[Update3] My passport may be refused by the Dutch embassy!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

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For those new to this story, you can read original post and update 1, and update 2 by clicking on the links for more info. Otherwise you may not understand what I'm talking about here.


The deadline has moved forward!

When I contacted the embassy to confirm what the closing date of the appeal request would be, they answered me that I just received the letter officially 4 days before I contacted them. I found that strange, as I received the letter by email and this date was different. So I asked the embassy on what this receiving date is based, and also mentioned that it would be pretty good to have a bit extra time for this. I got an answer just hours after my email, and they mentioned the mailing company had told them I received it on that day.

Nice to know your important mail is safe to be (not) delivered correctly (or on time!)

I can tell you I am pissed about this, because this is the second time the mailman/woman is messing up important mail for us. First our address cards (dropping the notification in a random mailbox, and the nice neighbors leaving it there until 5 weeks after that! Maybe they were on a holiday.. but still..) When we went to the post office to get our cards, they were long gone, missing ... All that time waiting for nothing..
Now this, no notification (again!) so someone has it in their mailbox since that day.. And just days ago they put it there on the mailboxes for us to find. It seems like those people here don't care about the fact that there may be important mail for someone. Thankfully email exists.. because this would otherwise be the next mess up by someone else, that could have had huge consequences for me, when the embassy would not have sent it by email too!

But let's remain positive!

It is what it is, I can file a complaint, will it help? I guess not a bit.. So why bother.. I will be angry, it will cost a lot of negative energy I don't want to be dealing with. Today is the first day our little girl is well again, she was pretty sick due to a cold and coughing all night. Luckily she seems fine again today.. But I had little time to do everything I wanted to do. So today I will be getting some things off my to-do-list. And at least I have about 10 more days to solve this problem.
That's a good thing.

I am still trying to collect some correct data for the tax return they need

And I can't access those bank accounts from back then, the document they sent every year is not with us. Neither with the person that could have had some documents from us. So we now thought of a way to ask them to send it in a digital mailbox from the government which you can only access with your personal code. This mailbox is also used for your tax messages etc. Hopefully the municipality will agree on this.
I also asked them for the specification of the total amount, so if they will not send the original document, I can calculate it from there. Because I really can't remember the exact amount...
After we have that the accountant will hopefully be able to tell us which amount we have to fill in.

Some more information was collected

And she told me they said they can't just arrest me or something for this, and that they need to work with us for a solution. This made me feel a bit less stressed out, and now I am focussing on collecting the right numbers.
And finally I found back the email which was sent in Spain to us from them, where the man working at the municipality explained exactly (so I have proof when they start telling us otherwise) what they need to correct this in their system. And how we look at it, this will be the case, as we are about to have all the needed information together.
I am glad when I can actually fill in the taxes and send them the documents.. Because even though I have a bit more time now, it still feels weird not to have an identity card with me. I have my drivers licence luckily, but still..

Back up plan for when they won't cooperate

I would also be very relieved when I know that I won't be paying them for years from now.. Because they have done enough harm to us... If they won't work with me on this, I now have a backup option to contact someone from the media that may be helpful if needed. But I am not focussing on that being necessary, because let's just aim for a good outcome without the hassle.

I hope next week I can give a bigger update about what has been done, but I wanted to give a small update anyway because of the support here... This week I also lost a few days of being able to focus as my little girl was ill, but she is now feeling better again, and so I am also focussed on this again..





I hope so too, but damn it was difficult with a sick child to even think about this issue. No sleep, cough, fever, so sad.. I was drained.. So these extra days are very welcome as you may understand.. These things can not be controlled.. But that's why my update was a bit delayed, the posts I made last week were posts that I had already written before, and only needed to have a few extra scentences to be posted .. otherwise I would have been completely absent here lol..

I wish with all my heart that everything goes well for you.

We have done some emailing and now waiting for a reply.. fingers crossed. Staying positive is the best way :) Many ways to reach a goal, and I thought of some back up plans if needed.. But I hope they will not be nessecary .

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for you your contributions and support of our community here @familyprotection. You will find my latest posts at #thethreehugs

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you @enjoywithtroy .. very much appreciated!

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