Finish my freewrite, earn steembasicincome shares and upvotes!

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)


Yeas...It's a contest for freewriters! An easypeasy one!

Dear friends, I prefer to call it a game where we express freely our creativity. Here is how it works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story/freewrite

2. You finish it with a comment in the comment section ( long stuff needed!)

3. I will donate 1 @steembasicincome share to one freewriter with the most interesting, fun, original, crazy ending (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's super simple and I hope we'll have loads of fun together! Comment, as you always did, just this time you may get a SBI share!
Nothing is mandatory here..Just enjoy and prepare for a trip into my delirious fiction world!


For those that don't know what the @steembasicincome is, we're talking about a great project run by @josephsavage which - based on your amount of shares in it - will grant you a permanent vote on all your posts!

Here you will find their most recent post with details

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.


Too much writing! Here's the story based on @mariannewest today's prompt "wasps":

After an awkward silence that lasted months, the greatest biologists of the earth had shrugged and called the incident a ruthless and fatal joke of nature. That evolution was such does not surprise anyone, but the turn that it had taken, sincerely, was too much even for the coldest scientists and paladins of evolution. The wasps had begun to consider human flesh very much palatable.

Anyone who has dealt with a wasp's nest behind a gutter at home knows that they were already not joking at all when they limited themselves to eating almost any kind of insect and fruit.

In the beginning, it's said that some wasps began to eat human food a little too often, perhaps due to the increasingly frequent picnics of freewriters, who had been spreading for decades throughout the face of the planet. Of those freewriting wasps, some began to enjoy a little too much the taste for meat. The next step was very simple, speaking from an evolution perspective. And they certainly did not lack aggression or organisation to fulfil their human meat sudden crave.

In no time, the world was under siege. There was not a single place that the carnivorous wasps could not reach and not a single person who did not fear them. Maybe.


For now, I will run other two contests (3 overall in a week: mon/tue/wed), all the results will be given on monday 5th March, 11 pm, UTC +1 (California is UTC -8).

And now, dear friends, take the anti-wasps spray with you... the floor is yours!

F3nixBadge (1).JPG


Scott Varney was not the sharpest crayon in the box, but like everyone else in the world he set his mind to solving the horrible wasp invasion problem. First he sprayed his entire body with wasp spray and tried to leave home, that worked for a few minutes and then the spray began to wear off, but not before it made Scott violently ill. Back at home again Scott lay on his couch eating dill pickles, the only thing left in his cupboard, and considering the problem further. When he finished the last pickle he made his decision, he dowsed himself with the pickle juice and walked outside to see what the wasps would do. To Scott's amazement the wasps would not come within five feet of him. So Scott went back into his house and tore out a sheet of paper from his Big Chief notebook and began scribbling out a short note and then he drew a picture under it. Having completed the note he went back outside and began riding around town looking for the main swarm. After looking around for a couple of hours and about ready to give up the search Scott finally found the swarm at the city dump. He approached the large clump of swarming bees and set the note down on the ground held in place by a small stone, then he backed up and waited. Soon the top Queen Bee came over and read the note carefully then studied the drawing, she suddenly began to buzz out some orders and the bee's started forming up in the air and soon spelled out the word "Deal."

Scott drove over to his best friend Jacob's house and the two of them got big trucks and gathered up building material from all of the lumber yards and building supply warehouses in the area. They then gathered all of the men in town and together they built a giant wooden tower that was fifty feet in diameter and over two hundred feet tall. There were two hundred twelve inch high stories in the tower, each with an overhanging balcony, perfect for wasps to build in. Underneath the tower the men placed feed bins designed for hogs all around, then they raided the grocery store for all kinds of meat to fill the bins with. So peace was declared with the bees in the city of Freewrite and everyone was able to get on with their lives.

Word spread around the globe and copies of Scott's handwritten peace treaty and tower design was supplied to every town and community, thus ending the war. History would record the event as "The Great Wasp Rebellion" and the war as being ended by the "Varnish Treaty." Scott and Jacob were celebrated as heroes and statues in their honor were erected in cities worldwide.

Soon American Generals began to devise a plan to annihilate all bees over the entire planet by attacking them while they slept in their comfortable man made nesting structures, but that's another story!

Lol that was awesome. Funny thing is, as I got to the building part I was thinking "hmm maybe they were going to build a jail." Hope they never run out of pickles when the bees get attacked.

That's the way! Thank you Deacon for being part of this game, your adventure is much more than what I expected.. I chocked laughing in two points: the Queen reading the note and the final sneaky attack 😂😂😂 I will run other two contests (mon/tue/wed), all the results will be given on monday 5th, 11 pm, UTC +1 (Cali is UTC -8).

This is amazzzzzzzing
I loved your continuation. Flesh eating bees are not my kind of neighbors.

Lol this got me on high. and yeah, that another story there is interesting.

