Awakenings - Risvegli [ENG-ITA Freewrite]

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

original by @f3nix

English Version

The hoverbike lay abandoned on its side, the engine still warm. The fine black dust carried by the incessant wind was a snake that crept everywhere.

From the top of the dune the Tesseract 19 could be seen with the naked eye. The column pierced the black sea of ​​graphite and challenged the dark crimson sky. The awareness of his distance made him wince. That construction was enormous. That impenetrable artifact, Moloch's sharpest tooth.

The warm wind gave him, intertwined with dust, an imperceptible howl: the bark of the monolith, an omen of death.

The man waited, a stiff exoskeleton bent over the black sand. The helmet lay abandoned beside him. Soon the team would arrive, soon you would arrive too and everything would be accomplished, one way or another.

He thought of her smile, her courage, her strength. "My life, how could I bring you till here?" He felt infinitely sad as the tears were already kneading blackened and the memories of their happy normality swept over him suddenly.

"I can not let them find me like this". He stared at himself from outside: he too was a tower on a dune, far more uncertain than the one that howled his feral wish.

These and other demons echoed within him, when his eyes met a green sprout. Incredulous, the man remained to fix that little miracle that, against every possibility, affirmed his being. In the midst of that sea of ​​despair, a pathetic seedling resisted. There it existed.

The tear finally found its way lingering and bathed a leaf. Smiling imperceptibly, the man recomposed himself. This Moloch would tremble, it was time for an awakening from that nightmare.

Versione Italiana

La hoverbike giaceva abbandonata su un fianco, il motore ancora caldo. La fine polvere nera portata dal vento incessante era un serpente che si insinuava ovunque.

Dalla sommità della duna il Tesseract 19 si poteva scorgere ad occhio nudo. La colonna bucava il mare nero di grafite e sfidava il cupo cielo cremisi. La consapevolezza della sua lontananza lo fece trasalire. Quella costruzione era enorme. Quell'artefatto era il dente più acuminato del Moloch.

Il vento caldo gli consegnò, intrecciato alla polvere, un impercettibile ululato: il latrato del monolite, un presagio di morte.

L'uomo attendeva, un esoscheletro immobile e chino sulla nera sabbia.Il casco giaceva abbandonato accanto a lui. Presto la squadra sarebbe arrivata, presto sarebbe arrivata anche Lei e tutto si sarebbe compiuto, in un modo o nell'altro.

Pensò al suo sorriso, al suo coraggio, alla sua forza. "Mia vita, come ho potuto portarti fino a qui?". Si sentì infinitamente triste mentre le lacrime già si impastavano annerite, indugianti, e i ricordi della loro felice normalità lo investivano all'improvviso.

"Non posso farmi trovare così". Si guardò da fuori: anch'egli una torre su una duna, ben più incerta rispetto a quella che gli ululava il proprio ferale augurio.

Questi ed altri demoni riecheggiavano in lui, quando i suoi occhi incontrarono un germoglio verde. Incredulo, l'uomo rimase a fissare quel piccolo miracolo che, contro ogni possibilità, affermava il suo essere. In mezzo a quel mare di disperazione, una patetica piantina resisteva. Esisteva.

La lacrima trovò indugiante la sua strada e bagnò una foglia. Sorridendo impercettibilmente, l'uomo si ricompose. Il Moloch avrebbe tremato, era tempo di risvegliarsi da quell'incubo.


Very inspiring story!

Thanks to @snook, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Wow @sneakyninja in da house! Your @steembasicincome initiative is simply great and I'm promoting it between my friends .. thanks to you and the unique @snook! I want to check the daily sneak more too..👍😉

Thanks, @f3nix! We appreciate your support!

Ethereal delight! 👍😎

You know, ethereal delight looks like a good name for an icecream 😛 Thank you Deacon!

