[Update4] My passport may be refused by the Dutch embassy!

in #freedom6 years ago

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For those new to this story, you can read original post and update 1, and update 2 and update 3 by clicking on the links for more info. Otherwise you may not understand what I'm talking about here.

Last week my boyfriend sent an email to the previous contact person

That has contacted us about the debt while we lived in Spain. This email contact was through an old email address which he can't recover the password from, as the telephone number to recover it, is not in use anymore. We did not think of this before we switched to Hungarian numbers. But he was able to recover the emails at least. While going through that conversation, we learned that this man said they only need two things done. So I saved this email. My boyfriend thought it would be best to contact the municipality from both sides (as the debt is on both our names).
So he did, and he did not speak of the passport problem. Only about how to solve it, with an excuse and explanation that we were not able to fix this the period we lived in Spain. But this email was sent about a week ago, and still no answer. We will give them another day, and then email them again with the request to answer within a few days max. Of course we don't really expect them to grant this request, but we can try.

In the meanwhile I needed to find the email address of the person that handles the case

Because the embassy told me they are not in direct contact with the municipality, and they don't have her email address. So I just looked up the contact form (because I really really don't want to handle any of this by phone as I will never be able to proof if anything will go wrong or who said what) and I selected "other information" on purpose. I could have selected the section for the "bbz-uitkering" what it's about, but I assumed that then I would have to wait until they would send this request to the lady, and she would have to contact me first. So I thought let's just pick other information, so it will be received by the administration that dispatches the incoming requests, who most likely will just send me her email. Can you believe me when I tell you I sent this request in the morning at 7.30 am and I got a response with her email in it at 7.40 am ??

So my thinking was correct, and they said they had sent this request to her too. But you see, they CAN actually work fast, but they normally just never do! After this I emailed the lady who I have to come to an agreement with, with a request to send me some missing information, and a specification too, as I am clueless where the other 4.5K of the debt is from. But as expected, I did not receive an answer yet either.

We need that information to be absolutely sure about the amount for filling in the taxes

Because if this is not correct we may get in trouble with the tax agency afterwards, and I really really want to avoid this. So my request to her is actually very important, but I will give her another day. After that she will also receive the request to respond sooner. And if she is not available, one of her colleagues should handle it.

I think IF they grant our request for those documents and information we can finally move fast

It seems like we can then easily fill in the needed tax information, and then add the document with the company's number of that year, then the ball's in their hands. If they will agree with clearing the debt, probably not, but at least we have to try still. And maybe if we come to a temporary agreement (until the taxes are processed or something I don't know how it exactly works for sure) then maybe I can get my passport anyway before it's solved.

It's getting to me that they are not responding

It frustrates me, as we had to do lots of digging in many disks/usb sticks/email that had to be recovered etc before we could actually make something of the numbers. And now finally we can send things, but we have to wait to check everything. This was one of the most frustrating things in Holland with them too. They just don't care and sometimes you have to contact them 5 times before getting an answer. So I guess from tomorrow, if they haven't answered our emails yet, I will send a FW email every day until I get a reply from them.

Any tips about what's reasonable as a term to give them to respond

I am not sure if I should tell them to respond within maybe 2 days or 3 or any other number? So if anyone has tips that are most common in these cases, I would love to hear about that in the comment section. Because if they don't replay the first request after 1 week, and I give them another 3 days, and then again 3 .. those weeks will be over soon. So I am not too sure what is the smartest thing to do here. Any tips are welcome, and much appreciated.

Thank you for reading again, and I really hope my next update will be a good one.. with more clarity about what now, and how we will come to an agreement.





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