Witness My Culinary Roadtrip Over The Isle Of Tenerife: Tapas, Vino & Traditions 🍷

in #food7 years ago (edited)
You have to taste a culture to understand it. - Deborah Cater

Oh I like your way of thinking, Deborah!

Is there anything better than discovering a place and its culture through a menu and a wine list?

As I mentioned a couple of times before, my inner circle of friends doesn't live with me on the same island. That means, that we do some island hopping every now and then, to see each other, update ourselves on the latest experiences and stories, enjoy some food and drinks, live some quality time together and have a lot of fun.

Last weekend I jumped over to Tenerife where I hadn't been for a couple of months. That's always a special trip for me since I lived there before moving over to Lanzarote. When the airplane approaches the island revealing some stunning views on Mount Teide (Spanish's highest mountain), my heart starts beating faster reminding me of some excellent memories.

Here's to the wonderful culinary traditions of the Isle of Tenerife!

No roof - no problems! @surfermarly roadtripping with her friends on Tenerife

Vivan las tradiciones! 🍷

I've always been a huge fan of discovering places through their culinary treasures.

On Canary Islands we have a deeply developed culture of food and wine. Everybody who loves abundant plates, full-bodied tastes and plain fare with excellent quality will fall in love with the North of Tenerife.

Lucky me I have some local friends on Tenerife who perfectly know the area and who took me from one hot spot to the next.

When you visit Tenerife, you need to discover the culture of "Guachinches" (spoken: Whuatcheancheese).

A Guachinche is similar to a bodega. They are pure family businesses.

The difference between a regular restaurant and a Guachinche is the range of products and the way the food and wine are served.

While you are allowed to serve basically any sort of plate having a regular restaurant's licence, the licence given to Guachinches is more restricted. For instance, the're not allowed to serve bottled beer and wine. They only offer their own home-made wine, usually given in recycled and frozen (!) Coke glass bottles.

Here's how a typical situation in a Guachinche looks like: YES, we were sitting right in front of the open kitchen!

A typical starter: Red wine (from the barrel served in frozen recycled Coke bottles), bread, goat cheese and olives.

The second plate is 100% Canarian: "Escaldón de Gofio" (Gofio flour, onions, broth, vinegar, olive oil, salt). That one won't win a price for beauty, but I swear that the taste fully compensates the lack of visual effects :-)

In a few words: At a Guachinche you will eat what mom cooked that day.

And as we all know: nobody cooks better than mommie does :-)

Usually you start with a bit of bread, goat cheese (often their own home-made one) and red wine, served in the frozen bottles I mentioned before.

While you're eating at the counter right in front of the kitchen, you witness the whole family preparing the menu of the day. More authenticity is impossible!

You won't find much of these spots in ordinary travel guides, however there is an application for that.

guachapp.com: "Find typical Canarian food & wine via application"

Obviously, the best tour guide in the world is a local best friend.

When I organized my island hopping from Lanzarote to Tenerife, my friends and I quickly knew how we wanted to spend our quality time together.

Whenever I'm on their island, I love driving through the forests with them and stop every now and then at one of the Guachinches, have some tapas and go ahead.

Pole position!

Cruising through some little streets on the Northern side of Tenerife

The journey is the reward on Tenerife: Blue skies, clean and fresh air, infinite green vineyards and stunning views on the coast with its dark blue Atlantic Ocean being on the horizon.

Everybody who had ever the chance to visit Tenerife would probably agree: the North of the island is a real feast for the eyes.

This place is full of vitality!

The first Guachiche on our route was called "Parralito". You wouldn't find it without knowing the exact address, since it's perfectly hidden in a Residencial area up on the mountain of La Matanza. Only a little sign at the entrance suggested some culinary treasures.

Here's where you litterally make yourself a home.

"Vino de mi cosecha" = Wine from our own grape harvest

The entrace of "Parralito"

This tour is not suitable for fussy eaters!

Different cultures = different tastes! Plain fare is always a challenge for your palate.

People who are picky with food wouldn't enjoy such a roadtrip, so I'm happy my parents educated me to try everything no matter how strange it looks like :-)

As I mentioned showing the example of 'Escaldón de Gofio': sometimes the plate doesn't look very appetizing, but then you are rewarded with an explosion of flavors in your mouth!

After having a maximally nutritive 'breakfast', we headed towards the next yummy stop.

It was time to meet 'Doña Candelaria'!

The address gave the name to this 'Guachinche'

The spot! As simple as you might imagine it. Do you see the wine barrel at the left hand side and the Coke bottle on the counter?

View from the outside: my friends Jorge (George) and Alfonso - los quiero!!!

@surfermarly having some extra yummy grilled quail, super delicious home-made 'papas' (potatoe chips) and (of course) the 'vino de la casa' (home-made wine)

Guess how much we paid for grilled quail, fried potatoe chips and red wine the three of us?

The bill was 13.89 Euros which is about 16.30 USD (less than 6 USD per person!).

Yes, a Guachinche tour is not only freaking delicious, it's also freaking cheap - haha!

Now you know how to make me happy in one day :-)

Our third and last stop of this culinary fun tour was the City of La Laguna which is part of the world cultural heritage.

I'm not exagerating if I tell you that in one of the 'Tascas' (taverns) in the centre, we enjoyed the probably best 'pata asada' (roast pork) I've had in my life so far.

