[Update 5] My passport may be refused by the Dutch embassy!

in #freedom6 years ago

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For those new to this story, you can read original post and update 1, and update 2 and update 3 and update 4 by clicking on the links for more info. Otherwise you may not understand what I'm talking about here.

My last update was not very hopeful yet

I actually have had many moments that I was stressing out about the issue of the municipality just not responding. No reply on the email my boyfriend sent to the man that contacted him in Spain last year, and the woman that I needed to contact neither... I was getting frustrated and angry at them for once again working against us, instead of with us.
We decided to make another email and add them to the old one to forward again (to make a trail of emails with the last once in it that they did not respond to either) if they did not respond today.
I was not looking forward to doing this, but it had to be done ...

And then this morning, just before I was going to send this email

My boyfriend forward an email from the guy he had contacted. And surprise surprise, he was actually not working against him! He told him he sent a request to the administration office to provide the annual statement documents once more. He said he would let him know as soon as he would receive them. So that was good news to start with!
I guess about 15 minutes later, the requested statements were available online. Wow, it is actually possible to work fast there, you see? This is the second time that a request has been made, and they actually provide it fast.
Ok, the guy was not responding fast himself, but once he did, things were provide in a heartbeat.

So what now

Now we can finally (!!!!) let the accountant check the numbers, and provide the correct information for us to fill in the taxes, and then the ball's on the side of the municipality. But this means I don't have to bother that horrible lady anymore, until the taxes are filled in, and I have the documents they need occuring to that guy. But it may actually work faster if we just send them to him instead of that lady, because she did not respond in any way. And my clock is ticking, less than 6 weeks left for me to arrange this...

One thing that caught my attention going through the requests in our online files

My boyfriend had a request in it to hold his personal data secret, that means not visible in the system with the address for other people. When someone asks for your data, they send you a request (the municipality) that that person is requesting your data, and then you get a few weeks to let them know why they can or can't have it.
Because of my ex his games back then, but also due to the flaws of some "helping" agencies that had provided him the address without our permission , we had requested this for the both of us.
I saw this request in the system for my boyfriend, and thought maybe it's good to save this document, because of proving that we did not leave for debts but safety.. every little thing may help, right?

But what happened to my request

Then I went to my files, and guess what? In my files this document/request is not to be found! And it's not because this is too long ago, because the files go back to 2013 .. And we arranged this at the same moment for the both of us!
I really hope I can find that request back in my own files, because back then I was downloading every single request/document especially for the municipality because of their constant flaws in our case...
If I can find it back it looks a bit weird that it's nowhere to be found in their online files right? It only confirms my suspicions of them working against us and even corrupt persons on our case back then. So I really hope I can find it, but for now I am focussing on getting my passport first, these things are for later concerns...

I'm feeling a lot more hopeful and positive now we received this mail in the morning

It's actually a big weight falling of my shoulders for now. I don't like to be waiting for things that are in control by others, now we know the next move is in our hands. And that can be done this evening..
I really hope the lying awake at night, and feeling stressed a lot will be in the past very very soon, because it's not a nice feeling this whole situation. I hope the next update will be even more positive...





I hope the rest will follow now, so far so good, leae behind all that sheit that you had to do that is finished and dusted, now the next bit. You will get there, it will just take a hell of a while :-) Enjoy your day , hug.

Yes thank you.. I feel a lot more possitive now :)

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you @thethreehugs

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