In The Kitchen - Smoked Free Range ChickensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

A simple but tasty Sunday evening dinner, the preparation time for this meal is minimal with plenty of time to relax whilst the protein portion of the meal cooks. I prepared an extra chicken as the smoked meat can last for days in the fridge and the taste actually improves.

First thing to do is to place wood chips into water to soak for a few hours, the idea being that when introduced to the coals they do not ignite but smolder.

I like to use Hickory chips for chicken and fish.

Preparing the chicken I recall a comment I made to fellow Steemian @susanne around dining out in Sydney a short while ago to do with cajun blackened smoked chicken. So I decided to spice one of the chickens in a Cajun style.

Free Range Chickens

I used whole coriander seeds, some cumin, black pepper corns and mixed spices. I rubbed this onto the one chicken breast. I also made slits in the chicken and inserted slivers of fresh garlic.

While doing this I already had the coals on the go to place in the weber, and when these were ready I poured them into the allocated space and placed tin foil trays to catch the fat (Is hell cleaning a fat and ash weber)

Sprinkle the wet wood chips over each set of coals, place the chickens in the middle of the weber avoiding direct heat

Cover and for the first five minutes or so keep the vents all closed so as much smoke as possible remains in the cooking area.

If only cooking one chicken then maintain the temperature around 200 degrees Celsius (392 Fahrenheit) and leave undisturbed for an hour and ten minutes …. Or if you wish you could check with a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken is cooked through.

Two succulent smoked chickens
I served it with simple fare, mashed butternut flavoured with butter and a pinch of nutmeg, some steamed baby potatoes and a green salad.

Warning: This taste is addictive###

Bon Appetit !!



Damn, this looks awesome. Simple and wholesome. Did you need to add more wood chips?

I did indeed as I was doing two chickens, so ha to refresh the coals. If enough coals initially it is very hard to keep the temperature at 200 degrees celsius, hovers around 230. Well spotted {smile}. So when I refreshed the coals I added a small amount of wood chips (reserved from earlier)
The taste is amazing. The second chicken will be consumed, half tonight in a chicken, leak and mushroom pie, and then tomorrow night a smoked chicken green salad.

About how long do they keep for?

In the fridge, at LEAST a week... but they do start drying out. Which is not a problem if using in a hotpot such as a casserole or pie etc.

Nice,so cool em on Sunday and your chicken is set for the week. Might have to invest in a hibachi.

Gorgeous food post!

Thank you @gringalicious, especially coming from a master {blush}

delicious post

@themagus WOWZA!
That do look so yummy!

I hopw @curie finds this post soon!

Good luck!

Do you like cooking? Why don't you join the Steemit Culinary Challenge ? There's still less than 24 hours before we stop receiving submissions!

Thank you @englishtchrivy. I love cooking, but many other committments does not afford me too many opportunities to play in the kitchen {smile}. I shall go check out the culinary challenge.

@themagus sure, no pressure.
It's about to end in 31 minutes but it'll restart on Friday and hopefully you could join :)

WOW! This looks amazing!

Thanks ... but still not as good as dat Sydney spot {sulk} ... but made some great meals out of it ...

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