Spelt & Almond Scone Stars - Easy Homemade Healthy Snack (Original Recipe)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food6 years ago

When out-and-about I always like to take a 'little homemade something' with us to snack on.  Breads, scones, savoury biscuits, these kinds of things are perfect because they don't spoil on a warm day like sandwiches can (I'm not a fan of sweaty cheese sarnies).  If you have young children like my wee boy you'll know they need regular feeding, so whipping up a batch of homemade goodies before setting off on a hike keeps them happy when miles from home.

I like to vary the types of flour I use.  Although many people avoid gluten these days I myself still bake with regular wholewheat flour and such, but I don't like to eat it everyday.  I think daily consumption of gluten may be a cause of all kinds of digestive issues, so I often use 100% gluten-free flours for some things, or do a half-and-half mix.  For these scone stars I used spelt flour - which is an ancient form of wheat and has a beautiful characterful flavour, and results in quite a crumbly texture when baked - mixed with almond flour, which again is quite crumbly but compliments the spelt very nicely.  To compensate for the crumbliness I add an extra egg for extra binding.


250g spelt flour

250g ground almonds (almond flour)

175g butter

1 tsp baking soda

2 tsp dried oregano

3 large free-range eggs

Milk (dairy or dairy-free)


In a large bowl mix the spelt and almond flours, add the butter and rub into the flour using your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.  Add the baking soda and oregano.

Add the eggs and milk, and mix in thoroughly using your hand to form a firm dough.


Roll the dough out on a floured surface to about 0.5cm thick.

Cut out shapes with a pastry cutter, and place them onto a lightly-floured baking tray.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes until risen and lightly-browned.


The wee man enjoying his snack...

For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan/vegetarian), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!

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("5 Cs" shared with kind permission from @kiwideb)


Thank you. These look very good. We eat paleo and the butter is a little bit of a cheat for the paleo diet but I'm going to give them a try.

I think various oils would work in place of butter too... at least I make a similar kind of snack using olive oil. I hope you enjoy them @irishgirl, and thank you!

Really love these. So you can make these with gluten free flour as well? A welcome snack, I don't have a good scone recipe...nice with blueberries added ;) Your little one is precious btw

Yes gluten free flour works fine... I don't know what kinds you have available where you are but I often use Doves Farm GF flour when my Dad comes to visit, and if using butter, eggs and whole milk I find they turn out very nicely! Perhaps I will bake some different kinds of GF scones & snacks for you to try! And thank you for complimenting my son... I agree wholeheartedly of course :-)

love how you made them into stars!! very cute :)

Thanks! I have different shapes to keep his snacks interesting! :-)

Hello Mam @woman-onthe-wing... Thanks for sharing how to make this delicious healthy food. I like your creativity.. Alwayes you share different kinds of delicious food.. Many many thanks for that.. i am alwayes appreciate your post.. keep going mam.. Best of luck.

Looks delicious!!! Thanks fr the recipe, I'll try to cook them ^_^

Thanks Silvia! I hope you enjoy them! :-)

Your son is adorable! I would like to make this recipe in a vegan version, I have never cooked crackers. I love the oregano!

Thanks very much, my son is the love of my life!

I think this recipe will work vegan... substitute butter for olive oil (about 5 tblsp) and rub into the flour using fingertips. I've never tried using 'flax eggs' instead of hen eggs, but I don't see why that wouldn't work?! Let me know if you try it and how it turns out! :-)

Yes, for my sweet cookies I use vegan eggs, with flax seeds. They work great and do not change the flavor. I have a particular way of doing them, maybe upload a recipe but salty like yours. Thank you.

These are amazing Joanna............another recipe I am saving for later. I just hope replacing the eggs with chia eggs will work, lol 🌸💖🌸

I haven't a clue! Haha. If you try it out let me know if it works so I can offer that as a suggested alternative! :-)

These look beautiful and puffed up nicely @woman-onthe-wing! I never used spelt flour before... I usually try to substitute plain flour with whole wheat... does it give it a different taste? Im sure it tastes great since your little man there seems to be enjoying it so much !😄 so cute!!!

Yes, spelt has a very 'characterful' flavour... richer and less 'floury' if you know what I mean. It's hard to describe! Also the texture is a little closer and more crumbly, so not one to use if you're after light-and-fluffy! But I love spelt... it's wonderful. Thanks @cooknbake!

They looks yummy, I will try to make these but vegan! :)

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