Kurtoskalacs - The Famous Chimney Cake || Tungku Asap Manis

in #food7 years ago

Hi friends,

Here I am, thinking hey I finally have a relaxing time, imma listen #mspwaves-audience, but meh, apparently my connection is crappy. Music was coming and going, and now @scaredycatguide is discussing crypto and all I can hear is robot talking 🤦

Just like crypto market is going up and down, that is my connection to the voice chat 😅 But yeah, this non-stop snow showers must be the reason. Internet's been slow 🤦

Ah well, time to share a new recipe, I guess.

I made kurtoskalacs this morning while the boys were having breakfast.


What is kurtoskalacs? It's the famous pastry from Hungary, which in English is called chimney cake. This cake has been trending for the last couple of years, it's crazy. While it's always been common to find in Hungary, Romania, and Germany, now you can even find it all over USA, Canada, other European countries, Japan, Dubai, etc.

Kurtoskalacs is made by rotating dough over amber of fire. Originally it's only sweet, with cinnamon sugar and nuts as the main topping, however in other countries it evolved to savory as well. So today you will find kurtoskalacs served for hotdog and whatnot.

The first time I tried kurtoskalacs was in 2007 when I visited Hungary and only once 😂 It's pretty cheap when you get them from grocery stores but not so much at festivals, and that's where I got mine. But of course it makes sense, the one sold at grocery stores aren't freshly made and most of the time are done using machine instead the traditional way (over fire), while the one at festivals are always done in front of you, fresh, and warm.

I started making my own since 2008. In winter I would make them baked in the oven, in summer grilled on the fire pit in our back yard.

This morning I felt like it but since winter is still here, baked version it was. What so special about kurtoskalacs today, it was my first time veganizing it and it was a success, yay 💃💃💃💃


On the picture: chocolate rice (cocoa butter based sprinkles), fruit sprinkles, cinnamon sugar, walnut


  • In a bowl, mix 1 tbsp flax meal with 2 1/4 tbsp water, let stand until thickened
  • On a separate bowl, heat 250 ml coconut milk beverage to lukewarm, then stir in 1 tbsp active dry yeast. Let stand to bloom
  • On a large bowl, mix 3 1/4 c flour, 2 tbsp icing sugar, a pinch of salt, 1/2 tsp BP. Make a well in center and pour in yeast, flax, and add in 100 g vegan margarine
  • Knead and cover with cling wrap. Let stand until doubled in size, for an H.




  • Rolling pin/empty bottle/cylinder mold
  • Aluminum foil
  • Rectangle pans

Additional and Toppings

  • 3 tbsp brown sugar dissolved in 5 tbsp water
  • enough oil for brushing rolling pins
  • enough melted margarine
  • 3 tbsp sugar mix with enough cinnamon powder (or allspice)
  • crushed walnut
  • enough chocolate rice
  • enough fruit sprinkles

How To

  • Wrap rolling pins with aluminum, brush with oil all over, place on pans while working on dough
  • Roll flat dough and cut into spirals. Wrap dough on rolling pins. Let rest for 20 minutes



  • Preheat oven to 400 F
  • Brush all dough with brown sugar solution (I made 4, 2 large, 2 smaller)
  • Coat one dough with cinnamon sugar and another one with cinnamon sugar and walnut


  • Bake for 12 minutes, rotate rolling pins, and bake for another 13-15 mins
  • Pull kurtoskalacs off the rolling pins carefully


  • Brush the other 2 kurtoskalacs with enough margarine and coat with sprinkles


Hai teman!

Hari ini saya mau bagi resep kue/roti dari Hongaria. Namanya kurtoskalacs atau tungku asap.

Kue/roti ini cukup mendunia, bisa kalian temukan di negara2 Eropa lainnya, bahkan juga sudah sampai di Jepang dan Dubai. Denger2 di Indonesia juga sudah ada, bener ga?