Y de repente un tsunami y murieron los humanos.
¿Qué comeremos ahora? - pensaron las avispas.
Continuará... xD

Debe haber sido un tsunami enorme! 😂

What a fun game with a fantastic prize! The entries are awesome. Just stopping by to give my support. Good luck everyone! : )

Hey @whatisnew! How are you dear? The contest easy and puts together the things I like: fun with friends / sharing wealth / freewrite.. why don't you partecipate? 😉 I'll do three in a row to start I guess

That was certainly the problem Oliver now faced as he tracked along the Damascus road. Despite the blazing heat he could feel the rasping hum beneath his feet and he realised his time here was almost done. No Vietnam onslaught could pay justice to what his last sight of life was to be nor the pain he was destined to endure. Like flying termites the wasps flew, a dark deadly murmuration that defied rational explanation. Flying high, the yellow zebra piranhas of the skies produced a sense of foreboding it was difficult to face. A life long atheist he dropped to his knees and prayed, Lord, if you exist save me this day.
Suddenly silence was all around, no droning, not a murmur, not a sound. A brilliant bright light and then a sense that everything would be all right. Oliver opened his eyes to realise that not one wasp was in the sky. On reaching Damascus his friends gathered round, as the news caster asked what miracle he had found. He shrugged, grabbed a beer, without a backward glance, wrote it off as merely chance.

Welcome to steemit and thanks for your contribution, a finely written gem full of poetry. In your story a wasp becomes "a yellow zebra piranha of the skies", it's not common to find such creative descriptions. Just, I've to confess I didn't understand how Oliver has been suddenly spared :-) One last thing..why don't you join us and freewrite? It's fun and I think you would like it!

In the biblical account St Paul meets Jesus on the Damascus road - he leaves like a modern day Saddam Hussain to kill his enemies and on being blinded by a light from above then joins them.
That was the play on the use of Oliver being an Atheist and walking towards Damascus.
A miracle occurs but then when asked about it he writes it off as mere chance.

Thanks for the feedback - I am new to SteemIt so just finding my way around - how do I join you ;o)

Thanks for the "exegesis" my friend. I know about Paul, since I'm Christian and have a special connection with Malta, an island where he preached and of which he's the patron. Just follow me, if you like what I do (there's a button if you go on my account up there). I would be eager to read more of your works, hence I followed you already days ago. I also invite you to partecipate to @mariannewest freewrite project. I'm sure you may find it very much in your wheelhouse 😉

Thanks I’d already followed you, similar to Twitter I would always follow any one who followed me, seems like a basic courtesy. I love Malta, I was nearly born there and involved in the building of the new hospital circa 2000/2001 - great place

Next time you go there tell me, I'll offer you a pastizz and a glass of refreshing cisk! 😉

Ah that’s a great offer, Cisk and people who like Gozo, fond memories from diving with Louis - sadly my main reason for going became SCUBA and I lost my eyesight due to the bends ( DCI ) in 2010. Very lucky to be writing this but haven’t made it back since, but if I ever do i’ll Come knocking ;-)

Please do. My wife is Maltese hence I'm there as much as possible.. I'm sad to know about your dci .. we may dedicate ourselves to just eat which i don't mind 😉

Thanks I’d already followed you, similar to Twitter I would always follow any one who followed me, seems like a basic courtesy. I love Malta, I was nearly born there and involved in the building of the new hospital circa 2000/2001 - great place

bravo! Ma nun ce la posso fa!

La verità? Ho già nominato i miei amici..non sapevo più chi nominare per condividere la steembasicincome!
Grazie per essere passata :-))

Little did the unsuspecting people of the earth know, that the deadly, human-consuming strain of wasps were actually created by the great biologists themselves. They were testing out their wasp-proof shields and ultimately wanted to take over the earth...

Thanks for this competition f3nix - it's a hoot! :)

What a fun and conspiracy turn you gave! Thank you for your contribution 😁 I will run other two contests (mon/tue/wed), all the results will be given on monday 5th, 11 pm, UTC +1 (Cali is UTC -8).

When all hope was lost there came the call "An eye for an eye, a wasp nest for a human". It spread like wildfire over the internet, TV and radio shows were organised to let the world know the only way to fight back. The military organised mass civic training programs. Even North Korea said they would participate. The war in Syria stopped. For this was a war for humanity.

It was first discovered in the rainforests of Borneo. Some local tribes there were wasp eaters for centuries. They said that the only way to stop the wasp infestation and make them stop eating humans is to burn their nests and then cook and eat their babies who were killed inside when the nests burnt. They said, just burning did not do the trick. The highly intelligent wasps just took it as an act of war. Only if you cooked the nest in the open and ate their babies did they understand the length humans would go to annihilate them if needed. They stopped attacks in many tribal villages after such communal wasp feastings were organised.

News was that it had now spread to most islands in Indonesia and Phillipines and the trick worked everywhere. So the message spread like wildfire.

