Apple Pie Steamed Buns || Bakpao Isi Apel

in #food7 years ago (edited)

If you are a regular, you'd know by now I have tons of steamed buns recipes shared on my Steemit account. Yes, steamed buns are like one of the staple food in my house, however I never really make them exactly the same, as I don't want the kids to get bored. Funny is, my youngest son likes steamed buns without filling (mantou) or only with chocolate. Having said that, don't get bored if it's another steamed buns recipe 😂

What I have is an apple steamed bun, although my 8 yo son calls it apple pie steamed buns - said it reminds him of McDonald's apple pie.



  • 1 large apple and 2 regular size apples, skinned, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp vegan margarine
  • a pinch of allspice powder
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in 2-3 tbsp water


How To

  • Place everything on a non stick pan, cook til thicken then low heat and let simmer until apples soften.

While apple is cooling, let's make the buns dough!


  • 3/4 c coconut milk beverage, lukewarm

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 1/2 tsp active dry yeast

  • 1 1/2 c flour

  • a pinch of salt

  • 1 tsp icing sugar


How To

  • Mix sugar and yeast in lukewarm milk, let stand to bloom, 5 mins
  • Mix flour, salt, and icing sugar in a bowl
  • Pour in yeast mixture, stir and knead
  • Cover dough with plastic wrap and let rest for 15-20 mins
  • Divide dough into 4 portions
  • Preheat a steamer
  • Roll each dough flat and fill with apple filling. Grab all sides, shape into a round, seam to seal
  • Steam buns for 10 mins
  • Serve warm is best



Suka bakpao ga? Dirumah saya, bakpao merupakan salah satu menu wajib. Setidaknya seminggu sekali atau seminggu dua kali, pasti saya kudu buat bakpao, habis pada suka semua sih, sampai pipi jadi bakpao juga 😂

Bakpao berikut ini isinya apple. Dicoba deh, mudah dan empuuuuuk, dijamin 😊

Bahan Isi

  • 1 buah apel ukuran besar dan 2 apel ukuran biasa, tanpa kulit, cacah, ga perlu halus
  • 2 sdm gula pasir
  • 2 set air jeruk lemon
  • sejumput bubuk kayu manis
  • 1 sdm margarin
  • 1/2 sdm maizena, larutkan dalam 2-3 sdm air

Cara Membuat

  • Masak hingga mengental dan apel melunak

Adonan Bakpao

  • 3/4 c susu kelapa (disini ada susu kelapa buat diminum layaknya susu sapi - jadi bukan santan, bisa pakai susu lainnya), hangat suam2 kuku

  • 1 sdm gula pasir

  • 1/2 sdt ragi butiran

  • 1 1/2 gelas terigu

  • sejumput garam

  • 1 sdt gula bubuk

Cara Membuat

  • Campurkan gula dan ragi kedalam susu, biarkan hingga mengembang
  • Di wadah lain, campurkan terigu, garam, dan gula bubuk
  • Adukkan ragi kedalam terigu, adon hingga menjadi satu. Tutup dengan lap bersih, biarkan 15-20 menit
  • Panaskan kukusan
  • Bagi adonan menjadi 4
  • Gilas rata, beri isian, tutup dan bentuk menjadi bulatan
  • Kukus bakpao 10 menit, sajikan hangat


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Model nya seperti bakpau ya ka...
Kayanya enak banget... Mau dong...

Kan emang bakpao, judulnya Aja ada bakpaonya 😂

Looks soooo good. That’s Indonesian dessert?

Hey thanks!

It's Indonesia, Malaysian, Thai, etc

It's originally from China but you can find many variety of steamed buns all over South East Asian countries 😉

You’re welcome. Thank you. I love the Chinese cha siu pork steamed bun. Apple looks good though.

Never seen this before. Thanks for sharing :)

Do you a Chinese restaurant nearby? They usually have steamed buns 😊

I’ll have to look up your other steamed buns posts as I enjoy steamed buns in any form!

Oh I don't doubt that. Which Asians don't like steamed buns 😉

Kue yang saya kangenin tapi saya belum pernah makan bakpao apel. Keknya enak banget bakpao ne.

Di Indo emang isinya sapi, ayam, kacang2an, coklat yang lazim

Kalau saya ISI terserah, kadang selai, kadang sarikaya 😂

Lebih enak nya lagi bakpao rasa durian

Susah durian disini euy

Pasti Enak pakai durian

Ngiler deh

Original photo by: @taqincz
Kalau udh plng ke indonesia mampir aja ke tempat aku. Biar kita bisa makan durian di kebun

Mantaaaap 👍👍👍👍

These look really good. I love apples and steamed buns. And this is so much better than McDonald's could ever put out! Thanks for sharing!

My pleasure and thank you for the kinds words!

The recipe only make 4 buns btw, in case you'd like to try

oooooh that sounds brilliant. Never thought of that before.
Feel free to drop some around. LOL

I don't drive nor pilot an airplane, how about you knock on me door, I'd be happy to make some for you 😉

LOL, maybe easier for me to just make my own. :(

How could anyone get bored of steamed buns?!

Oh good you're writing in Malay as well, maybe if I read it enough the grammar will click XD


Picky eaters, that's who 😂 maybe I would too if the filling is always the same, not sure, haven't test that theory yet 😂

rasanya manis banget yaa Mbak?

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