Freedom Challenge #2

Challenge hosted by @sagescrub

#2 What is Holding You Back From Feeling More Free?
lion-female roaring.jpg
photo courtsey Pixabay

This question could lead a long way down the rabbit hole. I am living in a precarious position as I am trying to cut all ties with authority becoming self-sufficient and self governing. This is a monumental time consuming task as I transition from one country to another with the final goal being to declare sovereignty over my domain.

I would have to say that fear is my biggest threat to my obtaining total freedom. We have been so indoctrinated from birth to fear the authorities, to blindly follow where they lead us. The country I am currently living is draconian and machismo in its attitudes.

I have over come a lot of my fears and have manged to survive quite well despite being a widow (subject of another post). The fear is always there whether or not the authorities will or will not let me remain in this country. As long as I play by their rules, which change on a whim, I may remain. So far I have won against the bureaucracy, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

It has made me stronger. I do not bend. I peacefully stand my ground and study their laws so I am informed. It confuses them. I am not like other females that they have encountered. I do not play games. I am forth coming in business dealings. It has been a long time coming but I have gained the respect of my neighbors and those in local politics.

But I am still not completely free as long as I have these issues hanging over my head. I have conquered the self-sufficiency. I do not need a job. I do not have debt. I grow most of my own food and what I don’t, I trade with neighbors. I am the matriarch of my family. I am a Spiritual being. I am me!


This is strength and courage
Welldone @cecicastor

I am very afraid of this animal. Hopefully always in peace if you meet with him !!

I always try to solve things peacefully.

Does the animal want peace ?

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lets drift to Tahiti, it's a magical place

join us at THE RAFT

I would have to say that fear is my biggest threat to my obtaining total freedom

YES! Same here. Fear of the unknown always stops me in my tracks. I read another post today about a member and his fiancee who sold their house are traveling, living as nomads. They threw caution to the wind and are just living life- doesn't that sound heavenly? But would/could I do it? I just don't know...

If I was younger, maybe...I am too old to be sleeping on the ground, in a hammock or in a tent.

"I am me!" And an extremely awesome you at that.
Beautiful, I do hope the fates find a way for our paths to cross some day.

I would love that! Perhaps one day and we will be abe to compare notes...

Indeed my friend, you have paid your dues. A very nice write-up

Thank very much, my friend. I always you stopping by and supporting me.

I grown up in country like that! Where you can’t say something difrent then the governments ideas, cannot show your religion, cannot communicate with friends outside..... I just want to say : Respect to you!

Thank you! I appreciate your comments.

Which country was that?

I like you and hope you are able to achieve everything else that you need to. I knew you were a strong woman and this proves it.

Thank you for your vote of confidence! It means a lot! (Is that strong woman or tough old bird? LOL)

Ha! That is exactly what we used to call my grandma. :P

I respect what you are doing! I am coming to terms with my own situation and responsibilities as a husband and father. I have this fantasy that if I did not have those I might operate differently but I dont know. I do know that my thought processes and actions are very different than just a few years ago. It feels like living in enemy territory. Not with my family necessarily (they do think I'm crazy just a bit.) but with these corporate systems that have no true authority but they do have force. I few weeks ago I finally decided on what I do believe/know about how I should conduct myself. I wrote my public notice. It helped to clarify some things for me and give me a way to articulate what for so long was a mixture of rage and fear and disgust and hope. Peace friend.
"My Public Notice - Teal
I seek friendship and cooperation in as much as possible.
I have no owner, no superior in this world. Nor do I claim ownership or superiority over any other.
I recognize no authority except that which is inherent in the source of Being and the natural universal laws within which we live.
There can be no valid consent without full disclosure and full comprehension.
Each one bears 100 percent liability for harm caused to another.
Corporate fictions and manipulation of language does not mitigate the personal liability incurred in reality.
In a co-operative friendship-trust it is assumed that intentions and actions may need clarification and unintentionally, harm may be done.
That forgiveness/pardon is offered upon clarification and correction.
This process will work to deepen bonds of friendship and trust between friends. Or the relationship may be renegotiated and recatagorized if necessary.
Free souls require no government, no State to serve in lieu of personal intention and responsibility. A logistical or service function may be instituted to serve the free people on the land in trust.
Violation of that trust by a "servant" should be dealt with by public execution and mourning. Pardon is offered upon correction.
True currency exists in the value created between free people not in the symbolic representations thereof.
No one owns the resources of this world. To claim such a thing is preverse and counter to natural law.
All have a natural right to the bounty of this world by birth to use as they choose within the boundaries of co-operation friendship and no harm.
Any systematic intentional perversion of language or histiory or suppression of technical understanding ultimately is a violation of the public trust and harm and carries the penalty of public execution.
Pardon given upon correction.
Communities of real people not corporate fictional characters of the state bear the responsibility and liability for such action."

Kudos to you! You are on the right path. I know. I still get looks from people like I am crazy, but once you set those boundaries for your domain, you feel freer. You are in charge of what goes on there. You do not need others to tell you how to live your live or conduct your business.

Peace friend.

OMG, there is a lot to think about on the above @platosgroove!

I spent many years studying different ways people talked about freedom and the world with the Idea of finding something I agreed with. But nothing seemed to quite do it for me. It still left me in a position of following and believing in something someone else had done. I saw the different movements become almost religion like it terms of adherence to doctrines a what "leader" to follow. Many times these movements would argue among themselves about who had the "real" truth. Deep down I was Not looking for something new to join or another person to follow. Then I realized that followers are but definition not sovereign. So I decided to attempt to articulate as best I could what I knew from my own soul rather than making a statement of faith and belief in another. My statement may change as I become aware of areas I have not considered or need to adjust. But for now it is my public notice. Thanks for reading. And if you think I got something not quite right feel free to comment. I am always open to learning.

You are very brainy. I prefer to play guitar, it helps me with not thinking about religion and sovereign issues. :-)

I'm not that smart, just old. :) I have lived in a culture that has lied about so much I began listening to the part of myself that knows something is very wrong with how things are. I used to think I was crazy. Now I know that the way things are is crazy. Peace friend. :)

Old age does help. In my case, it helped me put in perspective the idea of right and wrong, crazy and sane, truth and lie.

My heart is legally blind! :-D

Wow! Kick butt post. Love your beat the fear attitude by staying on top of the situation. You are a force to be reckoned with. 🐓🐓

Thanks! I reached the age long ago where I am not a pushover. Just because someone says "Roll over and play dead" doesn't mean I have to or even should!

There are some benefits to experience and age. Good for you my friend. 🐓🐓

Thank you, friend!

I think I am in a similar mindset. I want to be more free but fear of the bigger authorities governing society (government, cops, lawyers, etc.). Fear makes it hard to venture out into the woods to be self-sufficient. That being said, I want to be more free so I'll do what I need to do to achieve my dreams.

The desire often takes over the fear. Start small and take baby steps. My journey did not happen overnight. It has been decades in the making. It started by moving from an apartment to a house with a fair sized yard. Then it was to a house in the country. When we outgrew that we moved to a farm. From the farm in the cold north, we moved south to a cafetel (coffee farm) then finally to our homestead 10 years ago. At each stage, we changed and grew, slowly cutting the ties that bound us...

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