The Day of the Darkness: 100th Freewrite Prompt Contest Entry

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)


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This is my entry into the 100 Day Freewrite Contest My daughter and I both started a story with the prompt, set the timer and then switched stories.

This is the story that I began and @abyni finished:

It was Saturday morning when I rolled over in bed to darkness. My brain tried to register what was going on. Why was it still dark? Shit. Surely it WAS morning. I hoped I hadn't just woken up in the middle of the night AGAIN.

Damn insomnia.

I squinted my eyes to see towards my window and... nothing. What the hell?

I rolled off the bed and felt my feet turn to ice as they touched the floor. UGH. When would it ever be warm again? I hated this. Cold all the time, just that constant feeling of being cold to my very bones. Nothing seemed to warm me up other than curling up in bed under pounds and pounds of heavy quilts, and even then, it took hours.

I just wanted to crawl back under the blankets, but I knew I had to get up. Sun or no sun, it was time to do this. I had my responsibilities and they weren't going to change regardless of if the sun decided to bless us with its presence this morning.

I stretched and my body groaned protestations through creaks and pops of my joints. My sore muscles groused and complained as I did my morning warm up. Of course I didn't want to do it, but I'd learned my lesson after going out cold before. Nothing made a day worse than trying to start it without being fully functional first.

After I was feeling at least mostly full of life again, I donned my gear. First the undergarments that seemed to magically keep my body heat inside of me where it belonged. Then the middle layers of my well padded uniform. Then the top layer. My true protection from the outside. Without this, I would experience the fate that my ancestors had.

It was almost another hour before I actually left the house. I looked at the clock as I left and frowned. That couldn’t be right… it said it was ten o’clock in the morning… but it was still dark outside. That had to be wrong. I checked my watch and… nope. Still ten. Weird. I checked my phone, my alarm clock, hell even my oven clock, becoming more and more panicked as I went on. They all said ten. That meant the time had finally come. The time of darkness.

It had been rumored of for centuries. Of course everybody thought it was a myth, everybody thought it was just some stupid prophecy but not me. I knew this day would come. The day of the darkness. This is the day that the beasts and monsters the other guards and I have been working so hard to keep out get in. The world has gone dark and they are finally at full power.

They’re strongest when it’s dark. Strongest when we can’t see them. They move nearly silently. They’re hard to hunt during the day but impossible to hunt during the night. We’re all doomed. There’s nothing that can be done and everybody knows it. It’s all over.

Thanks to @mariannewest for the amazing prompt this week and the contest and 100 DAYS OF #FREEWRITES

Find the details on how you can join us for daily freewrites OR for this awesome partnered contest Here.

My partner was my daughter @abyni

We both started a story with the prompt, set the timer and then switched stories.

This is the story that @abyni began and I finished:

Best Friends Forever



Very great story from the both of you! tip! The time of darkness, huh? Too bad getting back into bed and pulling the covers over her head wouldn't work.

The thought of actually dealing with anything like these stories fills me with such dread! I think that might actually be my reaction!

I see a new chapter: Epilogue =D

That's what I told my daughter! We need to write a continuing story together :)

Thanks for reading!

Armageddon not for morning people I take it.... Excellent work from you both here.

This is the best comment! You made me laugh. And yeah, if armageddon comes in the morning, our family will be totally out of luck! None of us are morning people :)


Oooh creepy.

And I just now realized that the girl i your picture had snack pack full of bones.

You and your daughter make a great team.

Thank you! I was so happy that I finally got her to write... and then I was happily surprised that she's really really great at it.

Right? That bag of bones and... who knows what else!?!?

I can't believe that it is really all over and that there is no hope...Oh well, I might as well go read some more freewrites and await my fate! 😯 😉

Apparently my daughter has some writing-themes similar to my own at times! :) Thanks for reading!

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@brisby wrote lately about: Saturday W/ @Improv - Freewrite (100Th Day!!). Feel free to follow @brisby if you like it :)

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Today I'm flying along on the back of a griffin to deliver the prompt to all of our fantastic Freewriters!
Day 101 - 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt : hardboiled minds

Oh no!!! we are doomed!!!

Lol. Apparently my daughter can be as morbid as me! :) Thank you @mariannewest

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