I'll take you there in one of my next articles, so stay tuned :-)

Have a great and yummy day, steemians!

Marly -

PS: Don't forget: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach (and the way to a girl's heart, too). 😋

Thanks for your valuable time!
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aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
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Original content.


Your journey's always teach me something new. I can only wish we had more places such as these where I'm at instead of the dreaded "same" on every corner. Wouldn't it be nice to sit in one of these places down the street from where you live with the great company of family and friends eating and drinking homemade meals and beverages from the recipe's of someone else's family! The ingredients nurtured with love and thought being clean from the garden out back and not from massive companies such as Sysco foods............... I digress. Enjoyed!

Oh yeah, I'm also one of these 'back to basics' lovers :-) There is nothing more appreciated than a good meal in best company. Unfortunately most of the food we buy at grosery stores is crap. High quality can only be reached if you do it yourself.
Thanks for stopping by and loving the content :-))
Big hugs :-*

I'm completely agreed with you! Every time when i discover some new place or country i always visit a local cafe or a restaurant.
If you want to discover this place you should try their cuisine and their famous drink!

Few days ago i was i Prague and we ordered their traditional dish : a reindeer knee and of course a beer😁 I recommend to everyone who will ever be in Prague to try it out! It is very tasty!!

Reindeer knee?!

Wow. That's a really special dish, haha!

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your own experience.

wow, super yummy looking food, i love days like that, we need more relaxed eating places and we need to connect them up IOT style! :)

i love days like that

Me, too!
We simply followed the smell of the food, haha

Muchas gracias for this amazing and tasty tour!!! I appreciate the fact that you show authentic pictures of your trip and that you don't show everything from the perfect angle like for example the picture of the typical Canarian "Escaldón de Gofio". I love Spain and I have visited a few cities already - especially Granada has been a great experience for me, I loved their tapas culture and the way the people celebrate every moment! But I have never been to the Canary islands and would love to go there sometime soon! I agree with you that you shouldn't be picky if you want to travel and actually also get to see and feel a different culture - its so important to actually see the local places and eat the food everybody eats over there!

Thanks for stopping by @skitems!
The food culture on the Spanish mainland is amazing, I fully agree.
I've been to Barcelona a couple of times and LOVED their tapas bar culture, for instance. Also I've been eating incredibly good in Madrid.
Have a great day!

Oh que viaje tan espectacular, parece un cuento de películas, quede con ganas de seguir leyendo lo genial que te lo pasas en Tenerife. Saludos...

Muchísimas gracias por tus amables palabras, @hegaby! Me alegro que te haya gustado de tal manera :-) Por mí el viaje podría haber tardado una eternidad.
En mi próximo artículo enseñaré otra parte bonita de Tenerife...

Y leyendo lo maravilloso y agradable que lo pasas entiendo porque te hubiese gustado que así fuera... Lo esperare con ansias @surfermarly...

Been following you from the post about dream to become actor but happy on your comfort zone..

Oh gosh, after reading your post after post, I think even actors would be dying to live the life that you are living.. full of travel n food.. that is the way to live the life to the fullest... way to go..

I love island hoping too, did that in tioman n krabi.. thanks to you, the next destination definitely be Guachinche.. love home made wine.. only tasted that back in France on study tour.. You are one of the lucky on who enjoy urself to the fullest, n extremely glad that you are steemit to others so that others can enjoy on the viewings too.. :)

Would be eagerly waiting for your City of La Laguna reveal.. :) God Bless..

Thanks for your lovely comment, @shreetbn! Nice read :-)
You may be right: I'm quite fortunate with the life I've built around me. It was hard work to come so far, and it was totally worth it.

Today I'll blog post about one of the beaches on Tenerife, but then the next article will be about this great tavern I found in the City of La Laguna :-) Promised.

Have a great day!

Excelente reseña, se mira muy bien la comida y el vino, muy buen post @surfermarly gracias por compartir, saludos!

Un placer! Ya te digo que la calidad de comida y vino fue del diez. Lo recomiendo de todo corazón :-)

Thank you for the awesome impressions!
Now it's nearly midnight and I'm getting hungry.. ;-P

Haha, I hope you didn't fall into temptation :-)
Thank YOU for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the tour.

Haha I said to myself that If I endure till tomorrow, I'll get double breakfast!
So I accomplished!! :D
You're welcome :)

Thank you for the culinary tour! It looks like you had lots of fun and should I ever get into that part of the world, I look forward to searching out some of these places!

Oh, I'd totally recommend you to do that. It's definitely worth it!
I'm glad you enjoyed the 'virtual tour' :-)

Oh thats funny we live in the same part of the World @surfermarly ) Im living in La Gomera since 6 years ! Lanzarote i have not yet been there, but I hear it pretty damn nice )

I know - we were in contact last summer when we both joined the platform :-)
Every island has their own character ('encanto'), they're all special. I love the food on La Gomera, for instance. Almogrote is one of my favourite dishes there :-P

Ah ok )) Yes that quite delicious eh ?? Seems you like your food eh @surfermarly ) So if ever you plan on coming over here to my island would be nice maybe to hook up ?? surf-on )

Sure! We could also organize a little Canary Island meet-up one day with all the steemians that call these islands their home.

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