Tube-weaning Journey for Jansen with CDH #7: Healthy One-Pot Meal

The past one week had been nothing short of challenges. Just after Jansen had been discharged and we were about to get the hang of the rhythm of our tight schedules, then my husband dislocated his ankle. Hence, you would notice I declared a break from home-cooked meal's posting, while still engaging with Steemians and create some contents such as photography and freewrite. Gearing up to wear more hats since my husband was (still is) immobile, I packed food most of the time with a few days having my mother-in-law to cook for us. But today, I was determined to come out with something fast and simple before we went out for hubby's doctor's appointment.

One-pot chicken stew with potatoes, carrot and celery

Inspired by @francesaw's blog the other day on potatoes and egg where she did mention the option of adding chicken and other veggies.


  1. Dice 1 onion, 4 cloves of garlic and some ginger.


  2. Wash the chicken cubes. Season with corn flour to soften the meat (because Jansen is still learning to chew so I prefer to tenderized the meat).


  3. Cut the carrots, celery and potatoes to your desired sizes.


  4. Heat up oil in frying pan, then stir fry garlic and onions until fragrant.


  5. Add the chicken and continue to stir fry until meat no longer pinkish.


  6. Add 2 tablespoons of dark soy dauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Continue to stir fry to mix the sauces with the chicken. You may cut down if you don't prefer too-tasty chicken.


  7. Add in water to cover the chicken, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for half and hour.


  8. Add in all the vegetables and simmer until vegetables are soft - for about 20 minutes to half an hour.


  9. Relax and enjoy the warmth meal with a bowl of warm rice!

I was glad Jansen really enjoys this one-pot dish. He finished almost his whole bowl. Yay! I am dreaming about him being tube-free! On the side note, praying hard for speedy recovery for my husband. According to doctor, it might take 2 months before he can walk like a champ. He is using crutches and sometimes wheelchair for now as his ankle needs to rest.

His swollen feet due to extreme injuries of ligament, muscles and tendon. And him in excruciating pain while doctor helped to align back his bone. And still tenaciously able to preach in wheelchair. I salute him.


This is Jansen with CDH. He has gone through alot of battles since born and has achieved alot too, gradually. Now he is on his tube-weaning journey - learning to eat and drink from mouth. Thank you for all the continued support, love and prayer.




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Already feeling hungry looking at this! Dinner time :P

Hope you have a great dinner @kimzwarch 😊

Same goes to you 😁

ohmygoodness, i see the food , i hungry. Looks so good and tasty! omg @iamjadeline

I love cooking and stews. Often experiment a lot when it comes to cooking. Hope your hubby gets well soon.

Thank you @watersnake101. Love your photos..the golden one. 😊

Thanks just one of those days when it captures some of your time from a busy schedule.

Yay Jansen almost finished his whole bowl, that's great progress!!! Well wishes for your husband 's ankle's recovery too @iamjadeline :)

Thank you Connie.😍

Sorry to hear about Jansen. I do hope he'll be okay soon. Am curious thought what's the difference between soy sauce and dark soy sauce?

Soy sauce is the lighter thinner watery one - dark brown in color. Dark soy sauce is solid black and very thick like that of honey. Usually in Chinese cooking we combine both, light soy sauce for the taste (towards the salty type), dark soy sauce for the colour (abit sweetish).

Thank Jadeline! It's different than the oyster sauce? I think they are all the same. Hhahaha. I don't have a sense of taste when it comes to those things. The dish looks delicious.

Hope Jansen is well! x

The food looks delicious! ^^ and I hope your husband has a speedy recovery @iamjadeline

Salute to you @iamjadeline. You can cook and taking nice photo at the same time. :)

Learning to take nice photo due to foodphotography and dailyfoodphotography contest. 😉

@iamjadeline, that's a daily motivation too, hehe

This is one of the lovely dish my mum will usually cook for us! Yumsss :)))

Yes, simple and delicious. We all love it too!

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