Wow @f3nix this actually gave me goosebumps when you brought in the sprout. Goodjob this was very fun to read and I actually want more of this story ;P

Thanks God (and you, of course!) for your comment, I was starting to think that I wrote shit.. as a matter of fact this is a short prologue to a very symphonic scene (and a novel). I will disappear for some time I guess because i need to find time for writing in tranquillity

The comments, and the votes, are slowly coming, my friend. Dont' lose hope, this beautiful story will be irrigated like the lonely green sprout has been done by the tear in your fiction! ;)

Wow, speakin for God and myself: you're welcome.
I have a poetry book out that nearly nobody has bought yet... but I mdt with an older author and he wrote a book 10 yrs ago, which sat in his closet for years until psychology found it and now its being used for mens groups around the US... he's able to live off of his royalties now
His story gave me hope, and hopefully you too.

This story is great and it's a pleasure to have some meaningful exchanges here :-) I am a lawyer, I always played with words but from a dry perspective.. even though defending people and solving their life problems, or even their rights, is not dry at all for me. However this is very interesting for me, expressing creativity that was in a way dormant for a long time. I know that many writers started late and with lots of sacrifices..think about S. King for example.. Thank you for your story, I will keep following you my friend and wish you the best on this platform :)

Will check it tomorrow..oh btw, I just wrote a small poem, would love your opinion! Oh btw n.2, check your wallet you should receive a message from steembasicincome in some time, if not pls tell me :-)

I really liked this story :) You're a really good writer, love your writing style!!

If you have some free time it'd be awesome if you could checkout my latest freewrite:

Thank you, I just checked your post, very catchy aswell..keep it up! ☺️

You always blow me away with your writing. Hope you will be back here once in awhile to play with us when you are writing your book.You can always pretend you have your own NoNoWriMo going and put down the bones.

I will always read and comment and bug everyone! At least till i live away from my wife and she doesn't claim her due attention! 😉 I think we should be a sort of freewrite-express yourself group with its logo and so on.. knowing you enjoy my stuff is really boosting my self esteem thank you Mar!

sounds great!! We need a graphic artist :)

Let's do it!! A super cool that people will be proud to put on their posts. It will be great for our identity beyond the freewrite. I suggest: 1. Name 2. Logo 3. Short Payoff ..they have to be short, cool and reflect our values of friendship, freedom, creativity.. what do you think? Three different contests? I can give contribute some sbd for the pot ..i think even the guys will 😀

Sounds great!! Today, my day is way busy. But how about we flesh this out a bit on discord. I have 5SBD deaconlee send me a while back for the first pot.

I can put something like that.. 3 or 5 sbd, it depends by how many people want to finance this "3 contest in one" we should ask to the Old Steemian Home clan! I think that discussing on discord is a very good idea timezone is UTC+1 (as of now it's 20:38 pm..). We can also create some "curators"..people that want to dedicate time to sustain this project and community. Let me know! :-)

La radici di speranza sara rovesciare la torri piu forte da disperare. Sbircio a commento: molti ved l'ora di voglia tua storie. Tua storie estisare pensiero a nuovi mondi e emozione regalo da tu. Grazie.

Wow Bris! You wrote that by yourself without translator? I didn't understand everything but for what I got your message is encouraging .. you are a true friend 😊

Goodness! What beauty Italian is written.

I'm honored for your comment. My job in life is to play with italian 😉 I didnt know that you learnt it!

Oh, I don't know what any of the words in italian mean (except via your english translation) I just meant they look very beautiful.

Tnx! The sound is not bad too 😉

Indeed. We hosted (via, check it out!) a fellow from italy a few months ago, and we could just listen to him talk for days.

I'll check it... You need to check Roberto Benigni's monologues in the Divine Comedy..or Vittorio Gassman if you didn't!

I loved him in Life is Beautiful! I'll go look for that.

Se non metti le maiuscole non lo prende ;)

Ahh ecco...stavo pensando "azz manco questo" 😜

e invece non lo ha preso nemmeno con le maiuscole, mi sa che è down

good post :)

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