My First 5 Min Freewrite Tuesday Mango

in #freewrite6 years ago


I am pretty sure mango for the freewrite word of the day was intended to mean the fruit. Maybe my thinking is fruity today(more so than usual?) but the first thing that comes to mind is man go.
Man go fast man go slow chaos follow where my man goes.

Likely the result of some of our weekend adventures, a few of which I have shared. The poor guy is like a bumbling cartoon character at times. Although I admire many of his skills and abilities it is with love and affection I refer to him a Pig Pen.

Pig Pen is a cartoon character who is always followed by a little dust puff. My poor guy manages to leave a trail behind as as he passes through. Always focused on a goal blissfully oblivious to the little trail of things left out of place or just set down to be looked for later.
He often will ask where is this or that. It is usually where ever he had it last somehow he just knows I will be more aware of the location than he himself.
With five minuets almost gone I will just say mango to work mango to sleep mango anywhere and I will play catch up.
I have been meaning to try this freewrite challenge for a while. I am actually pretty surprised how much can come out in a few mins. It is pretty fun too.

Here is a link to the challenge


well well well look who finally decided to get back to work. for a whole five minutes.
lol! hey it worked out very well for you though and now I have a nick name to use thank you! This was a smashing success and very impressive my friend! Keep overcoming!

Yeah I am all wore out may require a nap now. Did you ever get the mowing done? Bet that big old place takes hours.

I'm not quite done yet, rain slowed things down, waiting for it to dry out. takes me about 4 to 5 hours depending on how tall it is and how good of a job I want to do, but it's been so dry here that it's thin so probably 4 hours of flying through it.

what's your plan? are you going to be posting more? have you looked into moonbot?
are you working this week? I might as well ask as many questions as I want since I never get any answers anyway! lol

I will probably be off line for a bit will be back to play catch up by late Thursday

right. I better not see you anywhere from now til Thur night! off line a bit yeah. sounds kinda suspicious I wonder what you're doin over there in the woods?

I did have to peek back in for a minuet. I think maybe Steemit has become addictive.

ha ha! I knew it! well you better not be a stranger and one of the rules here is that you answer someone's questions. I read that somewhere. I think it's the number one rule for steemit.

Thanks so much for stopping by. And a delivery service to boot. Don't get better than that. Will click those links right away. Thanks again.

You've inspired me to do the challenge too. I have also been meaning too. This one seems fun!

That's great! It really was fun to do and only takes five mins.

But I would probably spend the next week re-writing it in my head!!

Yeah I think I may get a bit too ocd about posts. This is my attempt to just lighten up a bit and do some a little faster. Will let you know how that works out.

We hope to see your freewrite!

Thank you @wandrnrose7 I remember commenting to you some months ago. But I think I'm intimidated by the time pressure and not producing a readable piece but as @headchange says maybe just something to lighten up

Welcome to the freewriters! Great job with the prompt. It's definitely unique. Have a wonderful day.

It was really fun. Thanks for stopping by.

I agree! I'm definitely hooked!

Welcome to the #freewrites @headchange. They are a lot of fun and a no pressure source of regular content. I really enjoyed your first and look forward to more.

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Thanks so much! It is really fun to do. I will for sure be trying it again.

That was fabulous!!! I can relate to man go and man drop things LOL

And yes, please write with us often :)

i love the idea of man go , nice one dear , ❤️

Thank you it was fun. And thanks for stopping by.

I don't know that I leave little trails, but I do have to ask my wife periodically if she's seen something I've put down. Now, in my case, my wife is just as apt to move something into what she believes is a more appropriate place than just leave it where I left it (which I would prefer, because I'm bound to want it again). But, everything has its place, even if that place can change.

I like play on words, so for me this was fun. :)

Yes I think it is quite common to just leave things out for a quick retrieval. I am a bit slow as I still can not grasp why it is not easier to find things that are put away. Hubs loves things to look neat he just hates when I put stuff up lol It is almost a game in our house now kinda like Easter every day :D

I probably wouldn't mind it so much if the "place where things go" didn't change periodically. I've put away things exactly where I found them only to discover the next time I went looking for them, they weren't there, because the new and improved "place where things go" was somewhere else. And when I can't find them immediately, it's my problem.

We don't even want to talk about what goes on with the refrigerator. :)

Oh that is so funny! The new place really truly is improved sometimes. That is kind of the point in cleaning. You and my hubs would get along great.
The refrigerator yeah some how I always end up adjusting that stuff ever time I open the door. Beer in front of the milk is a common thing. Also all those little jars that go in the door seem to wander onto the shelves.

Inevitably, the stuff I want is in the back. It seems to be frequently used things, too, so I'm not sure why that happens. I'd organize the refrigerator to my liking, but it would be destroyed before the day was over.

I think I just need to sit down one of these days and design a refrigerator that allows you to put all kinds of foods in it without running out of space. In other words, you always have space and everything can be found, no matter where it is.

I have no idea how to design it, but maybe I'll get frustrated enough one day to just sit down and waste hours trying.

Oh dear I foresee one of those redneck inventions looming on the horizon. Maybe you just need a lazy susan for the fridge.

A lazy susan would be perfect. And if they just rotated by themselves, even better. I was thinking along the lines of a fridge that you loaded from the top, so maybe like a freezer chest. So you could get an overview of everything that was in it.

Even something like a magazine rack where you have multiple levels that can be spun. That would actually be the best. When you opened it, they would spin out so you could go through them, maybe even individually too so you wouldn't have to spin everything, and then they would tuck away nicely when you were done. Not sure how the balance would work, but I'm sure there's a way to do it. :)

Well with those kind of plans in the works your poor wife probably best not leave you alone for long. I come up with some awesome ideas. The problem is to get everyone out of the house long enough to implement.

Congratulations! You were featured in this week's Freewrite Favorites! Thank you so much for joining us and keep up the awesome freewriting!


Thanks for letting me know! I will go right now and check that out.

Man go fast man go slow chaos follow where my man goes.

I think you could have the beginnings of a cool song, circa 1970's Cher Style, or Helen Reddy. I like the freewrites, and will likely get back to them in the future. You should also try on one of the steemmonster card writes, or picture prompt writes.

I don't know enough about the SteemMonsters as far as existing storyline. The picture prompts sounds interesting. The freewrites really are fun. I will for sure do it again. How are the badges going? Did you get all the ones you wanted?

No all that work trying to make a post everyday, I would have to do two I think aday, one in the morning before 4pm and one after 4pm. Most of my posting happens between 2pm and 8pm, and at 4 pm it changes days UTC/GMT?ZULU wise. So it's either I try to make a post before 4pm (3pm) to be safe, or I do one after 4pm (5pm) to be safe. Each have their disadvantage, I start to get busy about noon til 6pm or later. So no time consistency on my part. Tell My Story, a picture promt writing contest to support the person own art work. I got @mudcat36 to do one, he writes pretty good. It is an interesting picture, and he has a nice sized first, second, and third place prize.

Sounds like that time change is brutal. Thanks for the info. I am going to go check into that right now. I am always interested in trying out some different things when time allows.

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