in #freedom7 years ago

Who wants freedom? Who wants to dream? Who wants to live?

It seems that a heavy financial burden has been placed upon the backs of most of humanity. No matter how cheap things are in your country, you will always make less. No matter how expensive they are, you will never have enough.

Through inflation, taxes, and an ever-increasing amount of bills, the vast majority of the world’s population will pretty much always be able to be referred to as poor. With the odds ever stacked against them and the system set up to keep them down, many people basically become slaves for the beast.


Inside the common economic system it is hard to get ahead. Unless you already have your own company or are self-employed, you will most likely wind up working for someone else. Yes, you will get a paycheck, but the main function of your employment is that you make them money.

If you want to start your own company, the necessary funds will often be more than you can muster on your own. Therefore, many who try to build their own businesses go into debt to do so. From this viewpoint, they are starting off in the negative. They are in a hole from the get-go. In an attempt to move forward, they have taken a mighty step backwards.

To try to become self-employed or start a business of their own without debt is difficult. So many of us earn just enough to get by. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, you’ll need that next paycheck before you get it. Who can save up enough money on the side to up their own business or cover costs while the transition takes place? Very few, that’s how many.


What if people were suddenly empowered with the opportunity to earn money outside of the traditional system. What if extra moments available in-between the other demands of life could be invested? What if there was a return on that investment?

What if the necessary funds to restructure lives and fulfill dreams eventually became available? What if an economic revolution occurred and people from all over the world found an opportunity to invest in themselves and their dreams? What if it was already happening?

I praise God that I was able to find out about steemit when I did. I praise God that I kept on interacting, posting, and having fun even when things got discouraging. I am so glad to be able to see the potential return on my investment.

Steemit is allowing people to make real money in their spare time that they can actually use to revolutionize their personal economy and escape from the all-to-common economic hell that seems to plague the world in which we live. We now have the potential to be freed from that cage.


Do you know what my future looks like? Do you know how amazing it will be when my dreams come true? Do you know how incredible it is that I can finally have the funds necessary to live my life my way?

You don’t need to wonder or speculate. You don’t need to guess. You can simply sit back and watch, and rejoice with me. I’m living my dream, because I’m a steemian!

Part of my goal in living a wiser life is to avoid debt and avoid paying unnecessary bills. This means that I will no longer choose to have a mortgage and that I do not want to pay rent. To accomplish that, I must be able to afford to build a house while paying for materials out of pocket to avoid a loan. It looks like steemit has now given me the opportunity to do so! I'll keep you posted.

Until next time…

Invest in yourself. Invest in your dreams.



I lost everything to illness in 2014, my home, my savings, my retirement. What I have now is in my Steemit wallet. I'm with you Brother, I can't tell you how great it is to get up and look in my wallet and see a few thousand dollars! I started on her with $0... now I have something! This is what I tell all the newbies.

I started with zero too! I'm glad that things are looking up for you!


You are an amazing example of what a steemian should be to this newbie!

Great points as always. I think tou are very accurate with the status of humanity in this highly manipulated financial market we are all affected by. STEEMIT certainly can make people a decent amount of passive income if they are casual users and once it evilces can be a full-time job for many people. It is true that through inflation and taxation people find it nearly impossible to do anything except wprk themselves until they are old and tired. Hopefully not sick and needing expensive medical treatment. In my experience the key to financial freedom is having a small nut. Bringing down your costs as much as possible and never pass up a good opportunity to make extra income. Also to beat the inflation invest your USD fiat currency into tangible real assets, silver being my choice due to market manipulations that can make it increase 20X or more. But more than that it is always silver and they can't print more of it. Cryptocurrencies are another great way to beat inflation. Taxation is a game that will always aim to take the wealth of the individual in the name of national prosperity but we all know its a political slush-fund used by those in control. Consider your profession very closely and pick something that will always be needed. Gain skills outside of your primary job. Learn new skills and maybe a trade that you can use to earn extra income when needed. But for me it is all about lowering those bills and allowing yourself to save more and in my experience if you save it in physical precious metals you will be less likely to waste it in the stores. It is hard dealing with societal pressures to drive a new car, have a well landscaped front lawn and a nice big TV and stereo system. Living in the suburbs costs a lot more and offers a lot less in terms o freedom. For me I know being a Nurse I can move somewhere relatively remote and still always have a job opportunity. I also know that I can teach due to te degrees I have attained and can always post on STEEMIT to make that passive income. But a penny saved is a penny earned. My goal is to leave the high-priced 'burbs and find myself land where I can be mostly off the grid, not having to pay or electric or water and being able to make some of the food I need. I may be more of a prepper than most but long term I think this approach grants the most peace of mind and the highest level of satisfaction. Knowing I don't hear bill collectors when my phone rings has made me feel more inner peace than I have ever felt before. So my advice, have a small nut (bills), pick a good career, have backup skills, try to be as self-sufficient as possible and always have a side hustle. And most importantly realize that money is not the goal, happiness and peace is and family is the greatest treasure you can have. Better than a Lambo, better than a six bedroom, eight bathroom home on an acre on Long Island, NY, better than it all and in te end it is all you will really want and something that you cant live without. God bless and good luck in achieving your own personal and financial freedom. @wwamd ~SgtMagusUSMC

Wow! Thank you!

You speak the truth. God gave me endless creativity and ambition to do great things. I attempted to run a business, but like you said, if you have to start a company on borrowed money, the odds are against you. I am back to being a wage slave again...for now. I perform mundane tasks just to earn a mediocre paycheck each week. BUT... I invest my time in Steemit, because I believe it will not only free my family from debt, but give us startup capital to launch a new business, without large loans from banks. I do believe God led me to Steemit because He knew it would eventually free me from my financial limitations and allow my creativity to flourish.



This is awesome and i agree with you 100% when it comes to starting your own business vs living payday to payday. Most people can;t afford to dream and its through no fault of their own. My life's dream (as naive as it may sound) has always been to find a way to help more people live the life they want to instead of being forced to do only whats necessary to survive, I'm glad i found Steemit too, its given me the chance to envision a world that could be and its a beautiful view!

So cool. Go for it!!!

I think this is the general feeling of a lot of people in the crypto-currencies space. I believe we are empowering people in very different and efficient way, thanks to the blockchain 2.0!!

An efficient way to empower people for sure!

This is EXACTLY how I feel about Steemit - hope for a better life. Less financial stress means more time to devote to making our world better for our children.

You deserve it papa, youve been here a long time and super consistent! Hope you and your family are well!

Wow! Good to hear from you again! Thanks.

I read through the first 6 chapters of Ecclesiastes this morning. A very interesting and true account of man's lot in life.

Indeed there is much wisdom and truth there Dad.

Can't wait to see you soon!

thank you papa. i trying also to use my abilities, my hotography skills, videography and what i just love to do everithing with steemit. i liked your posts and see example to follow here.

Thank you! Keep it up!

hope to see steemit help you realize your dreams very soon

Thank you. I am excited for sure!

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