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RE: Freedom Challenge #2

in #freedomchallenge6 years ago

I think I am in a similar mindset. I want to be more free but fear of the bigger authorities governing society (government, cops, lawyers, etc.). Fear makes it hard to venture out into the woods to be self-sufficient. That being said, I want to be more free so I'll do what I need to do to achieve my dreams.


The desire often takes over the fear. Start small and take baby steps. My journey did not happen overnight. It has been decades in the making. It started by moving from an apartment to a house with a fair sized yard. Then it was to a house in the country. When we outgrew that we moved to a farm. From the farm in the cold north, we moved south to a cafetel (coffee farm) then finally to our homestead 10 years ago. At each stage, we changed and grew, slowly cutting the ties that bound us...

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