The UN passed a unanimous resolution to burn and eat all wasp nests in the planet. A blockchain database was created to record all wasp nests in the world. A wasp coin was introduced to fund the war. Anyone who burnt and ate wasp nests would be rewarded with wasp coins which within a month surged to the top five crypto currencies.

It was estimated that it would take three to five years to find the majority of wasp nests and eat them. To clean the planet of wasps completely would take decades because a few wasps always survived and created new nests. This would be a long drawn war.

But humanity now had a chance. And the role of blockchain technology in this war could not be denied.

Eh. Blockchain? Really? :P

I told you it was wild lolz

A great story of hope through the decentralised cooperation of the blockchain technology.. two things: the wasp coin is priceless 😂 .. also I wonder how a baby wasp tastes like 🤔 I forgot to add: I will run other two contests (mon/tue/wed), all the results will be given on monday 5th, 11 pm, UTC +1 (Cali is UTC -8).

isn't it? we just need to do the ICO... it will surely be top 5... only roadblock on the way is non-cooperation from the wasps... if we could somehow make them mutate, we could be RICH... think about it

Nice contest! I like it so much! Let me try:

The world had sunk into panic.
Elon Musk made even more money by selling millions of his portable flamethrowers.
Cults dedicated to the Devourer Swarm arose everywhere. Their members dressed in yellow and black roamed the streets at night, emitting the sinister Buzz Mantra and kidnapping any unlucky they could find, which was offered as sacrificial victim to the anthropophagous wasps. The wasps, of course, continued to devour even cult members, including their leader, Sting.
The vegans, claiming that the wasps would never eat their meat, pure and not contaminated with any food of animal origin, were all exterminated within a month.
Only in a recluse sanctuary in the mountains of Japan, an old shintoist priest was not worried at all. He knew that, since millions of years, Japan's bees had a way to get rid of the ferocious hornets who looted their hives: they swarmed over them, forming a ball in which the temperature rised so much as to kill the hornet, but not the bees , able to withstand a few degrees more.
The old wise man posted ths information on his Steemit account, and in a matter of days, requests for Japanese beehives flocked from all over the world.
The problem of killer wasps was solved with their natural antagonists. Besides, the cities of the whole world were filled with flowered lawns and sills, to support the guardian bees. All can enjoy delicious honey.
The old priest, with the proceeds of his upvotes, decided to move the sanctuary to Tahiti.

Hahahaha sorry I read it just now... This has so many gems. Elon musk, the vegans, the cultists, the priest moving to Tahiti.. It makes me pee in my pants for the laughter and it's so our style 😂🍌🐠

“The world doesn't need a normal biologist any more. It needs a military strategist with biological knowledge” Thought Dr. Jacob. Luckily, he happened to have a close friend that was highly ranked in the military. He took advantage of the messed up situation of the whole world to make some quick paper work and take one of the helicopters for a mission that had no deadline.

The official declared mission was to find another biologist that was supposed to have an important research result about how to fight back. But in reality they were going to do that research themselves. They were going to keep flying upon the deadly creatures and try to find out any weakness that they can take advantage of.

It only took them three days to figure out a strange behaviour they do every day about the same hour. For one hour a day they all stop whatever they were doing and they all look at the same direction and freeze. When the hour ends, they turn around and they move on to obey whatever instructions they have received.

The first plan that came to the two suicidal adventurers' mind was to find out who the leader was and what would happen if they managed to kill him. They kept waiting for the "meditation hour" to follow the direction the freewriters were looking at because it wasn't always the same direction. Whoever the leader was, he was continuously moving around. They weren't even sure if they are close or whether they are getting closer. They didn't know how fast the leader was. All they knew was that it was the only shot they had.

After five days of that blind race, they had to go to the closest military base to refill, which was almost as far as I can still go with the fuel they have left. On their way to the base, the next meditation hour started and they noticed something really interesting. The freewriters right below were looking towards the east and the ones they saw half an hour ago were looking towards the north-east, which means the leader is about fifty miles away east.

They decided to take the shot and try to kill him rather then refill and wait for the next day. The plan was to reach him during the meditation hour and when the freewriters get involved in following the instructions. They finish him.

For their big surprise, the leader turned out to be a beautiful young lady called @mariannewest. As soon as she looked them in the eyes, they forgot whatever they came for and they kept listening to her as she gave them their first mission as freewriters.

This was totally unexpected... freewriters as a collective of enemies submitted to Marianne's will! Scary!!

I had so much fun writing it. I hope I didn't offend anybody 🙄
Well obviously I did but I hope they understand it was just for fun 😅

Lol! You didn't... Oh wait, i just received a mind telepathic order during my daily meditation "destroy the blasphemious Hazem!" 😂😜

haha nice try 😂😜
But I know you didn't .. because I received the daily orders too 😅

I like the challenge, I hope to do better for the next

Thanks! All I want is to contribute in making this great community grow. Plus I believe in the basic income program. I want more soul and equity in steemit.

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