THE RAFT : New in the seemit ocean? Please jump on this raft.

in #new6 years ago

Together we are less likely to drown between the established steem ships.

Say whatever you want, how ever you want to say it.

Welcome on THE RAFT

Who are you?
What brought you here?
What float your boat?
whatever... Just give it a go.


Hello the raft!
I am @simplylizelle, first of my name, mother of cats, wrangler of dragons, wife of @moderndragon, maker of things, taker of pictures, follower of @sultnpapper, breaker of chain letters.
Fan of GoT ;)

Welcome on the raft @simplylizelle

This raft is floating in calm waters of the steemit ocean. A nice place to chill and let ideas flow.
What kind of pictures do you make? Is @moderndragon still in the ocean?????
Or is he just swimming around the raft?
I'm about to get some sleep, I hope more people find THE RAFT during my time on 'the dark side'
Enjoy the soothing waves!

BTW Hows life in Zuyd Afrika ?

Ya we're cautiously optimistic with the new president and all. The one thing you can say about our ex president Jacob Zuma is that he united the country in wanting to get rid of him.
Watching the State of the Nation Address last night was an amazing experience in that for the first time in 9 years it didn't devolve into anyone being thrown out or a riot in the chambers. Cyril Ramaphosa has a lot of plans to build the economy , boost investor confidence and create jobs. BUT his stance on land expropriation without compensation is both illegal and counterproductive. As a country we'd love to avoid becoming Zimbabwe 2.0.

wow, thats big stuff
i'll try to listen to that State of the Nation if i can find it online.
News like that doesn't reach Europe by mainstream anymore.

hmmm 3 hours... thats a bit long i'll give it a try though. Interesting to know a bit of what's happening on the planet

I'm sure the actual speech was shorter. See if you can find the highlight reel.

found it

the applaus he got right before he said 'without compensation' was a bit fake.

his plans sound positive, agriculture makes food and jobs, but he also needs energy to make that happen.

this has a good feel to it, sounded a lot better then what Trump had to say

Acupuncture for the cat does that work good?

Alternative medicine and animals is a good way to get proof for the sceptics :-)
Animals don't have a placebo effect, i also have seen this with homeopathy.

It does help. It is not very common as people tend to rather have the cats with back injuries put down. Teddy can function on his own and is able to use the litter box without much difficulty. He struggles with his balance because of the weakness in his hind quarters but the acupuncture is starting to help.
If he couldn't empty his bladder on his own then he would be prone to developing bladder stones which is a serious condition.

For the most part acupuncture is used more in dogs and horses.

Teddy has a great human as a friend and is lucky because there is someone with knowledge about acupuncture who is willing to help.

I'll keep this in mind for whenever some ones cat needs help.

Still finding someone who can do this with animals may be a bit of a challenge.

I'm the guy who chopped the wood for your RAFT, you have constructed it nicely. I will resteem it and see if we can help fill it with folks.

thank you!

Lets get them out of the water!

Join us on THE RAFT new steemians,

get to know new people,

Just say something here the raft is a hangout for drifting to Tahiti , it's a magical place

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