You want to get sponsored for Steem Basic Income (SBI)? Here is your chance…

in #freedom6 years ago

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If you don’t know what’s SBI is for and how it’s organized - here is a link to start:

Since I’ve decided to get SBI shares for myself - and because I thing a Basic Income in general will be an important step for our society - I will support the SBI program and some of my followers.

There are two possibilities I have:

  • I could spread SBI shares to many steemians as possible (of course given that nice content is produced) or
  • I can do it in a more focused way so that it’s more likely that he/she will continue to be active because of having a bigger stake of shares he/she is holding.

I prefer the second possibility to see that the benefit will be bigger in the long run than the alternative to upvote his/her content with the corresponding steempower once a day.

!!! A difference here will be that you can apply to be sponsored. Just send a reply to this post.
I will look to your content and if I like it (and that’s definitely subjective and there are no fixed rules) you could be sponsored.

But there is a hurdle. I want to see that

  • you are serious to continue with your regular posts
  • you have a reputation which is already higher than just the entrance level
  • you have earned (or invested) already some STEEM.

Especially the last point is important to show that you take it serious because you have to buy shares too.

So the deal is the following - two examples:

  • You buy 5 shares for me and in return I’ll buy 6 shares for you.
  • You buy 10 shares for me and in return I’ll buy 12 shares for you.

So you will get a plus of 20% in shares from me. Go ahead and apply for your Steem Basic Income right here (and wait for my OK before you buy shares).


I would take your offer... even without your 20% bonus... ☺️ It's really nice with these sbi up votes and the invested money gives a return one day. So if I have earned maybe 100 steem I'll let you know and if your offer is still valid then... just a few weeks maybe... 🍀 @peekbit

Resteemed in the hopes of getting more people to notice this.

I've been active in sponsoring content creators into SBI for a couple of weeks now, and it's amazing how much fun it is to watch them grow. @peekbit especially took off...pretty sure she's got over 100 shares in at this point, which is mind-blowing! :D

But why not throw my hat in the ring here as well. I've noticed more than one upvote come in from you, @retinox, on my content, so I presume you're already aware of what I do, but just in case...

Hi, I'm @modernzorker, and if it's geeky, nerdy, and/or dorky, then chances are I either actively write about it or will write about it in the future. I started here doing video game articles, then slowly expanded into horror novel reviews, comic-themed posts, anime, Dungeons & Dragons, and the occasional personal life stuff. Steemit's been good to me already, and I have a number of shares in SBI already, so I totally understand if you go with somebody else to support. I'm all about the rising tide lifting all boats instead of jealously hoarding every bit of crypto I can get my hands on. :)

Thanks for the opportunity, but I hope people who are way cooler than myself see this and go for it. Thinking of peeps like @triverse, @retro-room, @deadspace, @barrister-batman, and @ivymuse, so hopefully I see comments from every last one of them! :)

Yes - have seen already lot of your posts @modernzorker... and I feel you like what you are doing and you put a lot of energy in it. Your contributions definitely are worth more in general than they achieve by upvotes now. If you want to make a sbi deal like described above - please let me know... max for you right now (have to see how many demand arises here): 24 for 20.

I've looked at the other ones you've mentioned too and I'd like the blogs of @triverse, @retro-room and @deadspace for an sbi deal too.

Wow, @retinox, that's a hell of a deal! So as not to hog the pool and leave spots for others to get their own sponsorships, I'll take you up on 12 for 10. If this is acceptable, let me know, and I'll send the transfer to @steembasicincome as soon as I get your reply. Thank you very much! :)

Sure... 12 for 10 is fine 👍🏼 Anyway they would open new pools as much as they need I think. As soon as I have seen your transaction I'll do mine for you.
Thank you and go on with posting. Hope your content will be more appreciated over time.

OK, 10 Steem sent, and thank you again for the opportunity, @retinox! :D

And fulfilled with 12 shares ✅ Thank you @modernzorker.


Thanks for the heads up @modernzorker! I can't get around to putting my name in the drawing, but I'll certainly get to it. I saw a mention of SBI a few days ago on one of your posts, but due to my patented memory loss (out with the important info, and in with the Fallout 4 theme), I forgot to look it up. It looks really promising.

"...way cooler than myself..."
Careful, Mr. Zorker, flattery will get you * looks at Steem Wallet * Huh. Damn near nothing! 😅


This is an interesting idea and this sponsorship idea sounds a great way to get consistently good content recognised on Steemit, and ideally to a larger audience.

We review brand new cars initially in the UK once every week likely to increase, and we plan to expand to other countries for launches etc. We also share our own content from a number car events, Goodwood FOS and Concours of Elegance etc.

When our posts are found they get great feedback and support, which in the past has allowed us to upgrade our camera gear and invest back into Steem, that way we can support our supporters with there content and the replies they leave us, the thing is sometimes posts just aren't always found. This idea could remedy this for many Steemians.

Thank you, we're certainly going to look into SBI too, keep striving forward with your vison.

well - a fully commercial site on steem - why not... I've looked through your posts and in case you want to make an sbi-deal as described tell me. Max for you right now (have to see how many demand arises here): 12 for 10.

Hi, thank you il have a proper read and chat with Michael and Annabelle - thank you for the support

Very nice you will do this !

Thanks for sharing this post, I appreciate your life. I want you always stay of freedom.
Best of luck my friend.....

Hi @retinox ~ I'd like my blog to be considered for additional shares in Steem Basic Income. I'm a big believer in Universal Basic Income, and think sbi is a great initiative that's just getting off the ground. I'm already a member.