Aslinya kue/roti ini dipanggang dibara api seperti bikin sate, tapi karena disini masih salju turun terus, bisa juga kok dibuat di oven 😁 Yuk tengok resepnya


  • 1 sdm biji Rami yang sudah Di haluskan
  • 2 1/4 sdm air
  • 250 ml susu cair hangat, suam2 kuku
  • 1 sdm ragi butiran
  • 500 g terigu
  • 2 sdm gula bubuk
  • sejumput garam
  • 1/2 sdt pengembang kue (baking powder)
  • 100 g margarin

Cara Membuat

  • Campur air dan biji rami, biarkan hingga mengental
  • Campur ragi kedalam susu cair, biarkan hingga mengembang
  • Campur terigu, gula, garam dalam wadah besar
  • Tuang biji Rami, ragi, serta masukkan margarin ke terigu, olah hingga menjadi adonan bulat
  • Tutup dengan lap bersih, diamkan selama sejam
  • Gilas adonan dan potong melingkar seperti foto diatas
  • Ambil gilasan kayu/botol/cetakan kue berbentuk silinder, bungkus dengan kertas alumunium
  • Ambil potongan adonan dan lingkarkan ke botol yang sudah di bungkus dengan kertas alumunium dan disapu dengan minyak goreng.
  • Resep ini menghasilkan 4 roti/kue
  • Larutkan 3 sdm gula palem kedalam 5 sdm air, sapu cairan ini ke 4 roti/kue
  • Untuk satu roti saya taburi dengan campuran gula pasir dan kayu manis bubuk, satu roti dengan kacang walnut. Yang 2 saya biarkan tanpa taburan
  • Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 200 C, selama 12 menit, putar kue/roti biar masaknya rata, dan panggang kembali 13-15 menit
  • Tarik roti/kue dari botol secara perlahan, sapu yang 2 tanpa taburan dengan mentega cair, lalu gulingkan dalam meises



Jadi deh 😊

Thanks For Looking!

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Okay that looks absolutely amazing!

That looks so good =) Could really go for something sweet right now =)

Thanks Nicole!

How's your holiday?

It was great :) calm and relaxing. We will celebrate easter next weekend with my family since I came home on thursday and needed some time for the jetlag so settle :D

Never heard of this, but dang it looks delicious! Now I am hungry... again. LOL :-D

You are in USA, right?

They are sold either in bakeries (and ice cream shops), festival, or street vendors at farmer's markets

Anaheim, CA (house of chimney cakes)
Saratoga, FL (2 so far, farmers market and the mall at UTC)
LA (smogasrbord)

Tons more, I just woke up, too lazy to Google 😂

My husband was flying multiple flights, so he can't remember exactly where, but it was at an airport (between Alabama, Tennessee, and some where else)

Hiya @thekitchenfairy :-) Yes, I live in PA... up in the mountains! Might have ta google that myself. Thx! Have a great night. :-)


Thank you @thekitchenfairy. Honestly I've never heard of kurtoskalacs.
But sure looks and sounds very scrumptious. "Cinanamen Sugar Walnut" ??
Uhmm good :)

I'm copying and pasting this answer that i typed for my American Steemit friends 😂

They are sold either in bakeries (and ice cream shops), festival, or street vendors at farmer's markets

Anaheim, CA (house of chimney cakes)
Saratoga, FL (2 so far, farmers market and the mall at UTC)
LA (smogasrbord)

Tons more, I just woke up, too lazy to Google 😂

My husband was flying multiple flights, so he can't remember exactly where, but it was at an airport (between Alabama, Tennessee, and some where else)

I have yet to see it here in the USA but it looks pretty yummy.

Sorry, copy paste from my typing above 😂

They are sold either in bakeries (and ice cream shops), festival, or street vendors at farmer's markets

Anaheim, CA (house of chimney cakes)
Saratoga, FL (2 so far, farmers market and the mall at UTC)
LA (smogasrbord)

Tons more, I just woke up, too lazy to Google 😂

My husband was flying multiple flights, so he can't remember exactly where, but it was at an airport (between Alabama, Tennessee, and some where else)

Hopefully cheetah don't show up 😂

This is so interesting and looks yummy. I haven't seen this in the US. I hope to come across it soon. Or I guess I can make my own like you do ... =D!

And another copying pasting my own typing to the other American Steemit friends 😂

They are sold either in bakeries (and ice cream shops), festival, or street vendors at farmer's markets

Anaheim, CA (house of chimney cakes)
Saratoga, FL (2 so far, farmers market and the mall at UTC)
LA (smogasrbord)

Tons more, I just woke up, too lazy to Google 😂

My husband was flying multiple flights, so he can't remember exactly where, but it was at an airport (between Alabama, Tennessee, and some where else)

It's super good, I hope you will get to try it one-day!

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