to come back and read it. Lots of fun here. A beautiful fiancé, sounds like your life is moving in a good direction. Congratulations! No video for my wife and I, only a few snap shots from an instamatic camera. Kodachrome.

Thanks for stopping by, man! I appreciate it a lot :D Fingers crossed that it's uphill from here. Time surely moves quickly! I have no doubt that a decade from now I would be telling a youngin that there were no holograms in my day, only a 2D video. 1080p. Haha!

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