[Update2] My passport may be refused by the Dutch embassy!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

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For those new to this story, you can read the original post and update 1 for more info. Otherwise you may not understand what I'm talking about here.


Another week has passed

Today I normally would send in the appeal to the Dutch embassy, because I wanted to stretch the time as much as possible. I emailed them today to ask if it's correct that today (Tuesday) is the last option to send it in. And also to ask if they have the email address to contact the municipality, because I found out they only gave a telephone number while I wanted to email them. Because one thing I have learned is, you need everything written as proof no phone calls will help you if there is something wrong.
I got a quick respond from the embassy telling me I officially received the letter 5th of April, well do a bit of math and that's only days ago.
Not gettin too excited (well, a little yest) because I wanted to double check if she was telling me the correct date, so I e-mailed her back asking where she got 5th of April from, as I don't want to be too late, but a little bit more time would be awesome.
She did not respond yet, I she doesn't before the afternoon I guess I will send the appeal in anyways, too bad then..
But what she did tell me was that they are not in contact with the municipality but got that number from a government website, and if I can't call myself I can use the phone at the embassy. (Told her that I can't make phone calls trying to get the email address)


What has been done here in the meanwhile?

Well a good friend from Spain told the story to his mother, and this lovely lady knows a few people that may have some answers for us. Law-wise I mean. She will inform for us, and let us know hopefully the answers to my most important questions. Hopefully she will come with some helpful information, so I am waiting for her reply.
My boyfriend got told by his old accountant that the taxes can't be filled in without an address, but he did not respond back to his question if we can just fill in the address here. Because I know some people living abroad also need to fill in their taxes in Holland and they also don't have an address left in Holland. So I guess that will be fine.
My boyfriend has been looking through all our data this weekend, to see if we can get all the info back about the exact payments they have made, but we miss a few pieces of information, unfortunately.
So therefore my first contact with the municipality will contain the question to specify the amount (including the monthly payments so we are sure they are not screwing us over more than they are doing already).
I had to wait for this as the accountant may have had time in the weekend, but this wasn't the case. But he knows exactly how to fill in those tax things, so it's best to accept his help, then to make just a little mistake ourselves, I guess.


My body is giving me signs that I am overwhelmed by this problem

While the spring arrived here, and I am so glad to walk outside without wearing a jacket and walking on my slippers again, I notice that I am drained.. It is eating me inside what is hanging over our heads, and while I still feel positive this will be solved, I am really exhausted. I can't get out of bed, while normally I get out when my boyfriend leaves around 7 am and then my daughter sleeps some longer, while I can do my thing. I love that me-time. Now I just can't seem to wake up properly, and in nighttime last nights I fell a sleep like a baby so early, while normally I am typing some posts at this time (1 am) because my daughter sleeps.
So I really find is neccessary for myself to keep going with the meditation like I did last week, which I quickly forgot to do after that .. Stupid, because I need piece at mind, to remain focussed.
I also started to pick up my creativity again, and started to draw something for a challenge, I missed the deadline though, but it's going to be awesome anyway I believe.
I need some relaxing hours a day, and trying to draw with the little lady and go outside because of the nice weather next to our must-do things on the list.
It's neccessary, because I know myself and my body.. time to take care of me too.


I am trying to focus on a good outcome and some (positive) new info about this country

While I'm fully aware of what may happen or that they may do this or that, I really try to focus on the good outcome. Like I said last update, I still feel this way.
Today I got some more info about the Hungarian president. It's a shame that I live here since about 6 months but actually know very little about the country. My boyfriend came home and said that someone at work was in tears as the president was re-chosen.
And he asked her why she was not happy (because we know very little about him / the country itself) and she said he is against immigrants.
His other colleague then explained him that he is against the immigrants that the rest of Europe accepts, but there is a positive thing about this man too.
He said that he openly spoke on tv about the fact that he is against the EU, but when people from European countries leave their country because they are afraid, he will welcome them here with open arms.


A backup plan for if things turn not in our favor

Can you see where I'm heading at? In the back of my mind I must not forget that we are the people fitting that profile, and I can prove why we left.
So if the Dutch government will most eventually not work with me to get it solved, I will explore my options trying to get help in this country.
Didn't dive in to the material yet, it's on my to-do-list since a few hours ago, so when I have some other things checked from the list, this will be my search in between the other important things. As a backup plan.
We all know that the Dutch media is not one to turn to, but what if the Hungarian media is?
We'll see where this goes to, but I will keep it in mind. And actually I start to love this country more every day.
I can actually say that I feel quite at home by now, and I haven't felt this safe on the streets in years. Even at night (I just went to the nightshop because I needed water) I am not scared by the people walking on the streets, I just greet them, and talk back if they ask me something. In Holland I was scared constantly, and in Spain I didn't find the same peace as I did here. I may be surprised after a while how long we want to stay eventually, as I did not expect this to happen.

This is the end of this update, and next one will be in a week, unless... I have fabulous news before that time ;) Thank you for reading, and all the support giving so far, I appreciate it so much!




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My god when will this ever stop....

I can fully imagine the body is rejecting at the moment. As to say, knowing the feeling the body needs so much more rest than it usually would but its dealing with all this mental stress

Yes true.. thank god the spring has arrived otherwise I may have been depressed by now. But lots of helping hands and people thinking with us.
And as I wrote I may get lucky with the appeal date if the embassy responds back in time. Although I have it written already that the official date of receiving is the 5 th of April I want to double check before I wait until next week to send the appeal. But they dont seem to have any benefit from me being too late at the embassy as she wrote they are not in direct contact with the dutch municipality..
So I have good hopes :)
An extra week would be great ;)
Just resteemed a post from wakeupkitty with some more info about the Hungarian president.. This country isnt that bad after all. I believe we are way more safe here than in Spain actually..

Hungary isnt bad at all!
And every country has its flaws and pro's as well in the end

Paperwork...can we just skip it?

Lol indeed, but it seems like this presedent here is a way better person than the ones in Holland .. especially in our case ;)

It'll sure cost you a lot of "bandwidth" dealing with the bureaucracy! Best of luck to you and I hope things get resolved in your advantage soon!

Yes it does .. lets hope so :)

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Hi Anouk,
Hou je sterk. Ik heb vroeger zelf een poos in Hongarije gewoond. De situatie is inderdaad anders dan de meeste EU-landen, slechter volgens onze politici en media, maar in het land zie je het zelf beter...
Ik woon momenteel in België, hopelijk zonder teveel gek gedoe. Maar mijn vrouw is Pools, dus Polen (Hungary's best buddy) is altijd een optie.

Take care,


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