Hot kampot:) Or really healthy and tasty viburnum tea!

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Today I decided to collect some viburnum to make healthy hot tea.

Here is a simple recipe of a very tasty hot drink.

Everything you need is:

  • viburnum;
  • honey;
  • hot (not boiled) water;
  • any spices you like (I prefer pure taste, so I'll not add anything except honey).

Wash viburnum and squeeze the juice.

Add honey and hot (not boiled water).

Find your favorite cup and enjoy a delicious drink:)

Original poetry and stories. My own photographs.
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Congratulations @sonyanka! Your post is part of the Steemitrecipes Daily Picks - Entry 029!

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oooo this sounds delicious , something to try - I love trying out new tea flavours, especially organic growing produce ones- I did a post on Hibiscus Tea from scratch yesterday - here's link if your interested
thanks for the share
Your pictures are lovely too

Thank you for your comment ! I'm so glad you liked my recipe! It is really full of vitamins, especially with honey!
And thanks for your link! I like Hibiscus tea and will try your recipes.

That looks so great! What is the common name you call this? I learned it as the Highbush Cranberry, even though it's not related to cranberries at all. I've cooked it into jam, but never made tea. I will have to try that!

I'm tagging this with the #foraging tag. If you add the Foraging tag to your posts, it will be easier for me to find it and consider it for the SteemTrail @foraging-trail curation. You can find out more here and here.

I'm glad you like my recipe! We call this berry guelder rose or viburnum. I cook jam too. But it has more vitamins being fresh:)
I'll be glad to use the tag you mentioned. Thank you!

I really like learning the names that plants have in different regions. And learning how people use plants, too. It helps connect us all over the world - and with traditions of people in the past. I will definitely try this tea the next time I run across this great plant.

I like to learn new too! Thank you for your attention and comments. I'm sure we'll find lots of new useful information and interesting persons on Steemit!

I'll add this link just to be sure, that we are talking about the same berries:)

Thanks for doing that. Yes, it's the same berries. Both Viburnum. Each of ours was a different species: Viburnum opulus and V. trilobum. But they have been combined into one now (Viburnum opulus).

Thank you for posting @sonyanka.
This looks like a lovely tea..thank you for the photographs and instructions. Always learning at Steemit.
@yetares was kind enough to resteem.
All the best.

Thank you for your kind answer, @bleujay! Try to make it. It's really easy and full of vitamins:)
Wish you lots of smiles!

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