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RE: The eternal question - A story written in less than 5 minutes

in #freewrite6 years ago

Of the many eternal questions of drinking and smoking, this is one of the best! The hours spent trying to fathom to logic of the fridge light, the reasoning of it's numbered dial (it highier warmer, or does turning it up, turn up the cold...)

Ahhh the elusive fridge light, that is not also in the freezer, and loves to cut out for no reason. How you wink and you blink, trying to give me a hint, a kitchen disco, telling me what I know; choosing's harder than I think. Think I may have recovered some fridge raiding memories reading this one!

When can we expect paperback preorders? Trying to chose between waiting, and just getting a digital copy :)


This is one of the best comments I've ever gotten! hahaha! :D
Slowly opening the fridge doors, trying to find the spot where the light turns on, then sliding it back and forth minimally to have the light flicker. hahahaha :D ALSO! Opening the doors wide and pressing the little trigger that sets off the light.
Oh man, so much fun to have with the fridge! Whereas the freezer... eh... No fun at all.

I just approved the proof copies today and the entire thing is now in review! They say it can take up to 72 hours for them to publish it, but hopefully it will be approved sooner! :D

I'll offer signed copies also, which may also prove to be cheaper than ordering from amazon if you're from Europe.... Cuz shipping, ya kno' :P

But thank you so very much for being interested. <3 It means a lot! <3_<3

Ding ding ding! Congratulations! You have just won the final filter drop! Brace yourself for an abandon of all attempts to sound vaguely sane :p

oh what! mine doesn't appear to have a button, wait... if there's no button, what triggers the light... how have i spent so long staring at it, and not realised this... I know what I am doing later, frantically pressing every bit of the fridge to find the magic trigger!!

I very much want to make an inappropriate comment right now, but I will refrain myself from it.
Maybe if I just indicate the line I wanted to use? And make it tiny text? I guess that works.

frantically pressing every bit of the _____ to find the magic trigger!!

With that out of the way, YEAP! :P There most certainly is a little dongle in there that sets off when you open the refrigerator doors. :P
Do report back with the results! :D

Hahaha! It's in there somewhere, just keep pressing! wait...

The more i think about it, the more I can picture a bit that sticks out, but I am sure pressing it does nothing... what if they aren't household appliances, and have an ulterior motive.. the light doesn't flicker, ITS SCANNING US!!!

I... I... did you take the pill by any chance?


Just commenting to let you know The paperback of the book is live on amazon! :D
As for the signed copies that I mentioned .. it would appear I'm getting ahold of the copies on the 3rd of September, so.. that's quite a long wait for me to then ship it yet another time... Depends on your patience then, I guess. :P

Gotta have a signed copy - for when you are super famous and try to deny knowing me ;)

That's less than two weeks! Holy print runs batman, it is super exciting!! But the real and most pressing question, when can I preorder it from you?! My patience is great improved by knowing I have placed the order <3

Ah, snap! There go my dark plans of abandoning and forgetting about all the people that have helped me along the way and made me the person/writer I am today. :P
Need to come up with a quote or something to put in with the signature then :P

Okay. I have a serious question right now.
Did you say "batman" for any specific reason, or did it just happen naturally? Amongst some internet friends of mine I hold the nickname "batman", presumably because my voice is as deep as batman's...
Reading batman in your comment, therefore.. Intriguing. :P

Consider yourself on the list of preorders then!
makes an excel spreadsheet of the people interested in buying a copy
I think the best option would be if you added me on discord, or contacted me through my e-mail address so we can discuss shipping (you know, the address and the cost of shipping)
Discord: Svashta #5217
e-mail: [email protected]

What! Are you actually batman?!

I, of course, have not heard your batman voice, but I have also been known as batman (for like a true crime fighter carries everything he needs in his utility belt, and I always had everything need to rock and roll haha) so generally when making Holy quotes, I refer to the other person as robin, but in the spur of the moment, I felt like you were definitely batman...

I shall message you accordingly!

It would appear my cover had been blown.

Seeing as you have met with the real Batman, I would politely ask of you to stop addressing yourself as Batman, and pick another, more appropriate character for yourself. It can be entirely of your choosing. I will approve of Batgirl as well.

Best batman voice I can muster
I'll see you then.

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