Please take a look at Banana Memos... it's a light-hearted blog that hopefully brings a smile to readers' faces... each post written by a banana character. I create a character's persona, draw a face on a banana, take pictures of it, make it into an avatar, and write a post. It's fun! It hasn't gotten much notice in the 2 months I've been on Steemit, but I keep postin'!

😅 fun idea... like it. So if you want to make a deal as described above - earn some sbi shares... just tell me here. Max for you right now (have to see how many demand arises here): 12 for 10.

I think I'd like to keep it smaller. I've been spreading sbi around a bit in the past few days. Would you like to just trade 2 shares for 2 shares?

ok... if you prefer that. So you dedicate 2 shares to me first. As soon as I've seen it (I look in your wallet) I dedicate 2 shares to you.

All done. 2 sbi headed your way. :-)

fulfilled by me ✅


Since you haven't got a bonus... here a 100% upvote for you.

Hey there @retinox!

I just saw this post about SBI. I have seen quite a few people advocating for this program. It makes sense to build up the platform in this way, through mutual aid.

Thanks for promoting steem and SBI. I hope that you like the posts I have been making. I look forward to hearing from you.

Well, even though I appreciate your personal engagement here I don't consider the content to be predestined for sbi concerning my offer. Anyway I'll follow your blog and see what comes up...

What is the minimum of invest I can table for this steem basic income as you describe above 5share and 12 shares how many steem backed up for each share .. need you to share some light to this @retinox

To achive a 20% bonus 6 sbi shares (you get from me) for 5 sbi shares (I get from you) would be the minimum since the smalles unit is 1 share.
Smaller amounts cound be starting at 1 for 1 of course.

So any equivalent between SBI and SBD and is that mean 1sbd as 1SBI share right ?

here you can read a bit... sbi in a nutshell.... think it’s quite easy described in this post:

Thanks for that..

So I can sponsor whoever I want with Steem from what I just read.

yes... you are free to choose the person or content you like to sponsor.

Okay fine... Will have to sponsor you first for introduce me to this SBI..

you will be automatically enrolled to the sbi program if you dedicate a share to somebody or if someone dedicates a share to you. So it has not to be me.
But if you want a sbi deal with me let me know. 6 shares (I buy for you) for 5 shares (you buy for me) would be the maximum right now. If you'd choose less there can't be a bonus in shares any more.

Hi, @davidad! Right now, SBI is only accepting Steem, not SBD, for sponsorships. If you send SBD, they'll return it to you with a note requesting Steem instead.

They will take SBD, but usually only when the exchange rate of SBD to Steem is roughly equal, or the SBD is worth more than liquid Steem. Right now though, Steem is worth more than the SBD, so that's their currency of choice.

I hope this helps! :)

Thanks..this really helps...

Hi @retinox, I'm researching basic income here on Steemit and I came across your post. I'm thinking of getting some more crypto into my Steem wallet, just wondering if you think I fit your criteria? Anyway I am planning on sending some STEEM and a small delegation to SBI either way.

Hello @fourth. I like your posts... What's a [robot podcast] - something a bot copy/pastes into your blog? And consider that it's helpful to get a good benefit from the sbi shares to post quite regularly. Maybe it would be helpful too to have a 'red line' into your posts to attract more followers. Anyway your blog looks interesting and I follow you. If you want to make an sbi deal tell me, 6 for 5 shares would be ok - so you receive your 20% bonus.

No, the robot podcast is a podcast I make by sending articles to a text to speech service called Narro. I then write about what I think of the article after I listen to it. Anyone can listen to it too, it's a real podcast.

What's a red line? We can make a deal, I'll buy some Steem as soon as I can, maybe today.

OK - just tell me when you are ready for it. There is no hurry so far.

Hi, I am ready. The guide says to just send 1 STEEM though, should I send 1 or 5? I'm concerned that if I send 5 it will only recognise 1 STEEM, what do you think?

I read this too:

Every time you sponsor a member, you will each receive 1 share. By sponsoring more members you can receive more shares. You can sponsor as many people as you like, or sponsor one person multiple times. If you exceed the share limit for a pool, you will overflow into the next pool and receive upvotes from both (meaning upvotes from @steembasicincome and @sbi2... and so on as we waterfall into more and more voting pools.)

you can send 5 at once to @steembasicincome. If I've seen it I will dedicate 6 shares to you.

Okay I did it! Exciting

ok - fulfilled ✅
6 shares for you...

Hey, @retinox, I'm @barrister-batman, and I like to think! (Trust me, it looks better than it reads)

Basically all of my articles are looking at commonly or uncommonly asked questions about life in general, musing on them, and given an answer (with a healthy dose of humour, I might add). I dabbled in poems for a while but, eh, they're just not for me.

I also ask questions that absolutely no one has EVER thought of, and answer before they even get a chance to answer, thereby making myself look super smart!😋

I'm also going to start a series analyzing the differences between living in other developed parts of the world vs living in my country, Nigeria. It'll feature child labour, corporal punishment, prison-yard like homes, and absurdly over-armed policemen! What a blast!

I guess that's the end of this...resume? Sure, why not. As an added bonus of info you didn't ask for, I'm 6'5, and I can ALMOST lick my nose😃



Yes - like your armchair posts 👍🏼 Consider to post regularly (once a week at least not to loose rewards from your sbi shares. 6 for 5 is the maximum I offer for now (so you receive the 20% bonus). If you decide to get less shares, than there will be no bonus but one 100% upvote at least.

Okay, thanks for the opportunity. I'll pump up the post numbers, and I'll notify you as soon as I've sent the Steem. I'm taking the 6 for 5 btw, too good a deal to pass up.

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