5 Minute Freewrite: Burning Wound?

in #freewrite6 years ago


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I told her and walked out of the kitchen. I went up the flight of stairs and straight to my room. Once I closed the door, I started to strip from the white crop top and pattern shorts I’m wearing plus the white string bikini. I removed my nude sandals and went straight to the bathroom.

Once inside, I opened the shower and let the cool water cascade in my curvy body. I am not that fat but I am not that slim either but I love my body because I think it is what we can call healthy.

I turned around and felt a stinging sensation at my back near my right shoulder. It feels like it is burning my skin. I peak on it and found what looks like a wound with intricate pattern. If I didn’t know any better I might mistake it for a birthmark that just appeared out of thin air but I know that that is impossible. I looked at it once more and tried to touch it but it hurts a lot and the burning feeling is still present.

What did really happen last night?

I continued washing my hair and body while trying my best to avoid the mark or wound that I now have. After ten minutes, I closed the shower and grabbed my sky blue towel and wrap myself in it. The wound still burns but not as intense at it was before.

I sighed and went in front of a body mirror in my room. I looked at the wound and examined it. It really looks like it has a pattern and some letters I couldn’t quite decipher.

A symbol? Nah, I think I am just thinking too much.

“Okay Mira, get a hold of yourself. It’s not like a symbol that you’re pregnant or a slave or something close to that,” I said to myself trying my best to calm down.

This is just a simple wound. A simple wound with weird patterns? Oh God, maybe I am really a drunktard last night. I silently prayed and hoped that the wound will heal soon.

Author's Note: So I am challenging myself to write a novel with the 5 Minute Freewrite project and its daily prompts. I hope I can make it to the end.

Follow the story: (No title yet)

1 Freewrite: Salty Air

2 Freewrite: Chips

3 Freewrite: Mango

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Hey, @emdesan.

Interesting installment to your novel. A wound, but no recollection of how it got there. And not any ordinary wound, either.

I like how Mira tries to justify or explain it away. She may have some kind of magical wound on her, which should probably be the focus since magical wounds aren't common (I'm not alone with this thought, am I?), but instead uses things that are more real to her, pregnancy, slavery, to make herself feel better. I'm not sure at this point, though, that she can really discount either, if it truly is a magical wound. :)

Very good. Really enjoyed this. Let me know if I'm off in my reading of this, too.

Hi thank you for your kind words! We have the same insight of the story and I hope you'll enjoy future 5 minute freewrite chapters of my little novel. Thank you again for reading it!

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